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Posts posted by Capt_Right

  1. Sure, I'll add you guys as soon as I get to my gaming rig=)

    Bought the game yesterday, everything runs pretty smooth. They probably still have some small issues with servers, but comparing to closed beta - everything is pretty much fixed.

    Will be great if we could play once in a while with TS - game get so much better when you play in a team

  2. So far I didn't see anyone being interested enough in the game to even try playing in squad, even though the game was free for a few days.


    I am in UPlay as Capt_Right - add me if you would like to play as a squad. I also usually always in TeamSpeak. Oh, and I didn't pre-order the game yet, but plan to get it first week of December, after release.

  3. Yea, UPlay is a kinda shitty platform. Every major company tires to get a piece of a pie in digital distribution, so EA made Origin which is a total crap, and Ubisoft made Uplay.


    And as I was reading though forums I think it's actually not the game's issue that matchmaking sux - it's Uplay sucking because it's responsible for all users search, friends, squads and stuff. 


    Anyways, if you want to change your nickname - just make a new account. That's what I did=)

  4. Yea, everybody is waiting. But it's not like they fucked up a release date, right? It's a closed/open beta, so things might go wrong here and there.

    Anyways, they plan to launch open beta today 10am est/3pm gmt. I'll see how it goes.

    So far the game itself is pretty solid, with not so many issues. The main big problem is matchmaking.

  5. Not sure if anyone waits for this game - it's a TF2-like game from Blizzard. Yes, those guys who did Diablo, Starcraft, Warcraft and a bunch of other games.

    Anyways, game is closed beta now, some random people have access, and also many game journalists and game streamers got it too, so there are lots of streams available on Twitch if you wanna check it out.


    But the good thing is that this weekend, from 20 to 23 of November, many more players that signed up for the beta in Battle.net will get access to Overwatch - Blizzard plans to test servers stability. This is more like an open beta weekend, and rumours are there will be many more of the before final release in Spring 2016.



    If you like this kind of games - be sure to visit Battle.net Overwatch page and sign up for the beta - who knows, maybe you will be lucky to get access and play this very nice shooter.

  6. Good news.

    Open Beta of Rainbow Six: Siege will start on 25 of November, will last for 4 days and will be free to play.

    So everybody will get a chance to try this out before release on 1st of December!



    Pre-loading will be possible since 23 of November

  7. As far as I know Ubisoft really tries to push this game to a cybersport field, with all the features like spectating and others, and gameplay is pretty competitive in general.

    It doesn't mean that you have to assemble a team and do training sessions to play competitions, but just having few dozens of people who would be eager to play as a small squad with teamspeak would be nice.


    As for dedicated servers - I think they have recently announced set of new features for the release, and ability to run dedicated servers was one of them.

    Dedicated server would be nice, I think, but just have some people interested in the game and playing in the evening would be also good - to be fair I've been playing BF4 since release almost every evening, and feel pretty tired of it already=) R6:Siege will be very refreshing.

  8. I found only 2 of them, which were quite outdated, I guess. And no real discussion about if anyone would play it or not.

    I played closed Beta - managed to get the key - and game was very good. Can't wait for the release.

    But to make real fun playing one would need a party=)

  9. Hi everybody.

    Just joined, have been looking for a clan for while - tired of running alone on Hardcore BF4 servers=)


    I live in Germany, but speak only English.


    Plan to play Rainow Six: Siege and Overwatch once they will be release, hoping will find some company for these games here too.

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