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  1. I have read this post
    Liquid_poop reacted to AyaqGuyaq in A slightly different beer(s) video   
    LMFAO, @WeednFeed--that was funny, very funny!!!!!!!!
    P.S. - Post another few pics of your Grand-baby--haven't seen any in a while.  Just observin'.  Ayaq
  2. I have read this post
    Liquid_poop reacted to AyaqGuyaq in A slightly different beer(s) video   
    Is that his son, drinking beer right beside him?
    (Yoda, ibid.) "Hmm?"
    Great post.
  3. I have read this post
    Liquid_poop reacted to AyaqGuyaq in Dead Duck   
    Lol, buddy, (Yoda), "Hmm?!"
  4. I have read this post
    Liquid_poop reacted to AyaqGuyaq in Dead Duck   
    A rarity, @Dogg--you actually got a laugh outta me!!!
    Great post.
  5. I have read this post
    Liquid_poop reacted to AyaqGuyaq in 2019-07-14 Birthdays   
    All right, got two Sweethearts celebrating birthdays today . . .
    Happy birthday!!
  6. I have read this post
    Liquid_poop reacted to AyaqGuyaq in 2019-07-13 Birthdays   
    Holy Mackerel, what are the chances that we have not 1, not 2, not 3, but FOUR awesome birthdays today?
    Happy birthday, you special people.
    (Not "short-bus," special people--not that way . . .)
    Love you Sweeties.
    P.S. - Happy Birthday, Sweet Ice Cream!!
  7. I have read this post
    Liquid_poop reacted to AyaqGuyaq in 2019-07-15 Birthdays   
    We only have two Clan birthdays today . . .
    What are the odds that they would both have the word "Slayer" in their names?
    (Yoda):  "Hmm?"
    Happy birthday, gentlemen!!
  8. I have read this post
    Liquid_poop reacted to AyaqGuyaq in The life and times of Budman   
    Glad to be of assistance, sir.  My buddy, @RobMc, would certainly approve . . .
    (Chuckling really, REALLY, loudly!!)
    (Nay, laughing my ass off!!!!!!!!)
  9. I have read this post
    Liquid_poop reacted to AyaqGuyaq in The life and times of Budman   
    Hey buddy, here's a "visual" for you . . .
    Imagine a young, cow moose running through the beach crowd and dragging you behind because you're still "attached" to her . . . you know, how like our canine companions get "attached" for a bit . . .
    (Yoda):  "Hmm?"
  10. I have read this post
    Liquid_poop reacted to AyaqGuyaq in The life and times of Budman   
    Awesome post!!!
    (Yoda):  "Hmm?"
  11. I have read this post
    Liquid_poop reacted to AyaqGuyaq in The life and times of Budman   
  12. I have read this post
    Liquid_poop reacted to AyaqGuyaq in The life and times of Budman   
    I'd put my money on the Brit . . .
  13. I have read this post
    Liquid_poop reacted to AyaqGuyaq in The life and times of Budman   
    Buddy, umm, this is kinda awkward, but, umm, how do you, umm, know that, sir?
    ("Yoda" voice):  "Hmm?"
  14. I have read this post
    Liquid_poop reacted to AyaqGuyaq in 2019-07-16 Birthdays   
    Hey, South Carolina Guy--"Happy Birthday to you, sir."
    South California Guy?
    South Dakota Guy?
    ("Yoda," with "Johnny No. 5 ("Short Circuit)" inter-mingled):
    "Hmm, where you from, Hmm?  Need input!!!  Yoda No. 5 needs more input!!!!"
    Happy birthday . . .
  15. I have read this post
    Liquid_poop reacted to AyaqGuyaq in America's the best . . .   
    How 'bout "Multi-egotistical, hmm?"
  16. I have read this post
    Liquid_poop reacted to AyaqGuyaq in America's the best . . .   
    ?<---(Yoda) "Hmm?"
  17. I have read this post
    Liquid_poop reacted to AyaqGuyaq in America's the best . . .   
    Think about it . . . just for a moment . . .
    We have races from all OVER THE WORLD here, more so than any other nation.
    Proof be told.
    America is, indeed, kind sirs and lovely ladies, the "Melting Pot" of the world . . .
    That is what makes us so great, and that is the reason behind my thread post . . .
    We, whether we like it or not, are all "Americans" at heart . . .
  18. I have read this post
    Liquid_poop reacted to AyaqGuyaq in America's the best . . .   
    Buddy, there was a pretty popular (albeit "short-lived") show here in the Great U.S. of A. called "Mel's Diner."
    The flamboyant, red-headed waitress was bereft with her love of people from the United Kingdom.
    Her signature line was "Kiss my Brits, Flo!!!"
    I coulda sworn she was saying "Brits . . ."
  19. I have read this post
    Liquid_poop reacted to AyaqGuyaq in America's the best . . .   
    You know why?
    (In "Yoda" voice): "Hmm?
    Because America is 'you."
    We are of no one race, we are "you."
    It used to be "Give me your tired, your poor, your wretched, @RobMc's son . . ."
    Now it's "Give me you educated, beautiful, talented, acrobat artists . . ."
    What da?
  20. I have read this post
    Liquid_poop reacted to AyaqGuyaq in Prop Hunt - Hide n Seek   
    @ChknFngr, you son-of-a . . . !
    Lol, bud.
    Will be on soon.  Still trying (trying?) to find an apartment.
    Company is paying the hotel bill, but it's all on me for $40 (U.S.) Uber bill per day, sigh.
    Can't cook food in my hotel room, have to eat out at $80/day . . .
    Double-sigh . . .
    Life is good!
    Ayaq, aka "Paul"
    P.S. - You son-of-a . . .
    P.P.S. - Not like @SGTScott, that son-of-a- " . . . - - -  . . ."
    P.P.P.S. - (Yoda voice remember?  Hmm?)  "Hmm??"
  21. I have read this post
    Liquid_poop reacted to AyaqGuyaq in A cute one   
    "One mile" might contain more "meters" than "one mile."
    How many kilometers (kilometres, if'n you be @RobMc or Sweet @AthenA) in a mile?
    (Read my "Yoda Voice" post)
  22. I have read this post
    Liquid_poop reacted to AyaqGuyaq in 2019-07-11 Birthdays   
    Nay, "Especially" New Members!!
    And you too, @LittleTooT!!
  23. I have read this post
    Liquid_poop reacted to AyaqGuyaq in 2019-07-11 Birthdays   
    Happy birthday, including "New Members!!!"
  24. I have read this post
    Liquid_poop reacted to AyaqGuyaq in Yoda Voice . . .   
    (In the words of Rodney King): "Do you understand the words that are coming outta my mouth!!???!
    Um-hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm .. . .
    Um-hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm . .
  25. I have read this post
    Liquid_poop reacted to AyaqGuyaq in Yoda Voice . . .   
    Um-hmmmmmmm . . .
    Cc: My buddy, @RobMc, popping corn now (it'll be cold by the time I eat it, but still popping corn!!!) . . .
    Um-hmmmmmmmmmmm . . . .
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