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Posts posted by billyblade

  1. its a moral imperative to knife a frozen enemy when he is blocking your way to stairs or a door, or is alone in your spawn, or is wildthing, or is spinning, or has a lightbulb above him giving up your position to teamates, or is dancing up and down, or is looking at you sideways, or looks fat in his camo, or is just plain ugly. Now, did I miss anything? BTW, did I mention that when wildthing is frozen you must also empty a clip or two in his frozen ass along with a few knife strokes. It encourages him, cuz he'll definitely do you that way, if he dont light ya up first!

  2. that quote is a poor attempt at damage control to try and lure the pc customers back over the fence.....BULLSHIT!!!!!. Great video though. I hope it goes bust for them greedy bastards!!! Corporate fascism sucks, and I'll bet some of the guys who made the server decision dont even play, they're too busy counting their money to worry about such!

  3. the question that begs to be answered here is...is windows 7 free of any of the annoyances of vista? i bought an hp pavillion with vista for the sole purpose of playing cod4. I wish i had XP! i'm sorry, but i cant imagine windows 7 works with any more

  4. i'm like you sonovabich. I am content with cod4. I stink at this stupid game anyways, so how much difference could playing the other really have? Not to mention that i boycotted as well and intend to stand on that (until everyone else relents. I wont be the first lemming over the cliff). Yell

  5. you know, the shame of it all is how much money they are gonna make. If the release is so hyped that they stand to gain like a hollywood box office smash, then why would the insignificant amount of chump change that they think they would make i.e. warcraft and blizzard style, charging for server access matter? Thats a ridiculously low amount compared to the retail sales of the unit itself. I cant believe that a bunch of video playing geeky nerds have turned into the model for corporate fascism and greed. FUCK THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hope everyone one of em gets sick of playing the same old shit and winds up sitting around wishing there was some cool ass dedicated mods for that piece of shit!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. im with reload. I had a logitech but it quickly succumbed to the chinese disease. I spent the doe on a creative fatality. Sounds is awesome....especially for music as much as gaming. Not to mention that the mic plugs in and is detachable. I think the rotating mic on the headset may eventually be more prone to breakage like on the logitech. I also bought it cuz i didnt have to shell out any cash. Charge that bastard at best buy...69.95 plus tax.

  7. If you dont have it, you might want it. I got a program(free) thats stops certain unnecessary programs for gaming. I got it off a post from Budsr. It helps lower my ping a little. Check old posts and you might find it, or check with budsr. I think it helps a little ( or a lot depending on your situation). And if you have it, then maybe a new modem?

  8. Im not sure how much i trust ea either. Seems to me i remember hearing that when spore came out it attached something on your hard drive that A) couldnt be removed and B) only allowed your computer to load and execute ea material from that point on. I was gonna download spore and ran across a bunch of these type reports on web forums. Seems a bit fishy, so ah dunno. Eventually a game will come out that is somewhat safe, and most importantly allows dedicated servers for modding and/or any other selfish purpose we can create.

  9. sorry son, i still think the killhouse would rock with about 30 guys running around. There are plenty of places to hide from grenades, kinda sorta, gotta be resourceful. Well, maybe not, ah dunno.At any rate, the shipment map used for the ace mod seemed, if i remember correctly, alot bigger than the shipment map i have played in other servers. No fence around the perimeter of where all the containers are located. Course those servers were freeforall, with about 40 people, instant spawn slaughter. I do know this. Ftag on the killhouse would have alot of cussiong on the mike. That in and of itself would be hysterical, especially to listen to the SERIOUS

  10. no way son! the killhouse would be quite exciting and interesting for ftag, at least for a short novelty. The strategy would have to be completely different, Lotta run and gun and use of sub-machine guns(skorpion...yeah!!!). G3,s would be hard unless you're like some and a complete expert at any range(not me...go figureYell). Probably a lotta knifing goin on as well. Hmmmmmm............... it gives one cause to pause................

  11. i like the spacemap myself, dont much care for chicago or agroprom, but thats just cuz i stink at those maps. Would love to see the small map (i cant remeber the name) it was an iraqi town, good fast action.definitely dont remove remogen(remogan, ramogen???) That map rocks for ftag.

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