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Status Updates posted by Angel

  1. Going to lay down, I lost a client today that I was very close to. They are like my second family. :(

  2. Had such a great time sitting with my daddy this evening. I love that man so much!

  3. Dinner at Fuji's-$60, Going shopping with my daughter-$80, Spending this wonderful time walking around the mall with her--$Priceless. Thank you God for this. I am so thankful to have her in my life. Ur my life baby girl!!

  4. Dinner at Fuji's-$60, Going shopping with my daughter-$80, Spending this wonderful time walking around the mall with her--$Priceless. Thank you God for this. I am so thankful to have her in my life. Ur my life baby girl!!

  5. So happy for the weekend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. Today is my daughters 12th Birthday! I am so proud of the young smart woman she is becoming. :)

    1. JACKO:)


      happy b-day to lil_angel!

      be blessed

  7. Really.....As If I Needed Anymore On My Plate!!!!!!!!!

  8. This is gonna be a long week.....:/

  9. This is gonna be a long week.....:/

  10. This is gonna be a long week.....:/

  11. Need some serious prayers for the day I will face tomorrow.

  12. Get my brother home again and now my daddy is back in. He has to have bypass surgery so please pray for us.

    1. BigPapaDean


      My heart is with you and your father and family!


    2. BigPapaDean


      My heart is with you and your father and family!


  13. Surgery went good today but he will have another one Thursday or Friday, they are still finding bullet fragments. Please pray cause its causing infection in his leg right now.

  14. My brother will undergo another surgery today, send some prayers this way please.

  15. Brother doing good, now need some prayers for my daddy again..Going back to the hospital.

    1. Giggles


      sending u lots of prayers

    2. Giggles


      sending u lots of prayers

    3. Angel
  16. Where has the fun gone????

  17. ROLL TIDE ROLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BCS Champs Again!!!!

  18. BCS Championship Game--Roll Tide Roll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  19. BCS Championship Game--Roll Tide Roll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  20. Ok my Gameface is On...Lets Go Play Some Softball!!!!!! Love you Brother!!! This is for you!!

  21. Ugh.......5 days of the flu is enough, go away!!!

  22. Happy New Years!

  23. Well this isn't the thankful month but let me tell you I am very thankful that I can have my brother here for Christmas and my family. Family means a lot to me, more than most will ever know. But in the past week, I have seen a different kind of family. Police family. That is one awesome bond they have. They may wear different uniforms but when it comes down to it and one needs their help, it doesn't matter. They come with arms wide open. I have heard to awesome quotes this week also....

  24. Please pray for my brother! I love you my big bubba!!

  25. Lookin forward to Sunday! Luv ya Killa!!

    1. Dukoo


      Another year gone. Time goes so fast.

    2. Dukoo


      Another year gone. Time goes so fast.

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