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Everything posted by Hotbox03

  1. awesome website, checking me , and of course some xi memebers , it seems we actually rank pretty high on alot of things considering we not pro gamers.
  2. yup, game kicks ass for sure. so many play styles also, if u wanna be vehicles or air all the time , u can. If u wanna snipe or lay mines etc etc you can. Not to mention each play class has so many separate ways to play, keeps u busy if you get bored.
  3. Does XI have any connections with other clans to scrim against? Would add a new level of fun once in awhile . Actually would be epic fun .
  4. i wish they made a transport with 2 mounted guns, not mini ones they have now in lavs but 2 big ones, might be cool.
  5. Its hard to tell if someone hacking based on thier stats to be honest. With reset available, most do after. Unfortunately hacks, i assume, is a program that can be turned off or on. One of those things where u need to experience it in game. tater was on snipers team so he wasnt getting shot by him. he was hearing our cries lol in chat. Almost everyone on our side agreed he was aimbot. I know its hard to prove after the fact, but for example. Dude was headshoting multiple people from parachute at one point...... reigning down on us at hilltop. After a few votekicks i do believe he stopped or turned it down. Just one of those things where one needs to be shot to see.
  6. TXD-Sniper was aimbotting last night, several XI members all witness. we did good job of votekicking but he kept returning , kinda ruined the night. Anyways was hoping we could get a perma ban on his ass. , I know tater and sweat and cobrans and few others saw it. Just no admin.
  7. I dont like it on vanilla maps. AK and most B2k larger maps its seems fine. But on a map like grand bazaar it took skill to keep lav alive and usually killing one allowed a push to take some easily defended points. With the instant spawn on those vanilla maps, its almost no point in killing it, just avoid it. The vehicles on vanilla maps have a huge advantage cause they usually fairly confined spaces against paper thin infantry. I would love to keep vanilla maps, well , vanilla.
  8. voting seemed to work fine. no lag issues that i noticed. loved the map mix, new server = awesome .
  9. around 530 pm pac time server was full and massive lag started, there was least 7-10 peeps with over 200-500 ping, maybe that contributed idk. But angry peeps started recruiting to other servers and most decent players left.... Tried to votekick the laggy peeps but honestly it seemed like 20 peeps needed to vote for it to work, which it didnt. I am hoping we can reduce the votekick number of votes to help the server when admins not present.
  10. yes scrims. would be awesome, any chance hotbox could be included if it happens ?
  11. I go through an adjustment period after every patch for weapons it seems, i hate it , takes me awhile to find new fav gun.
  12. Heya XI. New to forums obviously but have been playing BF3 on servers for quite some time now and really enjoy it. I am 33 years old, married with one child atm currently ( 4 year old daughter ). I live right outside Los Angeles and work as an RN at a local hospital. I obviously enjoy playing video games, mostly pc, sc2. bf3 really. I also LOVE all sports and of course all my local LA teams.
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