You know I got this extremely bad habit - I joke around with my "friends" err wait People who I think are my friends here a lot. For an example. You come in the server or.. even vent you get a str8 up FUCK YOU!!! Some of us look at it as a "hey, whats going on".
1. Example - which is my favorite - Is your pussy dry or hurting today? Do you need some lube to keep it moist? (This statement is aimed to friends who complain in a jokingly way about something. Could be anything.. If your going to sleep, if you get blasted with a noob tube, clays, rockets, omg the list just goes on forever!! But I think you get the point). IT IS A JOKE don't get serious!
2. Calling each other retarded yet funny names that don't even make sense for the most part
3. Trash talking in a - (Key word) -----> jokingly way<-------- - (Insert friend name here) "you suck, u got no skills, etc, etc, bla bla bla, whatever"...
I am sure there is much more but the point I am making is this.
If friends joke around with each other and everyone gets a laugh, then there shouldn't be a problem right? And if you are joking with a friend and that friend takes it serious, - Correct me if I am wrong - is it NOT up to that friend to make that move and pull you to the side and say "Hey, I gotta talk to you about something" I mean that's what I would do instead of ignoring them, and or becoming a hater. It just causes unnessesary drama in our clan and not to mention, make friendships a little bit sour as an end result of not opening up. You would imagine that if you offended or pissed off someone that you think is a friend that they would come to you and talk to you about it? 95% of everyone has an alike sense of humor. But there will always be that 5% that will get all twisted up and be pissed or upset with you because you offended them. The best part - you don't even know that you offended them so your left clueless.
So, If I have offended anyone in the past, present, and or future
1. I am sorry,
2. tell me if I have said something that bothered you or offended you or something, instead of being pissed at me and just ignoring me (Bc I am still under the assumption that we are friends and everything is kosher). How the fuck am I supposed to know that you are pissed at me if I dnt even know?
3. We are XI we get carried away sometimes. We are IDIOTS!! >XI< <-- wear it with pride u pansies!
and the most important part, that is the most crucial element to ever exsist in society (see #3)
3. Remember what friendship is really supposed to be about - "Friendship is when people know all about you but like you anyway."
If this post has offended you. Then go get a lube job.