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Posts posted by DREAD69

  1. Not sure why my last 2 posts showed up in black but you can highlight them and reads fine. Going to keep the server running during the development of rust. Should be an interesting ride. Server is running and updated I just have been busy with other things. Might see if some players want to do a weekly thing where we all play for an hour or two and see what we might want to see happening in there.

  2. Friday Devblog 2

    April 4 - Rubat
    So, you wanted one of these every week, but not all that much has changed. We’re still grinding away on the new everything. 


    This code re-writing is kind of like a virus. The more you change, the more you need to change. You get into the situation where it’s quicker and easier to replace existing code than integrate it with the new system. That’s what’s happening. 


    The Item System
    The old item system was a bit of a mess. So it was re-coded. We now load items via JSON[admin.playrust.com]. Which is generated by the item editor website. 


    You can add modules[admin.playrust.com] to an item in the editor website to add functionality. There were a few features on our wishlist for the new item system. Items need to all have size and weight. We need to make items be able to store other items inside them. We think this will open a world of emergent gameplay if we can pull it off right. For example, you could possibly put some poison inside some chicken. You could put a key in an apple and feed it to a pig. There’s a lot of options here. 


    We’re hoping that by being able to add universal components to items like this, we’ll be able to make the system more open ended. An example of this is the ‘throwable’ component. The axe, the flare and the pickaxe should all be throwable – right? 


    A deployable is something in your inventory that you place in the world. The deployables system is being re-written too. This isn’t such a big deal, because it kind of works exactly the same. But unlike the old system, the new system keeps hold of the `item`. This means that it’s feasible to be able to pick deployed items back up. Internally this makes the code cleaner and more generic because we can use exactly the same inventory code to browse the contents of an item in the inventory when it’s deployed in the world. 


    Weapons and Tools
    The weapons system is being re-coded too. We’ve only just started this so I don’t know of any obvious improvements. One of our dreams is to make reloading more involved with modern weapons. We don’t want you to just press reload and it somehow, in the background, takes your clip out and fills it up with bullets from your inventory, then puts it back in. We want you to go into combat situations will your clips loaded. I am probably alone here.. but I want you to sit in your home, manually dragging bullets into clips. Then when you’re in a battle situation, you’ll hold down reload and choose which clip you want to swap to. This way, when we introduce different types of ammunition (tracer etc), you’ll be able to put them in your clips in a specific order. I’m sure a lot of people don’t see that as a good idea, but I see it as a good way to ‘nerf’ modern weapons in a common sense way. 


    Building System
    We’re going to change the building system a lot in this pass. We’re not ready to talk about that yet though :) 


    We haven’t modified the clothing system yet – and will probably just make it ‘work’ without many changes in order to get the update out as soon as we can, then return to it again later on. 


    All these changes come at a bit of a cost. You want updates, and we can’t get them. We’ll try to get the experimental branch in a workable state as soon as possible.. but right now we’re looking at least a couple of weeks more. I know it sucks, and I wish we didn’t have to do this. But again – once this is done we will have some serious traction to push things in the direction we want to be headed. 


    Source: http://playrust.com/friday-devblog-2/

  3. Friday Devblog

    March 28 - Rubat
    A lot of people are complaining that we’re not giving enough updates on the development of Rust. They have suggested that we start posting weekly about what we’re doing. So that’s what we are going to do. Even if that means every week we post “replaced 6000 lines of terrible code with 1000 lines of not so terrible code. 


    NO UPDATE?!?!?
    We understand you want weekly updates filled with a shitload of new content. To make that possible things need to change. 


    So we’re working. That’s why we haven’t been posting updates. I think the important thing for people to realise is that when we launched Rust it was still pretty much a prototype. Most (if not all) of the code is terrible. I’m sure people have decompiled rust and thought that their decompiler was broken. It isn’t – that’s the code. Replacing this code isn’t a matter of programmer pride. It’s something that we need to do to push forward. The code is very limiting right now. It’s hard to understand and there’s too much of it. Once it’s all cleaned out we’ll be able to push on and iterate faster. If we try to do that now we’ll end up spinning ourselves into a web. 


    This is a lot of what we’re doing now. Replacing old terrible, complicated systems with clean, tidy, future proof systems. 


    Trading Cards
    As some people have noticed[facepunch.com] yesterday we released our first set of trading cards. I was hesitant about posting about this yesterday because I knew the comments would be filled with “NICE RELEASE TRADING CARDS BUT NOT UPDATES”. So let me clear this up. Our programmers didn’t make the trading cards. We’re programming. We didn’t delay releasing updates so we could make trading cards. 


    We wanted to release this set of cards during our early alpha to capture where we’re at right now. The hope is that every 6 months or so we’ll release a new set of cards capturing the state of the game, the community and events surrounding it. I think Meg[caffeinescribbles.tumblr.com] andRob[squareddesign.tumblr.com] have done a great job on the cards and the backgrounds, and I hope you agree. 


    New Inventory System
    One of the code systems that is getting totally replaced is the inventory system. Why? Well, this[dl.dropbox.com]. You can literally open any of these inventory files and find code that doesn’t explain itself. Code that uses ambiguous variable names. Basically, shit, unmaintainable code.[dl.dropbox.com] 


    This code is also tied very harshly into our old GUI system, NGUI. Which in the next update is completely replaced by our new system of choice, DFGUI. (Which will probably be replaced again by Unity’s new GUI system when we eventually move to Unity 5 in a few months (which is why this new inventory code is very much UI agnostic)). 


    I know what you’re thinking. You don’t care what the code is like. What does it mean for you? And we agree. It’s be a waste of time if we re-wrote a bunch of code and everything was the same. So we are changing things up a bit, making previously impossible things possible. Here’s a look at the prototype UI for the new menu. 




    This is obviously quite early in the development and a lot of stuff is missing, but I think it shows a few things that the new system has that the old one doesn’t. It’s scalable, so if you’re playing in a large resolution, or on the TV you will still be able to see what you’re doing. You can queue and cancel crafting items. Text labels are all unicode, which means we can support translations. 


    The biggest change is that it now uses the new item system, which is enabled by the new item editor[admin.playrust.com] (which is also a WIP). 


    We have been distracted by stuff over the last couple of weeks. I had some business bullshit on my mind. Helk has got some rather significant family health problems. I’m back at it hard now and Helk is slowly recovering and getting back to work. 


    We are working for you, but please keep your expectations reasonable. We’re still a relatively small team. Just because we’ve sold a million copies – it doesn’t mean we’re going to hire 1,000 people. More cooks do not make a better game. That said, we are hiring if you’re awesome so hit us up[www.facepunchstudios.com]!

  4. Mod just updated! I have 10 mins before I get to work but I should have it installed before then and I will Make sure to re config when I get off. :)


    Patch Notes:

    - Remapped 70% of the plugin's internal workings. If you were to see my source before and after this update, you would understand :P.
    - Added chat history for faction chat (/history f [1-50]).
    - Fixed even more possible network errors that could cause crashing.
    - Fixed errors popping when weird PlayerClients receive CL_ConsoleCommand RPCs
    - Completely updated the /help [command].
    - Added /ewarp - allows for the adding and removing of warps along with the changing of rank or UID ownership of such warps.
    - Added /vote - displays the URL for the server's voting page.
    - Added /redeem - redeems the reward for voting.
    - Added /invsee - mirrors the inventory of the specified user or gives back your original inventory if no name is specified.
    - Added /fps - amplifies fps by changing graphical settings.
    - Added /quality - amplifies graphics.
    - Added /ping - displays your current ping to the server.
    - Added /whois - displays connection, user, and leaderboard information of the specified user.
    - Added /awhois - displays all of the information of /whois along with IP and rank.
    - Added /info - displays the server's name and ip.
    - Added /frozen - displays the names of all frozen users.
    - Added /unfreezeall - unfreezes all frozen users.
    - Added /unfreeze - unfreezes the specified frozen user.
    - Added /freeze - freezes the specified user in their current position.
    - Added /rfreeze - freezes all users within a specified radius.
    - Added /radius - displays the names of all users within the specified radius.
    - Added /leaderboard - displays the kills, deaths, or kdr leaderboard.
    - Added /drop - displays the time left until the next automated airdrop.
    - Added /uammo - toggles unlimited ammo. Note that you must still carry at least one of the ammo type you desire to be unlimited (No, this is not infinite ammo. Yes, you still have to reload).
    - Added /portal - portal gun. Yes - a portal gun. Shoot (or swing) with the configured portalTool at a building or terrain to warp to it.
    - Added /wand - the step child of the portal gun. Shoot (or swing) with the configured wandTool to warp the set wandDistance in your current direction (you can set your wand distance with /wand [distance]).
    - Added /remover - like /remove. Difference being that it takes time to destroy the structures, you can only destroy ceilings, pillars, and foundations, and different tools do different amounts of damage. Also, /remover only works on structures the activating user owns.
    - Fixed /craft. Now it will properly allow for infinite researching when using research kits and crafting without using up materials.
    - Added a new, customizable airdrop system. Allows for airdrops on first player join, customizable drop interval (every 1h), minimum players, amount of planes on drop time, and minimum/maximum crates.
    - Added the option to disable the fall impact sound IF fall damage is off.
    - Added the option to disable durability in the config.
    - Added the option to disable /tpa while on top of a ceiling or foundation in the config.
    - Added the ability to change the default wandDistance, wandTool, and portalTool in the config.
    - Added the ability to change rate of refresh for setting back frozen players.
    - Added the ability to change the distance a frozen player can travel before being set back (set this to 0.5 and freezeRefreshDelay to 25 to have the least amount of jitters... becareful for lag though).
    - Changed the option to turn friendly and allied damage on and off to a multiplier.
    - Added options for /remover in the config (enable the remover; enable for foundations, ceilings, or pillars; enable the return of items)
    - Added the toprustservers voting api.
    - Added the option to hide or display the rank of the user you are /whois'ing.
    - Added durability cancellation for those who have /craft on.
    - Added a customizable defalt loadout in default_loadout.ini.
    - Fixed a major portion of the loot tables.
    - Added the ability to make your own tables instead of just changing current ones.
    - Added the ability to stop the inheriting of a kit or warp by adding "*" to the end of the line. ([Warp.O]*)
    - Fixed kits erroring out if you have an item name put twice.
    - Added a check for /i and /give when giving a gun. Now the gun will have a full clip instead of 1 bullet.
    - Fixed grabNameByUID to be faster.
    - Added /reload loadout to reload the default_loadout.ini file.
    - Fixed /reload motd to actually reload and restart the [Cycle] and [Once] MOTDs.
    - Fixed /heal so that it patches bleeding and broken legs.
    - Added the ability to kick by UID.
    - Added the player's UID to the ban message once they are banned.
    - Fixed the rank not reloading when using steam groups.
    - Fixed the mistake in /f help for warzones and safezones.
    - Using Rocks, Pickaxes, Hatchets, and Stone Hatchets with /remover return different amounts of items if returnItems is on. They also do different amounts of damage (Hint: Pickaxes destroy faster but return less than Hatchets).

  5. New rust update is out,waiting on our mod Rust Essentials to update then I will update the server.
    Then I'm going to be playing a bit more and testing some stuff out.  ;)

    You can join the server fine now and everything works. I'm just not updating till the mod is compatible.


    Sorce: http://playrust.com/

    Patch notes:

    Hi guys, We have a patch for you all which addresses some serious issues and provides some clientside improvements, check it out :

        fixed airdrops – they will now spawn around noon daily!
        fixed foundations destroying immediately upon placement and other issues where things would decay too quickly
        fixed armor exploit where broken armor would not unequip if your inventory was full – you’ll just drop it now if it can’t fit
        fixed extreme shadow flickering in buildings
        fixed smoke signal not being influenced by lighting
        fixed the fade from black starting too late after respawn
        fixed the floating grass bug
        fixed the first command entered into the console not working on OSX
        tweaked tree billboard colors to better fit their mesh colors
        added more control over image effects using the gfx console convars
            gfx.ssaa true/false (enable/disable screen space anti-aliasing)
            gfx.grain true/false (enable/disable radiation grain effect)
            gfx.shafts true/false (enable/disable sun shafts)
            gfx.damage true/false (enable/disable damage indicators)
        added the console convar render.frames to limit the maximum fps to render
        made lower quality levels automatically disable some image effects for better performance
        added render.distance (0-1, default 0.2) to adjust the draw distance
            this is currently only affecting the static rocks
        enabled anisotropic filtering for terrain, road, rocks and building textures if quality level is above 50%
        improved cloud synchronization to reduce situations where clouds have to jump around


    As you all know we’re working on some bigger features and we hope to have them complete soon. Stay tuned!

  6. If you join the server type /uid and screenshot the number send me the number in chat that you get back in server chat I can add you to the ranks.

    I say screenshot because you can't copy from console so you need to type it out to me and I can add. If I am at home when you are in the server I can copy from Rcon tool and add you instantly. Or get Fireurza Stoner or Kswift to send me your UID   ;)



  7. Just got some things sorted with the mod and ranks. >XI< members can be added to a rank and they will be able to spawn a /kit with full kevlar an M4 some ammo and a few other things every 30 mins. Perk of being >XI< ! ;)


    Just don't go Pwning new players with your gear and running them off... Fire when Fired upon.  :)

  8. Just got everything legal for my bike, got my insurance, license taken care

    of, and on my way from the bank a snake is in my dash... I'm leaning

    over the bike look at my speed and notice a snake is like 6 inches from

    my face... so I slide off the side of the road freaked out put down my

    kickstand jumped off and realized it's an oak snake... he was coiled up

    in between my headlight and my gauges. grab him by the head pulled em

    out, he is is like two foot long, throw him in the bushes and drove



    Just wow!   :cry:

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