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Status Updates posted by LilAcorn

  1. Hope all of you had a wonderful new years eve.... 

  2. "Always keep your heart open and love will find it's way in."

  3. *cries* anyone got a box of tissues?

  4. 10 PM and all three kids are sound asleep.... need to move the lil one into his bed... Wish I knew why he is scared of sleeping in his own bed at bedtime but once I place him in his bed when he has passed out in his playpen its all good till morning. Hope he will out grow it and start wanting to go to bed when the older two do soon.

    1. CobraBites


      cant remember how old the lil one is but mayb its time for a regular toddler bed we had same issue with ours..come to findi out its was the mattress was too hard for them to sleep on it...

    2. CobraBites


      cant remember how old the lil one is but mayb its time for a regular toddler bed we had same issue with ours..come to findi out its was the mattress was too hard for them to sleep on it...

  5. 150 lights done..... 450 more to go.....

  6. 18 more days till my youngest child turns 3!

  7. a long freaken night so far.... sick baby.... he wont stop throwing up.... guess theres a stomach bug going around in this house... yesterday mickayla was complaining of an upset stomach but she hasnt thrown up.... now Mitchell.......

  8. A true mom never stops cleaning on any day even if it is just a little bit of cleaning here n there. A true mom never stops lecturing her child(ren), ground them, punish them in proper form. A true mom does not beat the child(ren) for any kind of wrong doing. A true mom is willing to do things for their kids even if she is sick and sleep deprived. A true mom does not play favoritism if she has more than one child, she treats all of her children equal respect, love and much more. A true mom un...

  9. Added some pics from my window of he snowstorm

  10. Ahhh EARLY morning for me.... Mickayla has her 1st day of Art History Club today. Something she always loved to do. While I wait at the school for start time, I will see if I can help Michael catch up with anything in class by his teacher.

  11. ahhhh clean clean clean..... basement n dinning room is done being cleaned.... still gotta do the kitchen floor and the living room then the upstairs...

  12. Ahhhh I can see now! Mike stopped by a store on the way back from Michael Jr's appointment for a glasses repair kit.

  13. Ahhhh Saturday..... Woke up and took a look at Mitchell. He sleeps like I do hehe. I love looking at my sleeping lil ones.

  14. Ahhhhh more snow.... I believe it started later than the weather forecasters predicted. It was suppose to start sometimes late PM yesterday.

  15. all christmas decorations taken down, now to put them back into the bins n box where they belong.....

  16. All ready to see Mickayla Margaret Bell's Wax Museum and Stage song performance. She is acting as Clara Brown for this event.

  17. All three kids booked for Physical check ups for the 20th.... Hope it all goes well...

  18. All three of my kids and I watched my computer monitor and listened to Felix's every moment. We were in awe of this moment. Glad the kids got to witness this man made history.

  19. almost 10 am and Mitchell is still sound asleep! guess he had that much of a hard time falling asleep in his bed. He wanted to be with me last night cause he came into our room with bear bear in his arm and tried to climb into our bed.

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