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Posts posted by Benrith

  1. Well i have been given permission to sort it out with a spending limit of £500/600.

    I think i will start with this order.



    MOBO & PROC.

    my HD would just either work or not work wouldn't it so I presume it's not that.

  2. started a topic here...



    As my computer is starting to die while under stress I think i've decided to start building a new PC.


    I'm now assuming it is a graphics card problem more than anything else and it seems to only crash while under stress playing a game.


    I'm thinking about purchasing this graphics card.



    Does it really matter that my mobo is PCI-E 2.0 and the the card is PCI-E 3.0?

    Any advice and guidance on the whole matter would be great received. 


    Many thanks.

  3. There are so many possibilities that it'd be an idea to get a checklist and work through it to try to establish what the cause is.


    I'm not great with computers to be honest and identifying the issue (i just like shoot people in games). where should I start?

  4. My computer is dieing a slow and painful death so not sure how much i'm gonna be around at the moment. Going to have to start getting some money together to buy a new one.


    I keep getting BSODs so i think it's only memory but it could be PSU??

  5. UKIP are a bunch toss pots that are clueless and 1 trick pony. I agree that we do need have new agreements with Europe and if we don't get that then we should pull out and not be controlled by Brussels but that does not mean we should be voting in a bunch of idiots that don't have a clue about anything other than kicking out migrants. Myself and my wife have had a number of chats with UKIP on questions over education, agriculture, NHS among many other things and they just don't have answers. Hell, it was only up until a few months ago they said they should have a blanket income tax of 31% across the entire workforce. not to mention maternity rights and workers rights. They have no idea how to implement a education system and think homosexuals are an inferior race. 


    Fuck UKIP and their narrow minded ways.

  6. *HIGH 5*

    Thanks all. It's a pleasure. Taken a while to get to this point but it's been worth it. Every XI memeber that I have met so far has be a real laugh is it exactly what we all would want from a community!

    I'm 28 (29 in sept) with one little girl named Pearl. She's my world at the moment and enjoy every moment with her apart from when I'm trying to play on an XI server ;-)


    Hope to see more of you around!


    Much love.

  7. Hmm... didn;t know what. so what is the byproduct? had a nightmare of a blocked drain and forgot to put gloves on and got some on me which started to sting. was wondering what acid was burning my flesh.

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