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Status Updates posted by Vicky

  1. got offers from two universities, tough desicions...



      I'd suggest searching for reviews/feedback from alumni as well as researching the cities where the universities are as uni life is more than lectures and tutorials. You may need part time employment or a social life? Is proximity to home a factor or maybe you want distance instead? Are friends accompanying you? It's a big step but one you are likely to enjoy - it will be more an illumination than education and you'll learn to question things you are fed. Good luck with your f...

  2. Happy New Year!!!

  3. Merry Christmas & a happy new year!

  4. passed my theory test woohoo

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Onyx


      Nice one. Just need to ace the practical one now

    3. Sonovabich


      well done Vicky :)

    4. Vicky
  5. named my new car FRANKIE love it

  6. got my first car wooo!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Boomer


      cool I'm over here its ok to still walk the streets :P



    3. Vicky


      hahah cheeky!

    4. Vicky


      hahah cheeky!

  7. They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old, Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning, We will remember them.

  8. currently applying for the Great British Bake Off, ahhhhh scared

  9. Winter is definitely here...

  10. do i get COD ghosts or do i not? hmm

  11. happy halloween!!

  12. bad stormy weather already started here... woohoo

  13. had a good day in Blackpool today:)

  14. 2 weeks off school, don't mind if i do woo

    1. Boomer


      me either :)P


  15. love lazy sundays

  16. We won 3-0 again in the ESC 4v4 :)

    1. Boomer


      wtg luv Great Job!

  17. brrrrr can tell its nearly winter, getting blankets out

    1. cold fusion

      cold fusion

      Grrr, Hate The Cold

  18. back to college tomorrow! 7am start...

  19. first driving lesson over and done with, no crashes or stalls!

  20. back in rainy cold England, in jeans and a jumper sad:( want to live in sharm

  21. off to Egypt back in 2 weeks!


  23. Egypt on Sunday, cannot wait

  24. woo 24 killstreak

  25. sat and watched the baby prince come out of the Lindo Wing, so beautiiful

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