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Everything posted by ALanHim

  1. I started getting pissed off at the world and the way it was being ran when, Walmart started buying their goods from China, I think in the 90's. They were cutting out everyone else and the Child labor was the number one reason I hated it and many others did. I had no problem with Japanese junk, (good junk btw) so why would I have a problem with Chinese Junk? The child labor is why!!! And who was instrumental in making that happen? Hillary Clinton. Dumb Useful Idiots allowing that to happen can't see reality if you posted in on a IPro Vision (made in China) and whore it 24/7 with realty playing non stop. My dog has more common sense. A place that is huge on merchandise is TikTok. My buddy is Off Grid Gary in Louisiana and he has a channel there and he had one video get a tone of views one time then he got a bunch of subscribers. Now he's being offered free merchandise to advertise. He tests it out, makes a short video's and keeps the items. Not all Chinese but lots of it is. Not all of it is junk and he gets to choose what he tests. He gets lots of create stuff for his Homestead. Off Grid living is the best thing ever and he is living a dream and we both know shit's going to change before 2030 and none of us will survive. Gary's huge in to Solar tech. No grid power and he converts golf carts to Solar. This one is his and it's bad ass. No Golf Car around like it... not even close. It has 2 36v LiPo4 10 kWh total power. This cart runs his house or the AC unit when he needs extra power. It can climb up steep hills, it can towed, it will mow his grass (he's making a electric pull mower to plug in the cart) to the point this cart has almost replaced his tractor. He's a very good mechanic Dyslexic as fuck like I, and why we get along so well and he loves to tinker with things till he figures them out. He's working on a 2018 Chevy Volt battery pack that has 18 kWh of battery at 33v. Here is his cart in action. This thing is so cool. I would have a blast with this think out here and YOU NEVER NEED TO PLUG IT IN! No gas no nothing, just Sun. But to show you what Tik Tok is doing. https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLjwwTpu/ Freaking TikTok is huge.. but I want nothing to do with it. I can see the USA buying it but I can see us banning it. It's really that huge and many people have a business there. I refuse to watch any commercial so... I avoid the brainwashing so I do little watching on the Tok. The Chevy Volt battery pack. Buys a BMS (battery management system) brakes down the battery packs into 12 at 33v each... that is a nice battery. But not safe like a LiPo4.
  2. Make sure and put on a Mask. That's all the protection you need. Gamers in the elites eyes are a bunch of bottom feeders. Matter they all think that. What on Earth will come good from gaming minus a huge distractions? Oh... Elon Musk. I forgot. Them are our replacements Americans. They'll all be voting along with a bunch of dead people. We love our dead voters..... they never complain. Was this a MASH episode? Cornel Potter was accusing of hatting bunnies but not sure because they were hopping. I think it turned out all a huge misunderstanding in the end of that episode. I wouldn't mind going back to the 80's and playing some 'Kick the Can' or "Flashlight Tag". Today kids are planning on weather to get a vagina or to keep their dicks. I miss being really ignorant in the 70's 80's 90's 2000's 2010's 2020's to 2024's.... but damn I'm not ever going to be that ignorant.
  3. Anything you say online will be used against you in a court of assholes, so let us never forget J6th. The FBI is too busy providing cover for blown up bridges in Baltimore and Blaming ISIS for attacks in Russia by our CIA to worry about the Online community. That's what the AI is for. They're watching and listening to everything. It's the courts you have to worry about and our DOJ. We no longer have a constitution thanks to all the fucking GOD DAMN SHEEEEEEEP! I blame them fucks for everything. Bunch of Useful Fucking Idiots... No offence to anyone here who resembles this description.
  4. I looked them over and I found lots of junk to buy but it didn't seem comparable to Amazon's junk. Looks like a nice Chinese front to sell knockoff junk. Though I was very interested in this Knockoff Juicy Fruit. Never seen it packaged this way and for a $1.99, I'd like to give that a try.
  5. I'm so Bitcoin illiterate. I do know it's extremely robust and a solid Blockchain which even that I don't understand. I think all's fine till the Central Banks get their paws into it though. Then like our FIAT Dollar they will run it into the gourd in Debt. We owe more money than exists on the planet once you calculate all our Depravities debt. Banks are beyond broke and they want a digital system to hide their crimes when it crashes. Gold is the only real money but you can't eat gold. Here in the USA food and water will be money before long.
  6. You were just hoping to find a Light House on the Island. I'll try it out since you gave us the hint in the video what side to shoot for.
  7. This came out 5 days ago about the latest update. For parents who have multiple accounts or a partner who games, now you can share a game in your library while playing a game in your library. 6 members in your family and the parental control has all kinds of features added like limiting play time making getting your kids one a good idea if you let them game. That's bad ass. This guy covers it in the start. I can see two good friends doing the same thing to shar each others games if you can do this on any network.
  8. @major-mark63 thinks he's winning but I have 420! Beat that! Not 421 not 9000 you got to get 420! Just joking lol Great job. Going to try again. Wow 5.36 minutes. Damn.. I was trying to take my time. Let's see if I can do it @TBBstyle, 10 seconds is my goal. BTW @Tottyplease Change the title to Major-Mark the current winner.. with his score hahaha or don't. Up to you.
  9. You need to Dr Disrespect it a bit by showing your ugly mug while playing. Get a Wisconsin Cheese hate as your prop instead of a mullet. You'll love it in winter and hate in Summer unless plenty of Air Conditioning like in Dr D's Arena or his Lambo. I can't get in my old account. Sounded like you were having fun.
  10. @Totty just installed a cool Ballteships/Warships and I thought I found a Bug. It was a close game... but the bug I found or thought I found helped me win the game. https://www.xtremeidiots.com/index.php?ipsproarcade/playgame/155-warship I started out strong taking out his battleship first. But things changed quickly and the computer stared locating my ships two in a row. After the baster sunk my battleship I found another one of his ships and after sinking I'm confused like some idiot as to why it let me find the ship out of square as that was my first hit. So I keep playing wondering. Though I found out the computer placed ships close together. I was starting to sweat bullets here but was so happy when I found the two hitter boat. But I was stuck looking for a place for a three hitter and couldn't find it any three places left. Then I realized my idiotic mistake. And then I won the game with 420 points... what a great number. Thanks Totty.. great game.
  11. Alex Jones has one but is side scroller... still a freaking great game. It has the same idea in it. Go after the really bad guys. https://store.steampowered.com/app/2487350/Alex_Jones_NWO_Wars/
  12. Wow I just caught she's 19... great job!!! She has a wonderful home is only way that happens. Though my dog wouldn't be very happy sitting on the floor. I have mine so spoiled she has her own Lazy Boy leather recliner and she uses the entire recliner. Plus she must have a windows seat to keep an eye on all the critter activity outside and alerts me to anything she knows I want to see. But my dog Dolly age 10 is not near as spoiled as I am getting to own her.
  13. Hopefully it gave her some relief. My little one gets stiff and I use CBD oils for her. A neighbor up the road a mile away treated her cat with Lazarus Naturals Full Spectrum CBD Tincture 2,400 mg CBD 20 MG CBD per ML Classic Standard Potency when her cat had a huge orange size tumor and it went away. Cat is very old but is doing fine. It's the same kind I give my dog.
  14. I really like Dave Ramsey. He is full of common sense. I have a question. Have they ended Quantitative Tightening yet and started back to Quantitative Easing again? What a mess they created. Our Bubble is going to pop and puss is going to get all over this planet. I heard of some Crypto currencies now backed by Gold. Them would be the only one's I would trust. I can never trust a 1 or a 0 as the backing. I needs to shine like Gold to be any good. What's your opinion Tron? What does your User say?
  15. That would work make it about the Mafia in Russia or maybe a Russian Oligarchs war. Or a USA Oligarchs and it's Mafia of thugs against Russia and it's Oligarchs and thugs. TBB flashed me but he covered back up.... my comment context... ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Well I want game to be FPS so we need bullets to fly. Story line can have back history video's like in Red Alert.. humm maybe this should be a Strategy game mixed with a FPS. Say on the Strategy side you build up all forces like NATO that was suppose to only be Defense hijacked and starting in 2014 they started doing Offensive operations even eluding to putting Nuke at the Russian Boarder. Then Russia starts taking back its original territories in Ukraine. Ukraine having no chance on it's own and wanting to be a part of NATO after say a Evil Villani like George Soros radicalizes Ukraine with true and real Nazi's creating the threat for Russia. I can see the games conflict story line going that direction. I see can see the base story line explain how the CIA in the USA created ISIS and the the CIA is absolute the terrorist's of the entire world. And the game then you have to find out who controls them... and this is where the fight gets fun in FPS mode. The story line I like you point out all the banker families involved, my game there would be 13 of them, one I would name the Rothchild's, Rockefellers, JPMorgan and 10 others and in the game you get to hunt each one down one by one person by person. This could be a very long game because I'm talking about eradicating their entire bloodline. It would the most epic game ever. If you fail to point out the 13 famines and fail to eradicate them then WWIII happens.
  16. I love it... Smeggie is a good name and very fun to say. I can see saying Smeggie you Schmuck but not for its true meaning... but only because it's fun. Smegma is a good name as well. Not near as fun to say though. I wonder if the British will pronounce Smeggie like Smegma or Smegmu. Can they make that sound eeeeeeee sound? Will have to ask a British folk some how. If that was his intentions if he didn't change the email address associated to this account, then Smeggie you're a Schmuck!
  17. Oh man I had one of them fake 1T cards. You keep throwing data on it and the other data keeps disappearing once the 4MB's or so was full. I knew what I was buying... I had to check how they faked it. The prices of the LCD models are not bad at all. That dock is a must option. It would be in that dock 20/7 to 24/7. Very impressed with that 50Wh battery and I love how they rate it, the correct way.. Watt hours. I have 11,500 Wh's at 48v DC running my cabin. The powers supply... wow only 45W? Another reason it's bad ass. A neighbor has my main PC using it for video editing and it has a 850w PSU but uses it in town at his other place. Besides that being an unwanted heater, that's just way too much power consumption so not in no hurry to get it back. Winter time is the only time I would want it, it would be a bad ass heater. Better than my crockpot.. but my crockpot is pretty bad ass as a heater.
  18. Holly crap... was she a gunman? She got me wanting to shoot blanks.
  19. So if you listen to this guys confession under some extreme conditions, I think the plot he lays out makes for a great game or mission on a much bigger game. He lays out how he was contacted by someone he called a Preacher on Telegram but he didn't know his real name. He was paid a some of almost a million rubles but only received half. They had no allegiance only were paid gunmen. They were told where to go and the weapons were supplies and they were to shoot indiscriminately. In the game one idea would be maybe to carry out the mission. Another could be trying to figure out who did it. Who would want to simulate a ISIS attack and why kind of game. The stakes of the game could be real high in some scenarios. Say it was a Russian rival or a Ukrianian... or even the CIA... if you don't solve the mystery then WWIII happens kind of game would be cool. Anyway just a cool game I idea I had or are the events just too fresh? https://rumble.com/v4l1bwo-so-called-isis-terrorist-in-moscow-claims-to-have-been-paid-to-carryout-att.html
  20. They have 1T SSD cards now? Well crap that fixed any problem with storage... VERY COOL! I'd still want to upgrade the internal I think it's 256GB but for ROMS and TV/ Movies archive... SSD's would be PERFECT! I'm 4 years out of the hardware loop. I've no idea what's new today minus that Apple iVision thingy and now this Steam Deck and SSD cards going to 1T. SSD 1T is my favorite part. I need cheap large reliable storage.
  21. @Markoff that looks like a great map... plenty of things to hind behind to avoid that spray and pray PHS?.. PSH?.. the Russian spray and pray gun. I like a busy map like this.
  22. My daughter married a bad ass Bulldog as well. I'm so glad my daughter has great protection like yours @baldie. Great freaking job m8!
  23. Another game added to my list. I have way to many game on Epic I think I will never play. Though fishing sure sounds like fun from home. Darn.... that's the main reason I don't go fishing. That and lack of water around here.
  24. I could totally see owning one of these rather upgrading to a new PC. I could also see myself kicking my dog out of bed and sleeping with that Steam Deck at times. It's quite cool and looks very cozy. For sure a good purchase in my opinion. I guess from watching these about it, you have to worry about the OLED display getting a burn in. I like it runs fine at 1080 but is 720 on the deck at default external setting. I bet you can put a USB-C ethernet port so you can bypass the WiFI. I can't do WiFi so I'd have to have a ethernet port. Cool stuff.. I bet you're excited like a kid waiting for Santa to arrive. I sure would be. Congrats on that bad ass machine.
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