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Everything posted by ToySoldier

  1. so while looking at my settings i noticed i have the AMD adrinaline software for best gaming experience...im going to try starting my game through it,however i may have be in game as a level 1 not sure but ima try it Update: seemed to work good I'll continue to play though the adrenaline feature my laptop has..thanks so far for all yalle help
  2. Get well as soon as your body lets you bubba hope all went well for your speedy recovery
  3. Welcome and nice to meet you hope you continue to enjoy the Idiocracy in the group I always have fun when your in game
  4. Just curious if anyone knows what background programs can be closed out or disabled on start up that way my craptop isn't drinking all my ram?thinking that's my problem with the fps and ping issues..I have windows 10 or 11 I'm not sure which..
  5. I just followed @Crack for the points ............ No I'm jk...don't tell bryanfury your having wings he might rob your ass,however it might help you win a map
  6. I looked and no it doesn't seem to have the modtools for cod4 @Labob.....I am extracting the zip folders to my cod directory,however I should have gotta a third party extractor hahahahaha says its going to be an hour before its done extracting...oops ...Thank you all for yalls help in the right directions.. hopefully this will work on my craptop
  7. @LOCO do i put the modtools in the directory as the zip folder or extracted ? i run cod on steam btw
  8. @MadMonk2 I daily prospect Indiana I travel to Cali, Nevada, Arizona, Michigan, North Carolina.....I'm a member of the LDMA and GPAA so we have claims and gold camps mainly in the western areas that's managed by the bureau of land management..
  9. I tell him to piss off and choke on his chicken wings all the time in game lol
  10. Hello XI members and non members alike,it's been 8years since I did my first intro and have been AWOL for quite some time and y'all have many new members to the clan and forums... My in-game name is ToySoldier most know me by {MSOB}ToySoldir,however i have dropped my tags and added the e hahaha ... My Real name is Joshua and I'll leave it at that for now..I've been into FPS games since unreal tournament got into messing with mapping for medal of honor spearhead...I'm a gold prospector by trade and love the outdoors..love coming into the servers for both cod4&5 I don't play alot at the 5 servers but still love going in and playing there..I've been around for a long time just have been in a life rut for a time now im here lets play and i hope yalls fps drops so i can kill you till i get my game skills back....if yall git any queation about me just ask
  11. Yes,for mohaa we used a 3d modeling program and made whatever model wasn't in the game...made a 3d mode for server side and then for client side,,I was younger at the time and was able to focus on it better,not sure I could do it like I used to
  12. Thanks y'all for the places to look ...thinking of doing mostly a terrain map my first one..one one Joshua Tree National Park
  13. May chip set is AMD Radeon 512mb ryzen3prosessor
  14. May chip set is AMD Radeon 512mb ryzen3prosessor
  15. Hello all,so I have a question that involves my fps...I have a weak Walmart laptop so I don't expect much anyway, however,when I connect to the XI cod5 servers I get a 65-78fps and in the cod 4 severs I get 45-60fps...i have maxed my fps in console for cod4 to 300,although our eyes only see 60 in reality...and i think 200 on cod5... Thank y'all for any help or ideals on this..
  16. I Some times call a wild shot a hax but not implying that someone is hacking, however if I do see a real hacker in any of the servers I'm not going to type out hacker,hacker, scripts...I'ma quietly contact an admin as per the server rules so the admins are aware of a hackers presence....from there as mention easier is in console, the tild key, /record name it the player so its easy to fine then give the proof...if you yell out hacker all the time good player or not those that hack will be watching for that spectator and turn their hack off so not to get caught ..I used to help run a clan for mohaa:sh and we would do this same function to catch a hack instead of console record we used xfire to record...
  17. That's awesome,I've tried metdap detecting one,I'm a gold prospector/miner so I digg in the ground too
  18. It's always great to learn more about a person great read
  19. Would anyone be kind enough to show me what programs I need to make a map for cod4?..I used to do a little for medal of honor so I thought I'd try a map
  20. Not an intro just saying I'm back after a long hiatus woohoo
  21. I ended up figuring it out..and yes i did try running it as admin it didnt work..now with the way i did it i cant play single play but muiltyplayer works just fine and thats what i wanted lol
  22. Hello all..so i was going through my games and found cod1 in my external drive..went to play it said cd key invalid..i tryied finding my original discs to reinstall but it was gone so i got it in iso format 2 disc..now here is my problem..i mount disc one splash screen comes up i click install and it zooms through disc one promt comes up to insert disc 2 so i mount disc to over disc one click ok to finish install and it does nothing..i burnt them to disc to try to install that way and same thing i insert disc 2 click ok the promt disappears for a few seconds and then reappears instead of continuing with the installation..can anyone help
  23. hello all been looking for cod5 radiant and cant find it guess im blind or something i have radiant for cod1,uo,2, 4..ive gone to where ive gottin the others and cant find 5 there any help would be great..thank you
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