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Everything posted by ANGU5

  1. O and ps.. Where did I bring politics in.... ?
  2. So what is it actually.. I made a post about something some members are interested in and what... Some moron hijacked it and I made a good point about it ... and now it is what.. ? and I am bragging ... ? really .. You should learn the difference ... So tell me... ? It's not my fault people are offended by people making a stand and wanting to talk about something that interest them... ??.. So who's the small minded here... ? the one who is but hurt ..?
  3. What did you say,I didn't catch it. I was just skimming your opinion......
  4. Shotgun shell in a pistol... Good for blind people and close quarters.. Lol
  5. OMG that is humongous....thats what she said.....
  6. You had me at mini skirts and heelzzz lol Shooting is fun and something GG and I and my son do all the time when we can... And you hit the target .. !
  7. I guess ill answer you and chilli and any one else with the same opinion . Which is sad that people turn a post into something it's not.. And truly if this gets to far off topic ill let rugger delete it.. This is for individuals who like I, like to own guns, be protected and carry freely and lawfully... And also, I'm not a afraid anything, Well maybe @Unchileno naked. That scares me. ... First off I respect anyone's right to like guns or carry... Or Not like guns and not carry.. I don't judge people differently cause they do or don't. I might think about where they are coming from and what to expect from them, But don't judge them.. Or ridicule them...i grew up with guns, Shooting , hunting and had service members in life that fought with guns, Killed with guns. I know what a gun is possible of doing to doing to a animal or a human.. But a gun is a tool.. Nothing more, nothing less...I could kill you with the keyboard i'm typing on right now if i used it the wrong way.. Point is a gun is nothing more then a person makes it... that being said a person carrying a gun should know the responsibility of owning and carrying.. I do.. I live a great place , Peaceful and safe and not a hostile part of the world here. I live in small town USA. Do i feel safe? everyday!! Do i feel threatened ? Never!! Do I feel like my life is safer cause I own and carry.. ? No . But do I feel better protected and like I will take care of myself and family and friends if something does happen.. ? Yes!!! Owning a gun is right and privilege we have here in the US. So politics aside, I choose to carry.. You don't , Fair enough.. As for carrying. I don't actually carry a gun on me unless the environment dictates it.. If i go out of town and feel needed I have it. If GG and my son are with me out of town, Needed..I stay in good places in any town. But criminals don't mind that...I don't carry around home town , Always in reach in truck or some where else though .. I don't carry extra ammo looking for war or anything crazy, I just want to have enough to be able to call the police when it's over. Not some one else calling the coroner .. There have been some sad tragedies lately that A gun owner or person with the right training could have prevented some sad deaths... So when the man comes after you shooting his illegal gun at you , Hide behind me and I will make sure you get home and aren't a number...I carry a flash light cause its handy and useful, And the knife , You overwhelmed by a knife.. ? Pretty useful for work.. and etc... also.. At the end of the day we all have the right to feel how we do about guns, I respect that.. This post was about those that do enjoy guns and the owning and or carrying. .respect that... BTW I am a licensed concealed Carry CCW here in the US , Not some wacko ...
  8. I am kind of worried about the no pants thing too... lol
  9. He is beautiful! And great for dog parks and recreation !
  10. I might be short on having the 50 .. But have shot one ...
  11. Where would that be... ? I live in a great neighborhood, And great state.. Yours not ? or better ? You think that would make me not carry...? Sandy hook is a nice neighborhood.. Marshall county next to mine is a great place to live... Did it make a difference there... ? Let me know when you find a perfect neighborhood or town or city or state. ...
  12. I have the two standard clips from factory. One has the small extension, other does not.. I tried the 12 round clips this weekend and will be buying two of those very soon!.. This is one of the best guns i've bought in a long time.. Love it..
  13. It was clean front to back and done right!!
  14. We know how to have a great weekend.. Hope every one else had one too.. Just thought we would share..
  15. Lol really... You know how small the sig is...?.. And trust me, that's not all in my pocket at once...
  16. My Every Day Carry..... Yours ...? Sig Sauer p365 , Dual clips 10+1 , Hornady Critical Duty 135 gr.. Gerber 4" ultra light, And Ultra Fire 2000 ...
  17. I love it!!! Have tried about half that list! And will enjoy trying the other half in your honor!! Thanks bud.. I love these list... They are informative and always bring new flavors to the try! Thank you!!
  18. If I listed it today I could make over 200 easy on gunbroker.. But I don't buy like a lot people to resale and make money, I enjoy shooting to much.. Also makes it harder for true gun lovers to find what they want at reasonable prices.. Same thing happen to ammo last year.. Got stupid..As far as recoil and shooting , it has a quick hard snappy feel.. I give more true feed back this weekend.. I got mine from owner of local shop ,Friend of mine for long time.. My only feeling of what i might do different is buy the 12 round extended mag for a little bit longer finger hold. But Actually don't mind the short mag on this gun, Which is a first for me...
  19. I love my frontier s3. Ill try!! cool!!
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