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Status Updates posted by hxtr

  1. I need to install Photoshop.\

  2. I need to install Photoshop.

  3. I never knew my ass cheek was photogenic.

  4. I went out and ate Chinese food last night and got the fortune cookie that says: "You should enhance your feminine side at this time." WTF!!!!! Did Pete touch my cookie.

  5. I will talk to bart and see about the fest. I so want to go. ROAD TRIP!

  6. I'm now a egalitarian: of, relating to, or believing in the principle that all people are equal and deserve equal rights and opportunities.

  7. ignorance is Bli$$

  8. im being voted off the island.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. 1lost1


      You didnt want to be there anyway. Lol

    3. 1lost1


      You didnt want to be there anyway. Lol

    4. 1lost1


      You didnt want to be there anyway. Lol

  9. In the Netherlands' elections, a fight for the Dutch soul

  10. Johns Hopkins Psychiatrist: ‘Transgendered Men Don’t Become Women,’ They Become ‘Feminized Men,’ ‘Impersonators’

  11. Know who are the funnies people in humor? The British. Otherwise it would be the French. If only they could speak English.

    1. Corbellus


      that made me laugh

  12. life is so strange.. maybe that is why I like it.

  13. life is so strange.. maybe that is why I like it.

  14. Math is the fundamentals of life in this dimension with our laws of Physics. God is a mathematician who created this model of a world we live in and our DNA is our programing. Without math.. this world would not exist. It's our soul's that can't be measured by man but everything else can.

    1. USMale


      toke up just one more time,Stoner. ;-)

    2. TheHammer


      The Trolley Problem !!!

    3. TBB


      FU Hxtr

  15. Merry Christmas... the most wonderful time in 8 years!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  16. No that crap is hard. :)

  17. Obama bless you all...... Obama damn it!

  18. Quote from Ted Crus today in DC. "The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world God did not exist. The greatest trick the Liberal's ever pulled was convincing conservatives they can't win."

  19. Quote from Ted Crus today in DC. "The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world God did not exist. The greatest trick the Liberal's ever pulled was convincing conservatives they can't win."

  20. R.I.P. Pettie 12/23/12 17 years old. I'll love you forever and miss you forever. Words from my daughter....

  21. R.I.P. Pettie 12/23/12 17 years old. I'll love you forever and miss you forever. Words from my daughter....

  22. RIP Simon 1-5-2013.... will miss you boy. It is so hard letting go of the things you love the most. 2 of my dogs in less than 2 week.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. 1lost1
    3. 1lost1
    4. Damage_inc-


      so sorry to hear of your losses/pets just give us all that unconditional love we need sometimes.Try not to get too down.hope we can help you here like you help us by cheering us up...

  23. Ruggerxi : (04 August 2012 - 10:59 PM) Everyone it's everyone admin day. Everyone ban all these asses at the fest that are fucking with me. Login is fu overkill password fu gorilla

  24. supercalifragilisticexpialidocious whore..... need I say more?

  25. Thanks for the new Medal Markoff and Rockape!!!!

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