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{cool.G} ingre

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Posts posted by {cool.G} ingre

  1. Hi guys,


    It was brought my attention yesterday that at times the various updates I do might surprise people. Which is cool and I appreciated it. If there are questions or comments its always good to direct them here so they can be answered or clarified. I know most people dont come here but instead say things in the game. I am not there nearly as often as most people and unless I am monitoring things I prefer to play instead of get into mod discussions. I just dont have the time. So I ask that if this happens and someone has issues direct him here.


    If I do upload or try something its for a good reason and there is a specific purpose to it. Maybe something in the game is unbalanced and unfair on its own where some kind of optional countermeasures is needed. Maybe something is not good enough to be worth using. Maybe something new and interesting to spice things up and pump up the uncertainly of the battlefield. If players dont think 'oh shit!' enough during the game then maybe something should be looked at. Otherwise its like playing tic-tac-toe with a chicken. Then again, maybe I screwed something up like I did with the car. :lol:


    Anyways, next updates will address some issues with the SAM launcher. It was ignoring the defroster uav. Maybe it should maybe it shouldnt since strictly speaking it is a stealth drone. However SAMs didnt ignore the reaper so long as it was close enough to see it. So it didnt really match. Stealth drones are harder to hit however since SAMs in-flight have a harder time tracking it depending on range as well as relative attack angles. Like the reaper and uav the defroster has two defensive flares that most of the time will distract missiles. Two more are required to destroy it. On small and open maps like Bog this can happen fairly quickly. On maps with lots of obstructions it might not happen at all or not enough to destroy it before it expires. Related note, it is possible that SAMs were not being fired at the AC130 but nobody told me if they werent. The ac130 has four flares and requires four missiles to destroy it.


    To clarify the experiment why sudden death has the red-dots for players that fire unsilenced weapons. Often matches were ending where nobody won. This happens when there are too many rounds that end in a draw. Considering 9-round matches can take well over an hour that can get annoying. The idea isnt to show where everyone is at all times... barring someone launching an actual uav... but help alleviate situations where people run around and never find each other. In the past, with spectator ghosting, dead friendlies were telling where the enemy was anyways. One result I saw is that many people simply run around with silencers when they are defrosted close to the end of regulation time. But there will always be people that strictly insist on their machine guns or shottys and will be seen every time they fire. That might be unfair. So Boom had an idea that might be worth exploring next. Once sudden death starts, for 10 seconds red dots will show everyone. But after that nothing regardless of weapon. Except the uav streak if launched.

    hello all

    hi sammy

    tell me its you ? from OW2 comminuty


    PS: sorry for bad english

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