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Everything posted by HellTiger

  1. "DAMN YOU HXTR!", he yelled. He then pissed everywhere like an uncontrollable fire hose.
  2. I believe so, I haven't seen anything about a first person view.
  3. Since you guys haven't talked about this game since June 2013 I was thinking maybe we should bring the topic back up since the game comes out in 4 months from now. Are any of you still interested in The Division? Original Thread: https://www.xtremeidiots.com/topic/38413-anyone-else-excited-to-play-this/?hl=division#entry402502
  4. I do not recommend anything higher than the i5 and here is why I do not tell anyone to buy an i7 for a gaming rig. I personally have an i7-3820 3.6GHz CPU but that's just me. I just prefer to have an i7 although some i5 and i7 CPUs have very close FPS differences I still personally pick i7 over i5.
  5. AMD Recommendation: $398 AMD FX-9590 http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819113347&cm_re=9590_fx-_-19-113-347-_-Product AMD MSI AM3+ DDR3 MOBO http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813130790&cm_re=AMD_MSI_AM3%2b-_-13-130-790-_-Product Please note this CPU requires a water cooler. I recommend: Corsair H60 http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16835181030&cm_re=corsair_h60-_-35-181-030-_-Product INTEL Recommendation: $450 i5-6600K http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819117561&cm_re=Intel_Core_i5-6600K-_-19-117-561-_-Product ASUS Z170-P D3 LGA1151 DDR3 MOBO http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813132572 Please note this CPU does not come with a CPU Cooler. I recommend the same CPU cooler I mentioned for AMD. I have the Corsair H60 cooler for my i7-3820 and it never goes over 50C while gaming This is not a full load temp. I will be honest and say go for the intel setup because I feel that intel just performs better. Here is a video on why the 6600K is better than AMD.
  6. I'm under water up in the front. My girl friend Liz is next to me in the black shirt, matching life jacket.
  7. Thank you all! I feel so welcomed into your community.
  8. Update: I'm looking to get recruited into the Texas Air National Guard.
  9. What issue are having or what exactly are you trying to do? It could be an issue with your system ram or vram, but we have no idea what issue you are having. We need more information in order to help you.
  10. That's fine, I'm looking into the Texas Air Force National Guard to transfer into since the air force take education seriously which the army does not...
  11. I'm not a clan kind of guy. I just never cared for clans. I like to play alone but it's becoming lonely and boring so I went clan hunting and I just got a couple clan's teamspeak info and hungout with some guys in each clan I could find. I'd try to stick with one teamspeak a week but some of them I couldn't get passed day 2. XI / FoXI you are the best! This is why I joined you and stuck with you. You guys have the best community within the games I enjoy. Cheers!
  12. If we did any of that we would have no teeth, a dent in our face from foot impact, and most likely on a no weapon profile.
  13. Hey everybody! I'm Hell Tigris. My real name is Dennis. I've just been recruited into FoXI. I'm 25 years old, Active Duty in the U.S. Army as a 25U Signaleer. Been in 3 years 5 months now looking to transfer into National Guard or Reserves in Navy, Air Force, or Army. Still doing research. Hobbies: Paintball, white water rafting, snowboarding, longboarding, hiking, building computers, gaming, and researching my future career. I look forward to killing you all! See you all in teamspeak and in the game!
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