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Status Updates posted by BigPapaDean

  1. Not sure who you are but thanks for the donation of 5000 points!


  2. Well after 4 days without a car as dummy me left the headlights on and ran the battery down we have it going again. All the ones I use to call are no longer in town so I eneded up calling my son Stephen Todd and he has a friend that drives pretty much by my house every day! It pays to have connections! :D

  3. WHATEVER AM i GOING TO DO? OH NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. I didn't know.....!

  5. More of what America needs!

  6. My biggest dream car!!!

  7. Debra A. McMichael look at this! :)

  8. Now this is adorable!

  9. Okay you don't have to say it I know I am crazy but......

  10. My son said something to me last night that answered some questions I have had for sometime about why my awareness of me and others seems to be at a level most never achieve or are even aware exist. We were out getting some things we needed and we were discussing how to become cognizant of escape routes when driving so as to avoid bad situations while driving. He told me he is able to do this because he is acutely aware at all times and being thus he already has this incorporated in his driving. Well I have had and still do have when under stress or high anxiety the ability to have that same high acute awareness of things and especially other people and myself and what is going on with them and myself. After I had my nervous breakdown it seemed I could hear someone speak and I knew what bad things had happened to them and also how to improve that situation so it would become a positive and not a negative. The further in time I get from that event the less available it has become to me with the exception of when my stress or anxiety is back to those same levels as they were back then. This as I said has been increasingly less frequent but still there. One thing that triggers this same reaction is when I get extremely angry at someone or something. It's like my spirit is totally in tune with everything around me. I now know that to a certain extent I have always had this but was unaware of it and how it worked. Where I experienced it most back when I was young was when I was out in the woods with my gun and hunting. There were numerous times I would walk right up on creatures and they wouldn't even know I was there, and I was not walking quietly either. Other times I would sense them way before I saw them. It's like I was really super aware when I was out there. I found a video that talks a little about this and what kind of people who have this ability and what makes them unique! It describes me to a tee with one exception. I am not a good leader even though I do love helping and relating to others!

  11. Great lesson of life!

  12. So I went to the Dr this am for several things and one of those was about my high anxiety I have been having lately! Well what I had forgotten was the medicine I am taking for my depression is at the lowest dosage so he had me double it and right now I feel pretty good but I have a follow up in a week and we will go from there! I was so anxious I had a hard time fallling to sleep but a while ago I fell right to sleep as I am so relaxed right now! :) Feels good not to be stressed! :D

    1. 7Toes


      dean a good hooker and bottle of good booze always relaxed me lol glad to here your feeling better dean

  13. According to this logic I am conserving the length of time the universe will exist! lol

  14. Sharing again! Love it every time I see it!

  15. My head won't slow down so I can concentrate on anything for a while! I have always thought I have ADHD and my son told me as much just last night! GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR all these stupid disorders are driving mad and I don't have far to go! lol

  16. The other day I asked a question about what 3 things were important to you and a possible friend. Most were within the guidelines but wasn't quite what I was looking for. I have thought about this quite a bit lately as I don't have many friends near me so I can do things with them and talk to them. I have also had friends betray my trust as I am sure many of you have. To me trust is huge in any relationship wither physical, spiritual and or romantically. I have been betrayed in all aspects of this yet I need to have friends with whom I can relate and fellowship with. The bible talks about friendship and the very first thing you need if you want friends is you must be friendly yourself. Proverbs 18:24 "A man that hath friends must shew himself friendly: and there is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother." Of course this was talking about Jesus and what he means to us but it also applies to us as humans in the aspect if I am not friendly then more than likely I am not going to have very many friends. I believe I have changed since my breakdown and possibly am not as approachable as before. I don't know but I actually feel more friendly! My kids think I talk to too many people when they take me out to do something. I guess that's still out for debate. The second part of this verse is what is really speaking of Jesus but I have had friends in the past and heard of those who have them now that can be described by this statement "closer than a brother." We know that most families whether brothers or sisters are very close and know each other very well! But there are friends we have sometimes that become so close and we rely on them so heavily they feel closer than our own flesh and blood. I can tell you I have had two such friends and they are still very dear to me after all this time. After my breakdown my mother and siblings felt bad for me but they had no idea how to help me nor what I wanted or needed! It was at this time a dear young mother of two became my closest friend and closer than my own family as she understood me and knew what I needed most and that was somebody to listen and show me they cared enough to give up their time and energy to keep me in the game of life.To this day I call her my little sister! The other one was there when my electric was shut off and I ended up wandering the streets during the daytime to keep warm. One night at her work I was there and she asked me if I would like a ride home after her work. That begin a friendship where she made sure I got home every night she worked and I made her laugh because I had an odd sense of humor kind of off the wall so to speak. Both of these ladies now have their own issues and I am helpless to help them. I feel horrible about that and let me tell you both of their situations are really quite serious. I do pray for them everyday. They both are like little sisters to me and I love them dearly!Sometimes a friend is someone you may have something in common and or able to talk about different things about. You may not even think the same or even have the same core values as the other one does. The thing is you still care and listen and just simply avoid those issues you know cause problems between you. Yet you get along so well your differences make no difference in your friendship. Kind of like "opposites attract." Other times they may be someone that you have common interest with such as hobbies and pastimes! I love to go fishing and when someone asks me to go if I feel up to it I am happy to accept the invitation. It usually ends up being a great time together and memories made for the future! Relationships would be better left alone by me as I was a failure at the romance thing tho I can tell you what not to do!:) If you want my perspective on that let me know and I will be willing to give it tho ever so humble!If you look at this you will see where what each of you told me is in this post but maybe not like you thought! I don't know but this has been on my mind for some time! God bless and may you be safe and happy! FDT

  17. What do you consider the 3 most important things that you look for in a friend?

  18. I need to say something that God has been doing for me! To all my lifetime long friends you all know I love each and every one. I have memories that at one time I lost but am now regaining them and those memories are like a life line of their own to me. They come when I need them to give me hope and encouragement at the times no one else is around. Today in this world we live in we have a thing commonly called "social media". Because it is a world wide access thing we can meet people across the globe we would never have know existed before, but they can also be in our own home town and because we are from different generational times we never met. This "social media" has given me opportunities to have friends world wide. Many who I have become quite fond of as we interact and I see how much we have in common.Most of you know the challenges I deal with daily as I share so others know if they have like challenges they are not alone. In doing so I have been lead to some amazing people that my intentions were to help them, but in so doing I have been blessed beyond measure. Some of these people have been very much a God send to me not me to them. They all know who they are and I want to say thank you for being there when I needed you most! If the opportunity ever arises I would love to meet each and everyone of you in person and give you a big hug for being my friend! Who would have ever thought that an online gaming community would provide the chance for me to make some life long friends! Some whom in the last few years have since passed on to the next life. I trust they are now safe and wrapped in that heavenly blanket of love as only He can give! In parting I want to say I have had two opportunities to have two wonderful lives and I have and still am making memories in both! God is so good! God bless you all with His precious love as only He can do!

  19. Last night was a night like I never want to experience again. I just couldn't fight this feeling and I can't even explain what it was I was feeling, but I asked God to help me and then posted here and a new dear friend responded and I tried what she said and it helped a lot. Pretty soon my son gave me a couple of his anxiety meds and soon I was back to me being mellow again! I have an appointment on Feb 9th that I am going to talk to him about this as it seems to be more of a problem now that ever before or at least me reacting that way! Please keep me in your minds and hearts! Thank you Cindy Spiva you were an angel sent by God!

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