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Posts posted by Steak

  1. Cavey
    I guess it looks nice.But being a damn Canuk as you put it I'm just wondering what the fuck are you going to do with that and what for?Is it that bad where you live Gorilla,I mean I met you and you seemed like a real damn nice guy with lots of humour.Just amazes me what you guys can buy.Just fucking crazy.Do you just stare at it?I for sure don't know.


    LOL +1.  I didn't realise you could go out a buy a machine gun.  You might as well of bought a mini gun!

     It isn't fully automatic.  It is simply a civilian semiautomatic version.  Fully automatic machine-gun type weapons were outlawed for sale in the USA in the 1990's.  Other than the high capacity magazine, it really isn't much different than a conventional semiautomatic hunting rifle when it comes right down to it.  Handy little rifle though and very capable of "taking care of business" should the situation arise!

  2.  About 10 years ago I used to play Delta Force online and my handle was "SteakKnife" because I used the CQB perk which made you very dangerous when equipped with a knife.  People would always address me as Steak for short when typing messages to me so I decided to shorten my name to just plain "Steak".

  3. I have a feeling that after a while on the job,  a lot of cops start to look at everybody as potential perps and assume that if their mouth is moving they are lying.  This cop is ready for the rubber gun squad.  He is obviously a very angry and stressed out person and needs to find another line of work.  His execution threat is so far over the top that it alone should be enough to take this guy off of the street along with his Glock .40,   Unbelievable.

  4. My first bike was a Kawasaki KZ 400.  Back in the 70's you could buy a decent smaller street bike that was both easy to learn on and affordable.  I really don't understand why this class of motorcycle faded away.  They were ideal for women to ride as well due to their relatively  light weight.

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