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Posts posted by Shultz#USA

  1. I've ever had a problem with you and you are for me a good Player Characters same s hack lol. I wanted to ask you because I am always asked the question:

    c shultz is not German?

    I think that we will see you soon again, even if you made ​​mistake that many young people. ;) 

    Shultz without the c is actually Dutch. :)

  2. Hm. Clan Members asked you to use a hack?

    Sorry m8 but would you jump off a bridge if someone says JUMP!? I don't think so.


    It is no personal thing as I don't know you but "others said" is no argument or apology.




    have u tried appealing

    Yes, at XI and PB. Unfortunately, it won't be lifted.




    >Hmm. Well why the fuck did you get banned? Get your shit to


    It was 3 years ago...I let some clan members talk me into using hacks, thinking I could get away with it...stupid mistake, but you know how karma is!


    i really doubt some clan member talked you into using hacks....


    I never meant as in "They made me do it." I just felt I wouldn't get punished for it, and they provided the link for it, so I thought I had nothing to lose and ultimately chose wrong. Sorry if you got that impression. 


    I will miss you all, and I appreciate the kind words.....(and kicking your butts!) Maybe one day I will see some of you on another server :)

  3. My goal with XI has sadly ended...I won't be playing with you guys anymore due to a past PB ban... Thanks Pink, Pete, SoB, Radar, Janey, Roxy, Chris, and many others for the great times, and for the great experience! For those who I didn't get along with very well, I apologize for the times we argued and hopefully can put that behind.....Thank you Xtreme Idiots. Sometimes you guys truly acted like ones :D




  4. I have done further studies into my PB Ban, and after talking with them for a second time, it has been noted that I am not assigned with that GUID anymore. Hopefully this can be resolved soon, as I have been using this GUID for over a year with no problems. I have also searched the MBi database and have not come back with any results of it being within the database. This PB ban happened over 2 years ago, and I can not changed what has happened, but the past is the past, and I have not hacked since, nor on any XI server, and I do not see why I am being punished, but if the Admins agree that I am banned, I will gladly leave in respect of XI. If you need my GUID number, I will gladly send it to you via PM.  I talked to PB, and they do not acknowledge the ban, saying the following:


    "Note #4: This is a local ban from that server. You need to contact the server admin to find out why you have been banned, and if that admin's server is part of a master ban list, who runs it. 

    Several large Master Ban Lists are frequently used by server admins. The main ones are: 


    More MBL: 
    http://www.anticheatinc.com/ (ACI) 
    http://www.game-violations.org (G-V) 
    http://www.aaserveradmins.net (AASA) 
    http://airdaleops.com/ (AON) 

    An appeal-link will be shown in the output of your search."


    If you would kindly PM the banned GUID number, I will appeal on PBBans too.

  5. I have done further studies into my PB Ban, and after talking with them for a second time, it has been noted that I am not assigned with that GUID anymore. Hopefully this can be resolved soon, as I have been using this GUID for over a year with no problems. I have also searched the MBi database and have not come back with any results of it being within the database. This PB ban happened over 2 years ago, and I can not changed what has happened, but the past is the past, and I have not hacked since, nor on any XI server, and I do not see why I am being punished, but if the Admins agree that I am banned, I will gladly leave in respect of XI.



    This is my GUID number:


  6. This user has created an appeal with the following information.


    Sent by: Shultz#USA

    Sent on: 06 April 2013 - 09:05 AM


    Game server: >XI< MW2 Freezetag Beta

    In-game name: Shultz#USA


    Appeal details: I do not know what I have been banned for, so I can not provide that information. All I know is that I have been banned from the server since this morning, because I was able to play last night.

  7. WAIT!!!! Hold on guys...............A Mexican-American named Shultz??? Something fishy here. SHOOT SHOOT!!!!! LOL

    That's from the good ole' like 1% dutch in me :P

    Thanks guys! Gracias chicos y chicas, y algunos de los idiotas por ahí.


    P.S: I don't know a lot of spanish, so can't really say full conversations, because I was born in the U.S. and grew up with a Caucasian family, having to learn Spanish in my free time. Watch out for me in-game, cause I'm a :rambo:.

  8. Herro all :welcome: I am Shultz. I am a 3d modeler in real life, making mostly truck models. I used to play on a team for CoD 4, but have since given up on it as I have lost some of my touch in Promod. Some of you may already have met me on server, and I gotta say, friendliest clan I have met so far! I am only 15, and am Mexican-American. :smoke: My goal is to earn enough respect to be able to join by the time I am 18! Hope to enjoy my stay and make some great friends!!



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