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Flapjack Joe

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Posts posted by Flapjack Joe

  1. Ubisoft's games are pretty sloppy on PC. I have AC4 for PC and it doesn't run too well because it pretty much requires you to have V-sync on unless you want your game to look broken. As for the 30FPS, that is actually not true. Their games are not officially locked at 30FPS, but when V-sync is on and your game does get pretty hardware intensive (big cities, major fights) the frames will start lowering from 60, and you have a 60Hz monitor, it will automatically go to 30FPS and hardly goes back to 60. It gives the illusion that it is locked down at 30FPS (which in a technical sense it is) but will still run at 60.


    I just hope Ubisoft will stop screwing over PC gamers (they said they would, but I have yet to see it). As of now, your best bet is to get all your Ubisoft games for PS4 or XBONE unless your like me and don't want to fork over $400-$500 for a new console when you have a nice working PC and PS3.

  2. I am guessing that these are not quite true, but it is very high. These are the minimum requirements for AC:U:


    CPU: Intel Core i5-2500K or AMD Phenom II X4 940

    GPU: Nvidia GeForce GTX 680 or AMD Radeon HD 7970

    RAM: 6GB

    OS: Windows 7 64 bit

    Direct X: 11

    Hard Drive: 50GB


    The HDD space, Windows 7, and 6 gigs of RAM are pretty normal for modern games, but those are some pretty big requirements. I am hearing these are most likely above the actual minimum requirements, but I don't know yet. If your planning on getting Unity when it is released, I would make sure your specs are at least a bit under those.

  3. If I am correct, being on different servers shouldn't stop you from playing with friends on another world. If my teacher is correct, there was an update that kind-of created one big world.

  4. I have it installed, I just haven't been playing it. If XI did get a group for this, I would gladly level up for it. :lol:. My name is FlapjackJoe, but I will need to check my number.

  5. A group calling itself the Lizard Squad is taking responsibility for recent Ddos attacks. More notable ones are Battle.net, SOE, and LoL. They have also made threats at the SOE CEO including stating to check for a bomb threat aboard his plane. Also according to recent comments, it is possible that they are responsible for a Ddos attack crippling Runescape Servers.

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