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Status Updates posted by Streetcleaner

  1. for my loyal followers.....hehe  .....posted some vids of me messing around with my axe .


  2. FUCKING FUCK  !!!

    I have been trying to put some new ideas down on tape with some drum tracks......and not going well....grrrr... technical difficulties and brain flatulence ....thus coining a new phrase .....

    " FUCKING FUCK " !!!

    feel free to use it anytime you encounter extreme frustration ...and you're welcome.  :evil:


  3. Happy B-DAY Mrs. Joe !!

    and many more to follow !!


  4. Have you ever gone into a food coma and passed out on your bed ,only to wake up and find out you're really on a display model at a mattress store?.... well.......


    1. USMale



  5. Have you ever opened your mouth only to stick your foot in it and make yourself look like an ass?  ...well ,I have ....too many times to Count....:X


  6. Hey, I just saw my "community reputation".....it says I'm "JUST"really nice......

    WTF !!!!   ?    isn't "nice" good enough?   Geez....


  7. I was thinking....I need a change in my life, I'm going thru a rut ....

    so now I brush my hair to the other side !!


  8. the saying "Things happen for a reason"... is a double edged sword....because you never know what side of the blade you're going to get ...


  9. Well......I would just like to thank my followers....you have stuck with me through.....well.....uh....this.....and that.one has passed R.I.P. Male .....and one was banned....FOR LIFE.   bummer....so I'm now down to 8. 8 fantastic people I might add so :cheers: to my peeps !! keep on keeping on !!


  10. When the killin' is done and the carnage has ceased ....what do you have?

    A fucking mess.

    1. 7Toes
    2. Hijack


      oh!oh ! shit is going to hit the fan:sick: LOL

  11. If you're  afraid of failing then you're afraid of succeeding .


  12. even when it's hard, it's always better to laugh .

  13. Evil depends on good people saying or doing nothing.

  14. I Got Blisters On My Fingers  !!! :guitar:

    1. Streetcleaner


      your lifestyle  determines your deathstyle   

  15. I never "Try" anything ,I just "Do" it.......you wanna try me? .....:guitar:

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Streetcleaner


      okay...okay   I was talking about gaming ...but I should have known  ....


    3. Streetcleaner
    4. USMale


      ur so sick! :sofa:

  16. I took the drugs but the drugs didn't take ......

  17. I used to trust the media to tell me the truth...knows the truth...but now I see the payoffs everywhere I look,who do you trust when every ones a crook  ?......Revolution calling !!

  18. I would just like to take the time to thank all my followers...I don't have many but it's not about the quantity but about the quality...eh....?  :thumbup: also I have posted some new song ideas in the "about me " section ,that I have been working on, if you want to give them a listen....they are not finished yet...obviously .....just rough demo's

    again, thank you,everyone and have a good weekend.


  19. I'm no Doctor,I'm just a normal person,who loves revenge.....

  20. new vids...IS THIS COMING THROUGH ?

    1. Hijack


      Nice street good music, your a very good guitar player. Keep on rockin?

    2. Streetcleaner


      thanks Hijack   :guitar:

  21. please welcome, with open arms   ..................................... AUTUMN !!  WOOOOOOT  !!  :guitar:

  22. Remember ...two wrongs don't make a right but 3 lefts do....sometimes it takes some of us a little longer to get there ....:guitar:

  23. The internet can be used as a short term,non prescription  form of a pain killer....when needed....

  24. the saying "Things happen for a reason".....is a double edged sword .....

  25. unfairness undermines and tears at the fabric of society.....

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