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Posts posted by LittleTooT







    XI is an adult clan with no prohibitions on use of language except for two primary rules: no racist remarks, and no personal attacks. You need to check your sensitive feelings at the door when you come here: if you don't like it, don't look at it or don't comment on it. If you believe someone has broken one of our rules, let an admin know and we will take action as needed. We also do not tolerate cheating or disrespect by members or guests, and insist on good sportsmanship. Violations can lead to permanent bans. We play for fun, we play with honor, and we strive to treat each other with respect and consideration. No one, member or guest, is above our Code.

  2. Let me handle this Steve...


    Joe, when you specifically tell me to get off my pedestal and listen to the members, you are in fact questioning my integrity and reputation, in the most disrespectful and condisending manor. Like I said, I'm open to concerns but when u call me an asshole to my face, well I take exception to that.


    Secondly, have u not heard the inordinate amount of complaints voiced by players of late? Its my job to address those concerns to the best of my capability, and if changing the map is needed, I will do so. I am fully aware that not everyone will be pleased by that, but I have to consider the wishes of the group as a whole.


    My job is to monitor the servers, help members with problems or concerns and make this a fun gaming experience for everyone. With that said, if your don't like a certain map, wait 20 minutes, it's bound to change soon.. But when u get a cluster fuck of bad spawn raping maps in a row, and members are upset.. That's where my assistance is required...



    WOW, this is most drama I have seen since Area something or other, not been around lately due to work, sry. I have to agree with Pete, there have been maps that I have never liked since I became an Admin, some people do, I would just go to spectate and take a break no big deal, let the 4 or 5 members who want to play it- play it. It's just a game, not splitting DNA here!!

  3. Thus, this is what you have to deal with when you put your trust in the internet. It is a sad affair, hopefully everyone shall learn from this event. I was with 2 clans before this, both MOH and both when the internet was in its infancy, I could see this coming, I had a pte twitter my 2 I/C this summer that he was sick at 3 am, saw him loaded at liquour store at 10 pm night before. Hate to say it but we can no longer take electrons at face value. My 2 bits on this. Done

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