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Posts posted by Fir3Marshal

  1. How many of you already use a head tracking solution?


    So I personally don't play War Thunder (yet) but I have heard you can use head tracking in this game as well. 


    Below is more of a DIY Head Tracking setup but there are full retail options in the $180 USD range. For those of you not afraid of solder, enjoy!!






  2. Well if football is more important and no one is willing to change anything due to that, you wont see me at any future BATL games. Its not worth my time or effort if its only going to work for east coast or central people and people who watch fucking football.


    No offense man but have you even told us what time would be "worth your time"? I mean just saying that you wont waste your time playing "our" game or that football is bullshit is not very helpful. But if you said, "hey I would play Sundays at noon PST" then we have something to work with...

  3. ya but if you keep changing the dates from sunday to Saturdays and having it so dam early, no one will be interested in playing. You guys are only looking at whats the best time for people on the east coast an that's it. Saturday is never good for anyone, they either work all week and want to relax or use the Saturday for their weekend needs, Or like to party on a Friday night and stay up late. Well once again 10-11am east coast time is 7-8am westcoast time. Its all bout timing. \


    And secondly people forget bout the match  or other plans do happen and get in the way, you cant expect everyone that signed up for that week or the next one to make it on time. This is a game and people have real lives, and well sometimes real life gets in the way and screws over your gaming or everyday plans.


    I think everyone needs to chill, its only a game for one and its in early stages. If your thinking you wasted all your time putting all of this together, then go ahead an think that. But honestly things like this take time and wont happen right away. you need to take at least 6 months to a year of this happening all the time before your gonna have it working perfectly. But giving up on something you want to happen really bad, specially right away is kind of garbage and childish.


    I understand you want this to happen, but you posted earlier that its not going to happen on a sunday due to fucking football. Like seriously my friend if you want this to happen pay attention to this and take football off your brain, you cant have both buddy. And you stating that its not going to happen on a sunday due to football, kinda makes it look like its all bout your needs and wants and fuck everyone else.  Im not going to change my plans to play a game cuz your football game is more important. And I seriously doubt anyone else will cuz you want to watch football. Take this how you want. Think that Im being an ass or whatever you want. But im telling you how I feel bout this.



    Fooseball is the DEVIL Bobby!


    I think lots of Americans care about football so I think Odd is right to try to not conflict with that. Also we normally play based off of CST, not EST. We also have to consider our friends in the EU, they are generally 5-8 hours later than CST so we don't want to make it impossible for them, if we made it in our evenings it would be the middle of the night for them. Guaranteed none of them would join on a Sunday at 11PM or later, just saying.


    I think the point Odd is trying to get across here is that it is frustrating to see clan members playing BF4 but refusing or not even making an effort to join us all. I agree that is tough since many of us have put quite a bit of effort into it. So, people are either interested and play or just ignore it.... That is a shame since we have had so much fun :D

  4. Lol, Did you notice my title, first time playing Civ V :P


    Yeah, I would not mind playing with you guys!


    I have really only been playing Elite: Dangerous but we have had a heck of a lot of fun this last month. I have had some pretty great streams with more than a dozen and a half viewers too. Pretty sweet :D

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