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PigDog last won the day on August 15 2016

PigDog had the most liked content!

About PigDog

  • Birthday 02/05/1968

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PigDog's Achievements

  1. GrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrOINK!  lol

    1. J3st3r
    2. PigDog


      Still here after all these years!!! 🐷🐶

    3. J3st3r


      Hell ya. I just reinstalled my junk again. PC died and had to RMA a part.


  2. What?? Where the fuck is my Sig??? Duc, you bastard!
  3. Depends on location.....want to make this one. Someone has to keep Angus in check.....
  4. I :respect: your decision Mr @PigDog. If you ever need anything just ask. :unworthy::unworthy::unworthy: GrrrrrrrOink!

    1. PigDog


      Thanks man, I appreciate it!  I just wasn't being active enough to be a good admin. I figure let someone take my spot that can help out the clan by being around the servers and actually doing something!!

  5. @Lunkster Thanks Man, got it! Now how do I make it gold? There are not enough spaces to add the ^1 in front!
  6. So did they change the clan tags in COD MW? Mine went away and now they have Regiment Tags. Apparently someone registered Xtreme Idiots. How do we get an invite???? I am PigDog#11194 in Battlenet.
  7. So how is this? I heard it is pretty good and thought about trying out. Anyone out there playing it? How is gameplay? And what about hackers??
  8. Hey, I have added the folks here that gave their IDs. Mine is PigDog68.
  9. Hey! That was my coffee!!
  10. GRRRRR   IONK!   lol

    1. PigDog


      Absolutely!  Just got back from the islands!  Now I need a vacation to recover!

    2. J3st3r


      never been on a vacation :(

  11. I just got it last night, I like the fact that you are in a squad. I haven't gotten a kill yet, but I have been a champion....how is that even possible??
  12. Who in here is playing Black Ops 4, and is it any good? I read some old posts that said hackers were bad. How is the Battle Royale mode? I'm thinking about trying it.
  13. Hey, PigDog, happy birthday, bud.


    1. PigDog


      Wow, Ayaq!! Thanks Man, good to see you still around here!


  14. Thanks everyone, I found it!
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