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Posts posted by Shamu

  1. tsw 8.5
    typos thats  getting old and being a true idiot .that is right you might not be in the clan but you fit right in ..hope you feel better soon.

    Kidding aside I never knew the impact a concussion could have until now.


    I hate making typing or spelling errors because I believe your grammatical presentation is a direct reflection on you as an individual.


    We tend to slaughter the English language without even trying let alone with a concussion. If we did not have spell check god only knows what my posts would be like.


    I used to box and play tackle football, with and without pads, and have been knocked silly few times in my years but never experienced anything like this. When someone now tells me they have a concussion I will have significantly more sympathy than I would have before my own current experience.


    I can however tell I am getting better. When I stand up I only have to stand still for a minute or so before the room stops spinning. In bed, when rolling side to side, I have to hang on for fearing of falling out until the dizziness subsides.


    All of which I can see improving daily.


    I was also told by the Docs to expect much of this.


    Certainly an odd experience for anyone who has not personally experienced it before. Trust me, words alone cannot define it.

  2. killgirl
    Awww. what happened to the family cat?

    Everything wound up fine just a story I will tell eventually. Tried doing it here but I am making too many typos...... the concusison I think or old age really does have me in it's grips.


    Will try again another time.

  3. Sonovabich
    Did you say you were wearing a brace Shamu....i much prefer it when you wear your stockings suspenders and pink thongEmbarassed

    SOB.......you want me in stockings, suspenders and a pink thong?????


    You are one sick puppy. People could puke looking at me without the additional ornaments. Fat, old and bald.


    Beware what you ask for, you just might get it.

  4. OMG Gross!


    I just spent a few days in a hospital as room mate to a police officer in training who shot himself in the leg with a .45. His leg looked no where as near as bad as Savages yet the pain he endured was brutal.


    I simply cannot imagine what is going on with Savage.


    And not to be a downer or anything but rehab is not going to be a picnic either.


    Ride on Savage!

  5. Dark Asylumn

    shamu  you have gottan awefully talkative the past few days.

    By nature I am talkative but as a guest I generally restrict myself.


    However recent events have me bored to death. I broke my back and have a subdural hematoma (Bad concussion) and am restricted to being a couch potato for awhile.


    Gaming is okay but uncomfortable in the brace I have to wear. Also get headaches.


    So here I am mouthing off my useless BS.


    Look for Multiple Exterminations in General Discussion for more on my broke back adventures.


    Maybe this link will work:



  6. Darth Yoda

    Like Shamu says.......take advantage of any schooling.   Why?


    Look at the people who have an education versus those who don't............. No offense to anyone meant here.

    You'll find those who have an education usually do better than most others.


    Stay away from drugs, cigarettes and anything else that can unknowingly ruin your life.

    No more preaching from me.

    Actually a group like XI presents a good forum for education of young guests and members. My sense of XI is that many members have a family type loyalty and strong bond with other XI members. This bond should not be wasted but put to good use by sharing experience and guidance. It is also very like that info shared here is taken with more value by the listener than guidance from parents and friends. A Clan can be a great tool for good.


    This bond can do good things. Many of us who game have been very successful in life or we would not have the resources to support our gaming hobby. There is a wealth of information and guidance available in the gaming community. It should not be wasted.


    In fact with as many youngsters as there are in XI servers, whether members or guests, I think we all have an obligation to provide proper guidance and in serious maters provide serious advice.


    Enough preaching from me.Foot in mouth


    I also hope I do not sound like some radical religious zealot................nothing could be further from the truth. I do not practice any faith but I try to respect all.

  7. And while on the homework subject let's all be honest.


    Many of us, male, female, adult, youth, or whatever can easily let gaming get in the way of real life.


    Whether it is homework not done, house work ignored, real work compromised, kids or wifey ignored or even staying up too late to fulfill fully enjoy the benefits of marriage I would expect many of us have been there, done that.


    So whether it's homework or something else we all need to find a proper balance that benefits you as an individual and pays proper respect to those depending on you.


    I am not trying to be pious here, I am one who has at times let gaming interfere with responsibility.


    Not a good thing.

  8. LittleRascal
    LMAO! I promise KillGirl. Lol and btw Shamu, I'm a girl (:

    Obviously I do not get around the XI servers enough. I am usually in COD WAW with FT being preferred.


    However, as a senior citizen and a guest in your XI house you should all wander over and welcome me as a host is expected to do with guests.....especially old ones. Wink

  9. Darth Yoda
    Tried rubber snakes placed in obvious places?

    Have actually tried rubber snakes to scare birds from my ripening cherry tree.


    Snakes lost. It's an amazing sight. Birds know exactly when cherries are ripe for picking. They swarm the tree and strip it bare or damage what's left behind.


    Large cheese cloth cover works best.


    With a raccoon if it's not the right type of snake I think the raccoon might just look at the snake as free food. Raccoons are tough and smart.


    Sometime when feeling better I will have to tell the true story of a pet wild raccoon, an ice cream cone and the family pet cat. I will only say this for now........ the cat lost.


    I am making way to many typos in my posts and spend a lot of time on corrections. Must be the damn concussion.

  10. Sounds like more to it than cheese.


    He was just wanting an excuse to fire you.


    Qualify for unemployment?


    If you do and he contests be sure to behave professionally in front of an arbitrator. Your opening post won't help you.

  11. Dirk Diggler

    Not wanting to steal the MOJO out of your post Shamu..... but this bugger chased me along the docks of the Loboc river... theses dam monkeys fight with the cats and dogs out here.... and the dam roosters....lol                                               

    IMG_2265 (Medium).JPG

    I would like to see you deal with that bugger with a rifle........ my money would be on the monkey.


    Best break out the shotty to even the odds.

  12. Hemps

    Wow dude, sorry to hear about your fall, i hope you get to feeling better soon!


    Do you know if you just slipped or....did you get push, maybe some raccoon payback!


    As memory comes back it was a miss step on the way down carrying the trap. A fall of about 8 to 10 feet onto hard compacted dirt.


    It also had elements of stupidity. Aluminum ladder rungs were wet, bad shoes, and the stones used to level the foot of the ladder were less than ideal. OSHA would not have approved. For those of you who don't know OSHA is the government organization responsible for the heath and safety of workers in the US. (Occupational Health and Safety Administration)


    I will be buying a ladder with adjustable leg length.


    Maybe the ghosts of the departed raccoons did put a curse on me but I did enough things wrong to deserve what I got.

  13. A little more detail


    I was having a problem at a secondary home I have in the Pocono Mtns. of PA, a family of raccoons had taken up residence in my ceiling joists. They had chewed a large hole where my chimney chase met the roof line of my house and moved in.

    My youngest son went up and managed to shoot 4 and live trap one which we released far from the house (7.5 Mi.) I then took up guard duty.  I reset the live trap on the roof and set out food appealing to raccoons to shoot any who might come to the bait during the night. I saw none and trapped none and only lost a little sleep watching the bait.

    Last Thursday I was to leave the house and head home to take my wife to the Doctor for a Friday surgical procedure. About 8:45 AM I went up the ladder to retrieve the Havahart Live Trap and promptly fell from the ladder landing on my butt. Two neighborhood kids saw me fall and provided the description. I remember very little and did not regain consciousness except briefly while being loaded into the ambulance. Short term memory was a problem but all is coming back slowly. It is an odd experience having a memory lapse.

    I was taken to a local Stroudsburg, PA hospital where a cat scan was done and the determination was made to send me to another hospital, Lehigh Valley Hospital, because of neurological issues. A good choice in my book.

    Bottom line is I have a bad concussion with brain bleeding which is now stopped. I also broke my back by fracturing the L 1 vertebrae. Fortunately I do have full mobility but have to wear a "turtle shell" back brace most of the day. I do not need it when in bed. The lasting effect of the concussion is repeated dizziness with movement and a constant low grade head ache. I am on pain relievers (Percoset) and muscle relaxers (Robaxin).


    If my meds are not taken in a timely fashion I don't feel too good.


    Even tried gaming a bit today and it went fine. Got a bit of a headache but that could just be a natural event. Sitting in the chair with my back braced is not the most comfortable position. That said, everyone go easy on me.


    I expect I will be in game most mornings but expect my wife would not approve when she is home on guard duty.


    Note the name change from Hagar to Shamu.......my most commonly used game name for many years.

  14. I have now changed my name from "Hagar43" to "Shamu".This has been done in agreement with and by Rockape>XI<Adm and all records have been updated.


    I would like to thank the Admins of XI for both their cooperation and quickness in helping me with this personal request.


    Simply another good reason out of many to play and visit the XI sites.


  15. RACCOONS GET REVENGE!!!!!!!!!!!


    I am just home form the hospital earlier this afternoon where I was being treated for a broken back, fractured L1 vertebrae and a concussion with some bleeding on the brain.


    I will be wearing a "Turtle Shell" type brace for a few weeks and the concussion is being monitored. No car driving for awhile.




    Back is sore, head has a slight headache and some dizziness when moving.


    Details later.

  16. Okay, here is the one live trapped with my dogs tormenting it.







    No harm done except barking and growling, not sure who was more upset, my dogs or the coon.


    Anyway this one was luckier than the other 4 that are dead. I released this one about 7.5 miles from my house on remote state land well suited to raccoons because of the oak and beech trees along with a large swampy area.


    Just a pic of my Pocono house:



    The raccoons are in the left hand side roof. 5 down, no idea how many more to go. Live trap baited with sardines and ready to go.

  17. Tball

    Hmmmm i like PETA

    People Eating Tasty Animals

    No problem with eating tasty animals, I would not exist without beef on my plate.


    I do not like fur coats and even less animals used for laboratories. Baby seal bashing disgusts me.


    I recognize the value of animals for legitimate medical testing but do not like it. ( But not for cosmetics and such. )


    Maybe instead of death or life imprisonment we could turn those useless tax sucking prisoners into lab rats and get some value for them.

  18. I cannot claim those two kills, I just returned from Texas last night.


    My son and his fiancee went to the house to see what they could do and that's the result. There is at least one more in residence.


    Unfortunate to have to kill them and not the choice of either of us but a racoons are definitely a problem. The live trap was set but they ignored it and both climbed down and were shot. The live trap is on the roof near the hole. They came out from the chimmney hole in early evening Friday, ignored the trap and climbed down to the ground where my son shot them. Another had poked his head out but went back in. Got too dark for shooting after that.


    Livetrap is still set and hopefully racoon number 3 finds his way in. No knowing if there are racoons 4,5,? still in my roof. It is a large Havahart trap and suitable for racoon.




    My son will be there for the weekend and I will be going there Monday afternoon.

  19. Absolutely nothing wrong with just getting the 12 GA Remington 870 it's a gun with a great history. As with any shotgun you have a full range of shot sizes depending on the game animal you are hunting. If it's squirrels they are tough little buggers but my guess is #6 shot should do nicely


    My guess is this is the model you are looking for:




    Choke size is arbitrary but the full allows you to reach a little further with a tighter shot pattern. Personally I would also go for the 3" version over the 2 3/4"


    Barrel length is another option to consider with 28" and 30" being the most common. 28" for faster shots (rabbits, grouse) 30" for longer shots with a little better sight plane ( sqirrels, goose). Basically comes down to individual preference.


    If you want some flexibility with the choke a gunsmith can install an aftermarket adjustable choke.




    If your father is older and would want a lighter gun do not rule out the 20GA. Again, personal preference prevails. It's just that the 20 will be lighter and has actually become quite popular of late. Especially because of the 3" loads.


    It would seem Gorilla and SirHurtsAlot would also be good ones to offer opinions, maybe PM them. Both are familiar with guns not that there are not others but they come to mind.

  20. Some already know of what I speak from game conversaation.


    On Labor Day two person of....well never mind of what,......tried to break into my "vacation" home.. They were scared off by neighbors who then called the police and me. No harm done and no arrests. What I have done is installed a wireless security system with motion detectors and door alarms. Wireless so if they cut the phone line it will not take down the system. I feel this at least gives me some level of security.


    However I also have other home invaders............. freakin Squirrels........... countryfried rats if you will. I don't know how many but they have taken residence in the joists roof between the ceiling and the roof. Outside where my fireplace chimney meets the roof line they have chewed out a hole about 6" X 8". Granted the wood in this area suffered water damage and needed repair. Sitting in the house you can hear them wandering the highway they have made in my ceiling.


    I have engaged a contractor to make repairs but not before I deal with the squirrels. Next week I am in Texas but on my return the hunt begins. This could turn out to be like Elmer Fudd and Bugs Bunny:


    Or like Bill Murray and the Gopher:


    My plan of attack is to inspect my house for all possible points of entry, seal all but one and hopefully resolve my problem with a Havahart live trap baited with peanut butter. The lucky ones will go into the trap and be relocated humanely.


    Others are going to be lured to a bait stand on my porch with a tempting offering of sunflower seeds and peanut butter. I shall sit in an upstairs window with a book, a beverage of choice and my trusty .22 rifle. Any squirrel partaking of the sunflower seed buffet will also receive an injection of lead courtesy of me. Granted some innocent non-resident squirrels may meet their fate in this manner but when in doubt, kill them all.


    After a one week hunt I will seal the hole until permanent repairs can be made. I may also throw in a few mothballs in the hopes that causes further discomfort for the squirrels. Someone in game today suggested Oil of Peppermint as a disuader also. Have to get some of that too.


    On my return from Texas I shall report on my progress. Until then suggestions welcome but no poisons. I wish to be environmentally responsible. And no game control person either, I probably know as much as or more than most of them. I will also be doing some Internet research.


    The hunt is ON!!!!!

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