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Posts posted by Steak

  1. I used to watch this guy about 10-12 years ago on a show called American Shooter.  He was a regular on the show and he is the real deal.  They used to run slo-mo on him (that was much slower than this video)  all of the time and you could see what he is doing.  His technique I believe is called "slip shooting" where he uses a combination of both hands to make a gun fire very fast.   He can empty a 6 shot single action revolver in under 2 seconds and he is also very accurate.  He can also make a standard 1911 .45 semiautomatic look like a machine pistol with his method. I have also seen him shoot aspirin tablets out of the air with his Colt single action revolver.

  2.  I had the most fun I've ever had playing COD 2 back before COD4 came out.  COD4 is a great game but for some reason COD2 was more fun to me.  You should definitely try 2. Your rig will run it fine.

  3. Hey all. I was looking through some old photos of me & my wife from the 1970's and thought that it might be fun to post a couple ans see if other idiots might as well.  I know that that might mean rooting through shoe boxes of old pics but it will be funny to see us at out youthful worst!  Unfortunately, most of my collection is on slides but I found a couple from the early and middle 1970's of me and my wife. Enjoy.



    Me today...JeffBackPorch.jpg


    Then the dope smoking, coke snorting little punk of 35-40 yeras ago...








  4. Hey Death.  Good to see you on the forums.  I was watching you and Sickooo roughing us up on the Ace mod the other night.  You guys kicked ass.  Looking forward to playing with you again.



  5. I generally get a kick out of being knifed.   I have the utmost respect for Dean, Ferret and anyone else that has the nerves and the patience to run balls-out into and through heavy fire to get that knife kill.  I need constant gratification to keep my interest going during a map whereas they get-off on the challenge.  They keep the game interesting as well. I often find myself turning around expecting to see Dean heading at me full bore!

  6. You know, after reading all of the reactions to lilgreasy's post and thinking about it for the last day or so,  Ive come to the conclusion that tubes should be left they way that they are.  Everybody has their own style of playing.  I take the game very seriously and compete fiercely when playing but many people simply play for laughs and to have fun and clearly couldn't care less where they place at game's end. 

      The last clan that I was in ran a pretty strict DM run & gun server that didn't allow camping or rifle nades.  This gave me a bias coming into XI and it has made it hard for me to open my mind up to playing styles other than balls-out competition.  A rifle nader here & there doesn't bother me.  A bunch do.  Its no big deal to sit out a map that I don't like and likewise it's no big deal to drop out until the map population is more to my liking. God knows we have a BUNCH of other servers to play on in the interim. 


  7. Actually, I tried using rifle nades couple of weeks ago and wasn't having fun. It felt lame to me.  I'm just an old school run & gunner I guess.  Unlike many other people though, I don't want to see rifle nades taken out of the game,  just tweaked back a bit.  I'm surprised that my suggestions of simply toning down nades and not outright banning them as others have suggested has drawn so much fire. LOL!

    The gameplay dynamic in the COD4 Ace Mod has changed dramatically over the past couple of months because of the numbers of people using rifle nades as a primary weapon.  That is the main reason for the whining lately I think . The server isn't what it used to be as a result.  If the majority of people are OK with that, then so be it. There's always the COD5 DM server which is primarily populated by run & gun players.

  8. My main problem with tubes in COD4 Ace Mod is the accuracy and range.  Add to that the 5 or so rounds you get with it and it totally dominates gameplay.  If they were more realistic where you'd have to "bloop" them at a target and you only had say 2 rounds, it would be a whole different story.

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