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Everything posted by HookerHeels

  1. Before anyone says anything.., I liked the song before I ever saw the video.. (that being said, my penis has found great music in the past) If you don't like indi stuff, you wont like this lol
  2. I play RS:V with some friends fairly often. I think a lot of people ended up not getting it because its not exactly like your common shooter. You have to enjoy a lot of walking.. lol If anyone wants to play, just add me on Steam and if you catch me playing, join on in.
  3. Like Verdun on steroids. I'll be keeping an eye on it for sure. /suuuuuuuper late to the party//
  4. Could we get a PUBG Discord channel? I usually play with my friends and use my own Discord(which any XI that wants to play pubg with us is welcome to join,) but we could maybe pop in XI's channel if there was one.
  5. I never saw this! Thanks for the birthday wishes, everyone!
  6. Thanks for sending me a new hole user to make profit friends with! Welcome to the forums, Pimp!
  7. I'd love to get the UNSC logo on my arm. Halo, the first one anyways, helped shape who I am as a person. Memories go back for years, I still play Halo 1 on PC to this day, from time to time.
  8. Ah, never heard of that CPU, my bad xD Yeah, I love my 8350. I remember hitting 130 average in BF4. Can't wait to see what it + my new 1060 6GB can do... muahahaha....
  9. AMD all the way bb. Getting my old rig back up and running, pairing my old 8350 (only like 300 hours on the damn thing anyways) with a new 1060 6GB I just bought. I'm assuming you mean a 1080 TI? Yeah, a 1080 would be bottlenecked by a 8350, which is why I went with a 1060, but I don't think the bottleneck is really going to be that noticeable in many games, as long as you don't try to play 4k gaming on ultra.
  10. Thanks everyone! Glad to have a new home! @BlackRose As of late, mostly Insurgency due to my GPU dieing and my laptop not being too powerful.. but I play a tooon of games.
  11. I remember an old service that did this, Onlive, I think it was. Granted, I love having my own PC, but for now, I'm stuck on a laptop, and even if I do get my old desktop back up and running, I doubt I could play say, PUBG on ultra high. The service alone would be worth it for Arma 3 xD
  12. I'm aware, but 900 series cards are supposedly backwards compatible with 2.0 with little to no bottlenecking.
  13. Its a PCI-E 2.0 mobo, but the carss are supposed be backwards compatible. If I can find a new mobo that'l house my 8350/9xx, I'll grab that. @tsw 8.5 @KicknDatAzz Thanks
  14. Man quit giving out my trade secrets! I ain't running a charity!
  15. Yep, she did a great job I'll see if she's interested
  16. @tsw 8.5The beautiful west coast, Fort Myers.
  17. So, long story short, my desktop has a dead GPU. My desktop is in storage in Texas. I live in Florida. I'm having the innards shipped down (CPU, water cooler, ram, motherboard) and building from there. I'm looking for a 900 series card, a case, and a PSU. If anyone has any parts they don't use/are selling, I'd be glad to make an offer. I'm tired of playing games on this $350 laptop lol Local a plus. Legal tender only, so don't even ask for a blowjob.
  18. I just hope I can get my desktop fixed before it comes out, my lappy probably can't run the UR4 very well. (I currently play [the Source Engine] around 30FPS, on low.) Man I miss my desktop :'(
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