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Posts posted by DREAD69

  1. Be nice to go a few months without a patch....

    Kills my server every time.

    Oh well all good when I get time.

    Tonight I am thinking I am just going to play a bit.

    Got to be at work at 7 A.M. and I get lunch at 3....

    8 hours before I get lunch.....

    Not sure when I get off but my bills should be straight in under a month with these hours.

    I am told soon I will get saturday and sunday off as my schedule.

    Perfect time to fix server and all.

  2. Just got my pump in and my computer back up.

    Will Update soon and get the server back up.

    Got to work every day and it is kinda wearing me out but I will make time soon to work on it.

    Far as I can tell Bukkit has a version that should work fine.

    Most plugins are updated for the build too.

    Sory guys, Life happened to me all the sudden...

  3. WiZiD
    Please let me know what you come up with. I have @ 15 socket 478 cpu's and a bunch of ddr memory sticks. I would need a compatible memory list and CPU list so I can look to see if I have anything to match.

    WiZiD you got 4 gigs of DDR2 I can buy for a server PC?

  4. I started playing in the XI Crysis server over 3 years ago and it made me want to build a computer to play the game to it's fullest.

    XI is where I played and XI is where I asked for help when I hated google.

    Thanks XI !

    Here are a few picks of my cumputer inside and out in a slideshow.

    I will update it with new picks over time but for now they are just recent ones.





    You can find the whole history of my system starting at a Dual Core Athlon 6000+ on my Website.


    Kswift>XI< has a page there with the computer I built for him but it needs updated now also.

    Links in my sig to check out if your feeling nerdy.

    Oh my website is random and so am I.


  5. My computer has been down since 4-20 because of a pump that failed in my system.

    I used to use Premo Chill Coolant and it comes with a dye.

    The Dye collects like a film inside of the lines and blocks in your cooling loop.

    Then when the stuff breaks loose you have chunks of stuff floating around in your system clogging the CPU block and others.

    In my case it damaged my pump.

    I have cleaned out every aspect of my system and the only thing that I could not clean was my res pump combo.

    Now that I pull it out and look inside with light you can see the coloring in the pump.

    I have switched to Feser Aqua Ultra Pure Water and it is perfectly fine.


    This is the pump http://www.frozencpu.com/products/10038/ex-res-161/XSPC_X2O_750_Dual_525_Bay_Reservoir_Pump.html?tl=g30c107s152&id=9ZLK5xKr&mv_pc=2017

    Found a Promo code for 5% off so I got 3 day shipping with it.

    The first Pump I am just replaceing for now because of funds.

    It cannot be opened without having to glue or something to re seal it.


    I am going to run one of these later so I can put my own Laing D5 pump in it. http://www.frozencpu.com/products/11219/ex-res-232/XSPC_Dual_525_Bay_Reservoir_-_Laing_D5_MCP655_w_Blue_LED_Light_-_Clear_Silver_Black.html?tl=g30c107s152&id=9ZLK5xKr&mv_pc=2002



    My Point though is my Pump will be here in 3 days so I will be on this server PC till then.

    I have installed steam and have all my games on a HDD in the system so I can play a bit till then.

    Hit me up  and lets shoot some shit.

  6. There is a version of bukkit I have now that will let you connect with the newest patch but it is not a stable release I just downloaded it to test

    I will update some plugins and keep testing.

    When I have something that is good to play in again I will post here or let ray know.


  7. RGC Croaker
    honestly its right, and a just thing to do, it is effed that u cannot do what u want with ur own stuff, i can understand punishing for actual illegal activity but not for just modifying something u own

    Well the fucked up thing is I have installed linux on PS3's for a few people and it was a feture in the PS3 I believe called Other OS (Other Operating System) and it was designed to install a modified version of linux with the drivers needed for sound and video and everything else.


    That feture was removed with an update to the sony firmware. You might think well don't update.

    The new Firmware is needed to connect to the PSN. (Playstation Network) So this guy enabled a feture that was built and designed in the system after the update and showed the internet how to do it so they could still have there linux.

    For $600 or $800 you should be able to use your PS3 as a computer.

    I can build you a computer for the same money or cheaper so WTH?


    The issue sony has is being able to install linux is also giving users a easy way to bootleg games and play them on there system.


    They made the same mistake with the PS2 giving the fat older virsions a HDD bay and network adapter to connect it.

    You could add a 320GB HDD to the system and use some memory card exploits to boot software to copy your games or others games to your HDD and play them with no CD.

    Hell you could evan boot codebreaker first and pick codes then boot the list of games and play with codes and all with no CD's

    You could do the same with the slim with an external HDD but yea people are always going to want to get everything out of any device they pay good money for.


    Unlike the PS2 issues they used to have, with the PS3 they have firmware updates and people dependant to connect to the internet now with the system so they used there muscle and just changed the product.

    He did nothing illegal by enabling a feture that was there when he bought the device.


    Say you buy a nice SUV with GPS navagation and then your car wont start one day.

    You have it towed to the shop to have it looked at and then they say that your onboard computer needs an update or the car will not start.

    You have the update done and when you go to leave you see that your GPS is dissabled. (Could have been a free service that came with the car)

    Now you are told that you do not get GPS anymore for free with the new software for your SUV's comoputer.

    It came with it you should be grandfathered in.


    If they want to stop users from using the Other OS option they should have stopped it in the newly sold PS3's and grandfathered in the old PS3's that came with it.

    They screwed up but it was advertised developed and installed on the purchased product.

    Do things the right way not the way you can ASSHOLES!!!

  8. First video the theme music is from shinra mansion in Final Fantasy VII!!! That is fucking great!



    Funny part is I play FF VII on my android with a Wii controller with a Playstation adapter..... XD LAWLS!!!!


    Second Video is the Seproth / Jenova theme music.

    Funny because I grew up on that game and the series and now cannot play it because it has become an MMO that you have to pay monthly to play.


    This is interesting to say the least.
  9. Not sure about my old board the Crosshair Formula III I will have to check but I am sure the board did not support the 6 core till I updated the bios. I was a DDR3 board though. My system ran fine with the old 790FX chipset but with the new 890 I got an extra 200MHz stable in my Overall stable OC.


    EDIT: Just checked it was a AM3 but on the old chipset.



    Sry could not be better help.

  10. Ok so the only Overclocking you do on that platform is the cpu which reaches very good clocks on air for fucking sure.

    Well you got a great platform there and seems like it should be easy to setup and overclock.

    Wonder if they will find a way to overclock the IMC on the CPU to make faster ram speeds possible.

    The sticks default to what they can get with there mult of course because you cannot change the base clock.

    I think I get the just of it now and actually think there are quite a few that might want to go with one of these when they get a chance.


  11. So how does it work? Are you saying that overclocking your ram and chipsets or memory controller gives no preformance gains on sandy bridge? With any I7 I ever met you get better overclocking with the bus evan with everything ending up at the same clock speeds because the base clock is faster. You have multipliers for the other components in your system but to overclock with these it is done in big steps. If you use the base clock it raises everything else. I am just trying to understand now. So with sandy bridge you only overclock the CPU and nothing else because they have set it already and everything is perfect. Like if your ram is at 1200MHz and your ram can run 1333 you cannot use the base clock or bus to overclock the ram a little bit and use your dividers like every other computer? If you can there is no bennifit from it? Only CPU overclocking with the multiplier? No OC on the bus at all? This is something I really want to understand now because I overclock everything I can get my hands on.


    Thanks for the info

  12. LilAcorn

    i dont condone drinking of anything, smoking of anything and illegal drugs and pot is illegal IMO... I dont even allow anyone to smoke in my house and if someone is to drive me and my kids they cannot be on the cell while driving or not even smoke in the car with me and the kids....


    My brother is an ex druggie, he has done all kinds of crap and he even says pot fucks you up, you cannot think stright, you want to do stuff yet all you do is sit on your ass and say all the wrong stuff... and if you happen to get off your ass, you end up getting hurt or into major trouble with other people cause you cannot think stright. When my brother is around me and my kids he is all clean and he has seen his life improved 100x better, able to hold a job, get his own place and have a better relationship with girls n etc... And my family thanks me for it.


    I have tried to drink wine/beer/etc but i just get sick after one sip, i start throwing up constantly... So I am thankful for not being able to drink cause it will cause major issues with family stuff since my dad was a heavy drinker and so is my father in law which is divorced. And i won't let my father in law around my kids when he is drunk since he doesnt know what the hell he is saying, and when he said he hasnt had anything to drink he picked up my oldest son when he was a baby when visiting his sister(my husband's aunt) he nearly fell over a chair and almost dropped my oldest son. I was majorly pissed off at him and even went off on my husband about his dad.


    My brother has done a lot of stupid shit so yes my mom called the cops on her own son, I would do the same to my kids.... IMO if you fucked up, i ain't taking cover for your ass for something you have done. I even called the cops on my ex-step cousin for being a pot head and a run away from foster home and came to my house to seek shelter... I don't need stupid shit on my records cause I enjoy working at a daycare. So I don't want to waste my college certificate for teachers aide down the drain.... i give a shit about life....


    IMO there are other ways to solve issues without drugs/drinking/smoking cigs/illegal crap..... Seek couseling, listen to music, find a hobby, go outdoors to explore something that you enjoy to look at/whatever, find a job that wont cause you to stress out or whatever.... There are other ways but i think those who look into bad stuff are too fucken lazy and rather "drown" their problems into the crap....


    there is a pot head at my hubby's work and he is suppose to pack stuff for shipping when buyers put in their orders, well.... he doesnt do shit, he is too fucken slow, gotten orders wrong, packs stuff wrong, doesnt make sense when he talks or when told to do something he just stands there and says "oooooooh", a hoodie kind of guy and he stinks of pot...  and the guy wanted to take  4/20 off as well but his boss declinded. My husband is going to talk to his boss to see about getting that guy fired. and my hubby is the "manager." Since his boss fired his ex wife who was the 2nd person in charge.


    sorry for this being long and for the way i see it n etc but its fact that it does mess you up..

    Sounds like Weed is not the root of your brother problem. That is a personality trait in some people with certen or all substances. Well people should look inside and realise like I have many times that they say stuff and have a cause sometimes because they are mad or just do not understand. Hell there are things that bother me but I am trying really hard to not let them. (By Smoking WEED) Life is too short. Hell I have been sitting in TS3 before and next thing I am getting high and noticing I am babysitting someone else's kid. Me and the guys getting high at 2 A.M. and had to watch our mouths and then just leave the voice server so we were not mean. I am not going to judge that person and guess what druggs or what have you that was on to do that. People are diffrent and the people that were excited about this thread are in gen mellow people that if did not smoke would prob be mean to others... SO LONG LIVE FUCKING WEED AND MAY 4-20 BE GREAT EVERY YEAR!!! (And TWICE A DAY!)

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