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  1. Like
    STARPICKET reacted to Warthog in Old Hog Enjoying The Games   
    Been enjoying games on the server for a couple of months now.
    I am an old retired guy who lives on the East Coast of Australia with plenty of spare time on my hands.
    love the way you operate the game using the commonsense approach.
    See you all ingame
  2. Like
    STARPICKET reacted to DangurXtreme in Extreme In The House   
    Hello friends! I am here because Belted yelled at me.
    For those that don't know me, I am usually on the freeze tag serv late at night. This site looks very well made. Nice job to those involved!
    See you all on the servers.
  3. Like
    STARPICKET reacted to 1Tigerlily in Yes, I Finely Made It To The Sight.   
    Well, I made my way here after four years of playing off and on your gaming sights. I have played on Call of Duty 4, Call of Duty WWW, and Black Ops.
    After a quiet day a work, I enjoy a loud game of Call of Duty!
  4. Like
    STARPICKET reacted to Ricko in Chillie On Tv   
    hahahaha amigo
  5. Like
    STARPICKET got a reaction from -cracken- in G'day all   
    Great to be and read a post from a fellow "Aussie Idiot".
    I'm not sure that living down under, as we do, gives us an advantage of being greater idiots than our friends who reside on the top half of the planet.
    Any way, who cares, as I have Bundi Rum feeling coming on.
    Keep up the good work Hellkid!
  6. Like
    STARPICKET got a reaction from HellKid in G'day all   
    Great to be and read a post from a fellow "Aussie Idiot".
    I'm not sure that living down under, as we do, gives us an advantage of being greater idiots than our friends who reside on the top half of the planet.
    Any way, who cares, as I have Bundi Rum feeling coming on.
    Keep up the good work Hellkid!
  7. Like
    STARPICKET got a reaction from -cracken- in Introducing Myself   
    My gaming name is "starpicket", I am an Australian male of senior years, and live on the Queensland coastal area, in a spot called Redland Bay
    I am retired, but spent my working life as a Cartographer in the service of the state's Surveey and Mapping Authority.
    I joined Australia's Army Reserve, 1960 and served as a "Sapper" until retiring 1n 1990 with the rank of Warrent Officer Class 2, Australian Engineering Corp.
    I picked my gaming name of starpicket from one of the fundamental tools used by field engineers being the 6ft steel picket or star picket as we refer to same.
    I have only recently been introduced to online gaming by my three sons, who are regular players on XtremeIdots web site and they go by the names of:- "Hellkid: Jimboom and Cracon"
    I trust you, my American friends, will forgive my some what delayed responses at some critical times, as we, in Australia suffer a lag time which is reflected in our high ping.
    Thanks for now, looking forward to playing with you in the future.
  8. Like
    STARPICKET reacted to Cross in Cross's Joke Of The Day   
    A professor of mathematics sent a fax to his wife.
    Dear Wife, You must realize that you are 54 years old, and I have certain needs that you are no longer able to satisfy. I am otherwise happy with you as a wife and sincerely hope that you will not be hurt or offended to learn that by the time you receive this letter, I will be at the Grand Hotel with my 18-year-old teaching assistant. I'll be home before midnight. Your Husband.
    When he arrived at the hotel, there was a faxed letter waiting for him that read as follows:
    Dear Husband, You too are 54 years old, and by the time you receive this letter, I will be at the Breakwater Hotel with the 18-year-old pool boy. Since you are the mathematician, you will appreciate the fact that
    18 goes into 54 more times than 54 goes into 18. Therefore, don't wait up.
  9. Like
    STARPICKET reacted to Cross in Cross's Joke Of The Day   
    A man takes his wife to the stock show. They start heading down the alley that had the bulls. They come up to the first bull and his sign stated: "This bull mated 50 times last year." The wife turns to her husband and says, "He mated 50 times in a year, you could learn from him." They proceed to the next bull and his sign stated: "This bull mated 65 times last year." The wife turns to her husband and says, "This one mated 65 times last year. That is over 5 times a month. You can learn from this one, also." They proceeded to the last bull and his sign said: "This bull mated 365 times last year." The wife's mouth drops open and says, "WOW! He mated 365 times last year. That is ONCE A DAY!!! You could really learn from this one." The man turns to his wife and says,
    "Go up and inquire if it was 365 times with the same cow."
  10. Like
    STARPICKET reacted to Cross in Cross's Joke Of The Day   
    Bob says to Lester, "You know, I reckon I'm about ready for a vacation, only this year I'm gonna do it a little different. The last few years, I took your advice as to where to go. Two years ago you said to go to Hawaii, I went to Hawaii, and Marie got pregnant. Then last year, you told me to go to the Bahamas, I went to the Bahamas, and Marie got pregnant again." Lester says, "So what you gonna do different this year?" Bob says,
    "This year, I'm takin' Marie with me..."
  11. Like
    STARPICKET reacted to Cross in Cross's Joke Of The Day   
    this is for those of you that remember this tape :-D
    A blonde decides to do something wild she hasn't done before, so she sets out to rent her first x-rated adult video. She goes to the video store and, after looking around for a while, selects a title that sounds very stimulating. When she arrives home, lights some candles, slips into something comfortable, and puts the tape into the VCR. To her disappointment, there's nothing but static on the screen, so she calls the video store to complain. "I just rented an adult movie from you and there's nothing on the tape but static." "Sorry about, that," replied the store clerk. "We've had problems with some of those tapes. Which title did you rent?"
    The blonde replied, "It's called 'Head Cleaner.'"
  12. Like
    STARPICKET reacted to Cross in Cross's Joke Of The Day   
    Two soldiers were having a chat during their free time. First Soldier: Why did you join the army? Second Soldier: I didn't have a wife and I loved war. So I joined. How about you? Why did you join the army? First Soldier:
    I had a wife and I loved peace. So I joined
  13. Like
    STARPICKET reacted to Cross in Cross's Joke Of The Day   
    Three old guys are sitting around complaining. The first guy says, "My hands shake so bad that when I shaved this morning I almost cut my ear off." The second guy says, "My hands shake so bad that when I ate breakfast today, I spilled half my coffee on my toast." The third guy says,
    "My hands shake so bad that the last time I went to pee I came in my pants before i could even take my dick out.
  14. Like
    STARPICKET reacted to Cross in Cross's Joke Of The Day   
    An 18-year-old girl finally had the opportunity to go to a party by herself. Since she was very good-looking, she was a bit nervous about what to do if boys hit on her. Her mom said, "It's very easy! Whenever a boy starts hitting on you, you ask him, 'What will be the name of our baby?' That'll scare them off." So off she went. After a little while at the party, a boy started dancing with her, and little by little he started kissing her and touching her. She asked him, "What will our baby be called?" The boy found some excuse and disappeared. Some time later, the same thing happened again: a boy started to kiss her neck, her shoulders... She stopped him and asked about the baby's name, and he ran off.
    Later on, another boy invited her for a walk. After a few minutes, he started kissing her, and she asked him, "What will our baby be called?" He continued, now slowly taking her clothes off. "What will our baby be called?" she asked once more. He began to have sex with her. "What will our baby be called?!" she asked again. After he was done, he took off his "full" condom, gave it a knot, and said,
    "If he gets out of this one... David Copperfield!
  15. Like
    STARPICKET reacted to Cross in Cross's Joke Of The Day   
    A wife says to her friend, "Our sex life stinks." Her friend says, "Do you ever watch your husband's face when you're having sex?" She says, "Once, and I saw rage." Her friend says, "Why would he be angry during sex?" The wife says,
    "Because he was looking through the window at us."
  16. Like
    STARPICKET reacted to Cross in Cross's Joke Of The Day   
    One day Little Susie got her "monthly bleeding" for the first time in her life. Having failed to understand what was going on and being really frightened, she decided to share her trouble with little Johnny. Having found Johnny she told and showed him what her problem was. Johnny's face grew serious and he said,
    "You know, I'm not a doctor, but it looks like someone just ripped your balls off!"
  17. Like
    STARPICKET reacted to Cross in Cross's Joke Of The Day   
    There was a man who wanted a pure wife. So he started to attend church to find a woman. He met a gal who seemed nice so he took her home. When they got there, he whips out his manhood and asks "What's this?" She replies "A cock." He thinks to himself that she is not pure enough.
    A couple of weeks later he meets another gal and soon takes her home. Again, he pulls out his manhood and asks the question. She replies "A cock". He is pissed because she seemed more pure than the first but oh well.
    A couple of weeks later he meets a gal who seems real pure. She won't go home with him for a long time but eventually he gets her to his house. He whips it out and asks, "What is this?" She giggles and says "A pee-pee" He thinks to himself that he has finally found his woman.
    They get married but after several months every time she sees his member she giggles and says "That's your pee-pee." He finally breaks down and says "Look this is not a pee-pee, it is a cock."
    She laughs and says "No it's not, a cock is ten inches long and black".
  18. Like
    STARPICKET reacted to Cross in Cross's Joke Of The Day   
    There was an exhibitionist who was taking a trip on an airplane. At the top of the stairs there was a stewardess who was collecting tickets. So when the man got to the top of the stairs, he opened his coat and exposed himself. The stewardess said, "I'm sorry sir. You have to show your ticket here, not your stub."
  19. Like
    STARPICKET reacted to Cross in Cross's Joke Of The Day   
    Tarzan had been living alone in his jungle kingdom for 30 years with only apes for company, and suitably shaped holes in trees for sex. Jane, a reporter, came to Africa in search of this legendary figure. Deep in the wilds she came to a clearing and discovered Tarzan vigorously thrusting into a jungle oak. She watched in awe for a while.
    Finally, overcome by this display of animal passion Jane came out into the open and offered herself to him. As she reclined on the wild grass Tarzan ran up to her and gave her a big kick in the crotch. In pain she screamed 'What the hell did you do that for?' Tarzan replied, 'Always check for squirrels.'
  20. Like
    STARPICKET reacted to GorillaXI in Gorilla Nuts   
    Was at work today and saw these.
  21. Like
    STARPICKET got a reaction from HellKid in Crazygirl   
    Welcolme to the forum's, Crazy Girl.
  22. Like
    STARPICKET got a reaction from -cracken- in Dicks Are Getting Smaller   
    I wish you would stop dicking around and discuss real issues like shrinking water supplies which in turn would affect the amount of whisky and beer that will be able to be made in the future. This would have a direct flow on effect on the numbers of XIdiots generated in the future.
  23. Like
    STARPICKET reacted to Exe in Dicks Are Getting Smaller   
    HXTR!! Stop eating! Stop drinking! And quit Smoking!! Girls can't feel your dick...
  24. Like
    STARPICKET reacted to TheLastColdBeer in Dicks Are Getting Smaller   
    I thought BB stood for Biggus Buttheadeus.....oh wait, that could be mistaken for a personal attack. Damn these censors, they're sooo sensitive.
    Sorry Blago, it wasn't personal!
  25. Like
    STARPICKET reacted to little_old_man in Dicks Are Getting Smaller   
    Your brother sent me a picture of your high school girlfriend.

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