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Everything posted by HookerHeels

  1. Thanks, this is great You sure theres nothing I can do as a thanks? I really appreciate it
  2. I think this is great! One more shoe would be perfect
  3. I've been procrastinating about what to say cause I don't want to come off rude and unappreciative (cause I'm not, really! I really appreciate you doing this!! <3) I like where this one is going! Maybe a little less curvy font and a little closer/bigger? And as for the heels, I was thinking more platform like, (stripper heels esk.) I know my ideas were just regular heels, so thats my fault. This is what I was thinking for the shoes.
  4. Little bit longer than yours, but the same height would be perfect. I was thinking more of a silhouette design tho, rather than full fledged picture of heels, got any ideas?
  5. I've been shopping for a custom banner/logo for my gaming profiles, I currently use this one I made, thinking I'd like the isometric design, I uh, yeah, no.. A little risque is fine, but nothing over the top raunchy, deffo more classy than trashy is what I'm thinking. ('HookerHeels' being the name of course) I'm not asking for it completely free, I'll gift ya a game on Steam or make buttons for profiles/etc or whatever. (a demo at the bottom of this post of my work) I've asked around the web and noone seems interested, maybe some talented artists on here might be. I'm thinking something black and white, maybe a little splash of red, like these, where the heel is part of the design. And what I do not want is something that makes the shoe made out of the words, like this This is my own work, not the most spectacular thing in the world, but I like to think I did a good job
  6. Hey whoa now, I was only inviting those members that have vaginas. Heels are totally optional but more than welcomed!
  7. I'm down in Fort Myers myself. I'm male(which is stated in my profile, gawsh lol), and I only whore myself out to beautiful women, sorry g(u)rls. ;D
  8. Whichever you're in the mood for next time @AyaqGuyaq?? Mucho confused lol
  9. Hey everyone. I'm Red, or Hooker as I'm commonly referred to in-game. I'm 24, live in Florida, enjoy most genres of games, mostly shooters, animal lover, techy (build and sell high end computers, repair phones, etc. etc.), pomegranates are amazing, blah blah, I'm mostly boring. Pleasure to meet you all. I've een XI over the years in tons of games, recently left a disbanded clan that I've been with for a few years, so decided I'd start the journey to become an Idiot myself. Looking forward to making friends with all ya'll!
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