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Dark Asylumn

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Status Updates posted by Dark Asylumn

  1. so much for my freedom to vote. Im registered with the wrong party for ballard. i dont get to vote for my local offices

  2. "I am just a living witness, that you can be an imperfect soldier and still be in the army fighting for God Almighty" ...Steve Harvey

  3. From Tim “MAC” Harmsen of the Military Arms Channel: This event serves to highlight precisely why we have a 2nd Amendment. What happened today is why Dianne Feinstein and her band of gun-grabbers want you disarmed. Gun control isn’t about public safety or saving the children, it’s about preventing us from standing against government oppression and defending our liberty. If hundreds of armed Americans weren’t streaming in to stand toe to toe with government goons, you can rest assured this victory would have never been possible. Before large numbers of militia responded to the scene, groups of protesters were being roughed up by government thugs. Women were thrown to the ground and unarmed men were tazed as the government struggled to assert its control. Once armed citizens started to arrive in force, these thugs were forced to back-off and stop using their Gestapo tactics. In the end we have set an astounding new precedent. Those that faced down the government in Nevada this past week have shown they can in fact be backed down. Americans don’t need to take it on the chin when the government grossly over steps its bounds — we can stand up to them and say “NO”.

  4. Craig's List: Free to good home.My girlfriend doesn't like my dog, so I appeal to you.She is a purebred from a wealthy area and I have had her 4 years. She likes to play games. Not totally trained. Has long hair so she's a little high maintenance, especially the nails, but she loves having them done. Stays up all night yapping but sleeps while I work. Only eats the best, most expensive food. Will NEVER greet you at the door after a long day or give you unconditional love when you're down. Does not bite but she can be mean as hell!So........anyone interested in my 30 year old, selfish, wicked, gold-digging girlfriend? Come and get her! Me and my dog want her re-homed!!

  5. Anyone have a tampon, I'm out

    1. codpiece


      Have you checked your arse LOL!


  6. 2013 f150 platinum rolled off assembly line aug of 13

  7. well if denver plays their cards exactly as they have been they will get another record. first team to be shutout in the superbowl

  8. well, just had a fire. lost our boat and camper. thankfully it didnt get the shed or our house.

    1. Scoarch


      sorry to here that. but am glad your family is safe

  9. Found it in my chicken pen.

  10. 1 Thessalonians 5:23-25New International Version (NIV)23 May God himself, the God of peace, sanctify you through and through. May your whole spirit, soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. 24 The one who calls you is faithful, and he will do it.

  11. wheres your post jason lee I know its coming

  12. dad is now home and doing really well

  13. Dad has now been moved back to a regular room. he is in 390 now thank you all for the prayers

  14. Dad is doing much better. he is off the bipap machine and his numbers are staying up. he is up sitting in the chair. and they hope they can move him back to regular floor tomorrow. thanks for all the prayers and support

  15. It wasn't a stroke. He had too much carbon dioxide in his blood and is running a fever. They have him in icu.

  16. water seem to be going down now here. thanks for all the prayers

  17. taken from matt walsh"We have succumbed to a brainwashing campaign so effective that it makes me wish that the State was half as good at constitutional governance as it is at convincing its citizens to hate freedom."

  18. If you are buying Duck Dynasty gifts this Christmas make sure its the "Duck Commander" brand name. A&E owns the "Duck Dynasty" brand!No more money in their pockets !

  19. And this is what we came home to.

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