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Everything posted by Guybrush

  1. Howdy. Hope to see your dog tags soon
  2. If it determines the MoTM by reputation points, then assuming TSW has the most reputation (i.e., most liked posts, based on his profile, can't seem to find a top 10 or similar listing of the members with highest rep), wouldn't that essentially mean that he would continue to be the MoTM until someone succeeds him in number of likes (or reputation points)? Just wondering Congrats btw TSW
  3. @@Sgt_Twinkie, no offense taken. I figured that's what you meant. Was just a little confused on the wording No one can be sure how they will react under pressure or when lives are at stake. The important thing is to keep an open mind and hope you make the right choice. Hopefully you never have to worry.
  4. @@PingLo, I appreciate your saying that. I have a profound respect for the men AND women who have stood up to serve our country. It's not an easy choice, and everyone answers the call for different reasons, but nevertheless, they answer the call. DorknRok is among the many here with whom I have sincere gratitude. But. There are exceptions. I actually had written a frikkin book after I made that post, but my tablet decided to get rid of it before I got a chance to post it. I actually have a fairly skeptical view on this sudden change to policy. When I joined the army, my job was combat engineer. Naturally this job was not open to females, so all of the time I spent in training was done in the company of all males. There simply were no females. Even when I got to my unit, I did not work around females. There was one female in the entire company, but she was in supply and rarely got out and around to talk to people. And I'll be honest, it was pretty nice. After a few years in the military, you get used to a certain degree of freedom of language. I got my first dose of females in training during a reclass. Instead of worrying about the next day's training, a handful of our peers were more worried about impressing one of the females (one of about 6 in the company). This led to one getting caught having sex in a port-a-jon, and then subsequently getting chaptered out of the army. Unnecessary to say the least. When I became a drill sergeant, this came to a crashing halt. Suddenly I had to worry about who was listening, and how they felt about what I was saying. I'm not implying that female presence is at fault for the continued "political correctness" that is shaping our force, but it certainly makes it harder. But it's not even just the female presence, America and its youth is gradually getting lazier and less and less competent. They aren't accustomed to working hard or dealing with difficult situations or even handling day to day life without everyday conveniences. Add on top of that having to deal with females who use their "time of the month" as an excuse to get out of training, or call one of my peers out on sexual assault simply because they heard something they thought was offensive (he lost his hat). This simply wouldn't have happened when I came through. If someone took offense to something, they rarely spoke up about it and instead grew a pair and dealt with it. Now you have to pick your fights. Now you have to worry about pissing off the wrong female (and when push comes to shove, they believe the private over the drill sergeant every time). I won't say all females are like this; I agree with the opinion that there are a handful and more who are willing to bear the brunt of the rigors of life overseas and abroad shoulder to shoulder with males. But I don't think that their capability is all that is in question. Females in combat environments have long presented multiple conflicts. One concern I have is the dilemma of "fight or flight". Many have said that they wouldn't care about sex if the person beside them could carry them wounded out of harm's way. But what if you were in charge of triage? What if you were asked to choose between a man with a sucking chest wound, and a female screaming out in pain because she was shot in the leg? Are you, as a male with your deep seeded virtues of protecting females, capable of determining without bias who receives treatment first? This is one of many issues. But I will say that contrary to popular belief, there are females already outside the wire seeing combat. The restriction previously held prevented them from being recognized for their efforts and bravery. Chances are, no matter who you are, you are going to see some level of combat, especially if you were in Iraq or in or going to Afghanistan. I don't want to get into all the complications, and I don't want anyone to think I'm sexist (I apologize if I have offended any females). My true purpose in the military is training, and I enjoy the hell out of getting the opportunity to help save lives and make our army better. I remain skeptical for now, but I guess only time will tell.
  5. Can you be more specific? Sure thing, just give me your perspective, are you military, have you been engaged in the front lines? I am a drill sergeant in the Army (since 2010) enlisted in 2005. I have been fortunate not to have been deployed yet, but given that it's my job to prepare soldiers for life overseas in combat environments as well as garrison life, an understanding of our current mission as well as its objectives is imperative. What i will say is that there is no "front line". As far as the army goes, you may train to perform a certain job, but there's no guarantee you will be doing that job overseas. Where you go and who you go with will depend largely on the mission your unit is tasked to accomplish.
  6. I would hope that you feel this way regardless of sex. POW situations are an unfortunate fact in the wars we are involved in, and especially with the kinds of enemies we face. Anyone interested in joining the military should be cognizant of the inherent risks taken overseas, especially in parts of the world where Americans (or more specifically NATO forces) are seen in such negative ways.
  7. I got the worst of both worlds. Working as public safety officer: fireman and cop. Our fulltime fire dept guys just drive the trucks to the scene. ._. Where you PS at NC. I an pm you the exact location.
  8. I got the worst of both worlds. Working as public safety officer: fireman and cop. Our fulltime fire dept guys just drive the trucks to the scene. ._.
  9. Good points / discussion. Thanks for the input
  10. I haven't found any official documentation, memorandum or other, saying whether or not this is true, although im sure there will be some stipulation, there are direct references to the ban when it relates to special operations units (like SEAL, SF, etc). In other words, from what ive read, these too will be gender neutral. Edit: heres a bbc news article. Supposedly will be 2016 before any definite decisions are made. http://m.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-21172033
  11. Not sure if this falls into the politics category since...well...the military is a dictatorship. But since it's a little dicy and some people have very differing opinions, let's try to keep it respectful and clean. This is specifically directed towards the current and veteran members of the armed forces (US or elsewhere), but I'm sure others will have something to say. Basically the Pentagon (more specifically Sec of Defense Leon Panetta) has stated that the ban on women in combat roles will be removed, allowing women to serve in combat roles like infantry, tanker, combat engineer, etc. I think this could potentially have dramatic changes to the way we train up soldiers. I had a slew of classes to take before I hit the trail after DADT was repealed, simply because of well...actually I don't need to elaborate on that. There's a couple different ways this could go. Either standards of physical fitness will be lowered in order to combat attrition (and allow more women to meet the requirements set), That or they could continue to remain the same regardless of sex. Personally I am always of the opinion that the standards set by the Army (set forth by TRADOC, a beauracratic gaggle of idiots charged with creating policy on training, all due respect) are already lacking and in need of improvement. Combat roles need to have rigorous forms of training, and there should be no gender-oriented standard. They shouldn't be weakened simply because women are allowed to fill the ranks. Thoughts? Pros, cons?
  12. Saw all the hoopla about whether or not she sang live. And I thought.. Seriously...who gives a fuck? CNN you are starting to annoy me.
  13. Ass raping in modern prisons doesnt happen as often as you might think. But lets think realistically...gonna get ass raped metaphorically either way you go. You guys are getting off topic here. Go ass rape on you own time. sweet... who's first? You can get sexual assaulted in prison but not like the old days and not in all jails. Now days they are call volunteers or punks and up north i think called queens. nasty topic and it bring back some uncomfortable memories. Some nasty fucks locked up. Won't get ass raped if you arm yourself with a hammer... Who's off topic?!
  14. Ass raping in modern prisons doesnt happen as often as you might think. But lets think realistically...gonna get ass raped metaphorically either way you go.
  15. Seems like the most logical solution. Inmates also get free healthcare. What's not to love?
  16. Given that there are situations where the offending team has the ability to break out after being outflanked, there are specific maps where this just isn't possible. Not sure what the name is, but there is one specific map where a majority of the time, when the team gets backed into the spawn with only two avenues of escape (both of which are bottlenecks), there's just no way to get out. In this situation, I think a surrender option would be beneficial. When this happens on the 64 server, I usually don't stick around to play it out because I don't think I've ever seen the losing team manage to get out of their spawn after this happens.
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