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Posts posted by harlandwolff

  1. Running 8 on a new Asus comp.  Hated it at first, getting used to it now.  Old comp had XP.  Quite a change, and there is definitely a learning curve. 


    I can run COD 5 with no problems. 


    Unfortuntely Windows 8 is the way of the future unless you go Mac.  Guess we just gotta live with it.



  2. I can relate to the "spot" thing, I use it frequently in Spearhead, and your right, its not a hack, its just smart gaming.  Given the complexity of the COD maps, its not surprising that a newbie would wander into them, and not be able to use them.  Time and experience will settle that issue.


    Ditto on the ping situation, I do know very well what the effects of low/high ping can produce. 


    Guys, I really appreciate all the "inside" info, it really does enhance my experience level.  Thanks to you again.





  3. Thanks guys, you really have an excellent outfit.  Very supportive.


    I've felt Dean's knife more than once, and your right, he's a ghost!  I actually knifed him once, I think he felt sorry for me.....lol.


    If it weren't for your support and useful information, I might have given up on the game by now.  Now I realize the challenges, I'm in it for the long haul. 


    Thanks guys....can't say it enough.





  4. Many thanks for the reply, I now have a much greater understanding of the game and how it works.  I just have a lot to learn, and I am learning every time I play.


    I want to say again that I am totally happy with the admins and how they keep things in check, they do a wonderful job, hands down.  Its one of the reasons I game exlusively on the XI servers.  Top flight all the way.


    Again my thanks to the XI guys, simply great.





  5. Been playing on the servers for about two weeks, had lots of experience in other fps WW II games, been at it for over a decade, had my own clan etc etc.  Been working my way up through the ranks, and the additions are helpful, no doubt.  I have a new fast comp, plenty of ram, and a 25" HP HD monitor.


    I feel like an absolute idiot at times, going 1-20 etc.  Seems almost impossible, but maybe I'm wrong.  Others with my same rank and weapons are cleaing up regularly.  Gets a bit frustrating.


    I'm new to COD, and am wondering how many hack mods are out there being used.  I've heard that punkbuster is a joke when it comes to stopping hackers. 


    I mean really, when I'm hidden well, someone always pops me off at a distance without me ever seeing them.  Seems like a few know where I am even when I'm behind walls, and come out blasting.  My reaction time is just fine, never had this issue before playing COD. 


    I am Not, repeat Not blaming the guys on the server, or the clan in Any Way.  Want to make that very clear.  Love it here really.


    So....am I just that inexperienced, or are the hackers running the show?


    Many thanks from a frustrated Har.



  6. I subscribe to the Eastern philosophy of life:  Everything in moderation.  I'm a social drinker and the same for pot.  As long as you can keep your wits about you, you are doing fine.  Too much pleasure eventually becomes pain, either for you, or those around you, or innocent victims. 


    I went to a major University in the late sixties, early seventies era, so you can connect the dots as far as drugs and alcohol use.  Happily left most of it behind after graduation. 


    Its hard to argue the alcohol/violence connection, I'll give you that much.  But too much pot takes away all your motivation, something that is necessary if your to have any success and happiness in life.  Just mho.  Joe Walsh said that it works for awhile, but then you chase it.  I think thats very profound.


    Anyway. just my $.02





  7. Thanks to everyone for the info and warm welcome.  Looking forward to being in your crosshairs...often.  Still trying to learn the game, but enjoying it a lot. 





  8. Since I'm new to COD5, I'll ask a few newbie questions:


    1)  I have never been able to make gametracker work.  Tried it on my old comp using XP over the years, no go.  Tried it on my new one running W8, again no go.  The client won't log in.  It did at first, but when I tried to get onto the server through the website, it said I had to be logged into Gametracker, which I was, both on your site and in the client app.  After that failed attempt, the client stopped working, can't/won't log in.  Any ideas?


    2) I would love to play some of your other servers, but I can only access games from the in-game server menu in COD5 since gametracker is crapping out.  I can currently get the modern weapons, and custom map servers.  Is there a way to access the other one's you have?  Maybe through Xfire?


    3)  I do have Xfire, and its working just fine. What syntax do I need to use to find the guys here to add as friends, admins too?  Would very much like to start a friends list with all of you.


    4)  My mic headset will be in by the end of the week.  How do I access chat during the game, through the game itself, or TeamSpeak?


    Many thanks guys....one of these days I'll stop being the pigeon and start being the hawk....lol



  9. Just a short note to thank everyone for their kind posts.  Not easy for a new guy to fit in with experienced gamers, but all of you have been very welcoming, and I do appreciate it.  I would have to agree that the newer games require a much higher skill level than older one's such as Spearhead.  Boy, am I learning that!  Really enjoying the experience.


    Looking forward to continued participation and enjoyment!





  10. Greetings,


    Just joined, will do a short bio.  Born and raised in Ohio, now living in NC.  Ohio State University grad, had a variety of careers.  61 years old, semi-retired ( no old fart jokes please ). 


    Tried a lot of fps WW II games, played MOH Speahead since the demo, been in a few SH clans, eventually started my own that lasted for 6 years, had tons of fun.  Couldn't play any of the better games because of a lackluster computer.   Now have an ASUS desktop, happy with it, and to be able to play COD5. 


    Was pretty decent at SH, just started COD5, I only play your servers.  Getting my @ss handed to me so far, but having a blast doing it.  Love the game, and the guys on the servers are all heads-up players, and don't run down the new, inexperienced guys.  Definitely a plus.  My SH clan was dedicated to helping new guys, and furthering the game itself.


    Looking forward to the COD5 experience and getting to know everyone here.




    Harland_Wolff   ( btw, H&W is the company that built the Titanic, if anyone was wondering ).  Spent my life dodging icebergs.....lol....seems like a fititng handle.

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