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Everything posted by ALanHim

  1. Invite PickleRick over for dinner or some fun. He loves to hang out. BTW don't think I will ever for get you stabbing me in the back while I was walking up the ladder. jk Welcome... And for real everyone should invite PickleRick over.
  2. Very cool. Seems the Coyotes here are all one pack so you hear them all after a catch. They never come close to the cats though. I'm between two cats Sylvester and Tony the Tiger with Whiley Coyotes surrounding everything. I think they all named me dinner but not sure. They haven't invited me yet to find out.
  3. You can see it in the middle of the ocean on a calm day as well. Plus you don't see land till 30 to 35 miles out because of the curve. You know how far you are when you start seeing land. What is funny calling the moon and starts points of light. That is like calling a car a moving thing. Or a house a box.
  4. That sure is a great view there. BTW which might explain myself a bit, in 1981 I swam in the Potomac while living on Bowling AFB. Brother threw my turtle in when were fish so I tried to swim after it. No I didn't get my turtle back.
  5. In the background is Mexico. You can see the boarder wall but it is a bit faint. Too much crap in the air. About here..... 6 miles away.
  6. I've seen strange designs out here in rock I just never seen one like this before with such strait lines like bricks. The lines just don't look natural. Very cool rock. Were I'm at I'm surrounded by a horse shoe of mountains on three side. The mountains have vents all overt them that have crystals hanging off of them. Many crystals have been taken but you can still see where they were. My point when all this was under water it had to be something spectacular. Most of what was left when all this dried up is still here.
  7. They were cool cars. Again posted this not long ago, traded a Hard Drive and a 2x CDROM for a 1978 this color T Top power everything. Great car.
  8. OK we covered stars with air holes. TBB's and I's Penises. TBB floating in space after buying bunk Flat Earth land with no bridge to hold on to.
  9. I don't kiss and tell in pubic. Send me a PM.
  10. I think it is worth some money because they've never seen one like it before it looks like. The lines are what have me a bit baffled. What lines are natural and what was carved is my question. These line here I guess are natural but I'm not sure. Natural but they carved the middle out I guess. ??? I really don't know.
  11. Sure fancy for a butter knife. Actually that looks greet for slicing tomatos.
  12. If TBB had bought the bridge package he's have something to hold on to.
  13. Too damn bad. That's what you get for trusting a former idiot. You'll get use to is out there plus the view is great I hear. If you float by wave. If during the day I'll probably see your big ass head from the shadow it casts. Like an eclipse. BTW there's a Flat Earth shuttle that goes around picking up Idiots floating around. Don't get one till Monday. Stay out there for a few days.
  14. Very nice... looks like you had a blast. Sounded like it as well.
  15. If so then the holes in your ears are so your brain can escape. Run brain run! BTW if the Earth is Flat I have land on the other side for sale. Anyone want to go hand out by the ice wall tonight?
  16. Had to look him up, who is he? I've never seen a thing by Adam Driver and never will. I stopped watching anything new by that Illuminati Death Cult. Can't even tell you what new movies are out in the past 8 years. I burned my TV 2 years after getting sick of its frequencies. With my brain, usually I'm all the entertainment I need anyway. I can have fun doing just about anything as long I want to do it. My point MOVIES and shit. Though I do enjoy me some Seinfeld and other great NONE WOKE shows who never put on a face mask unless part of this skit. So what is everyone wearing? Oh shit, I was about to answer and realized I was naked. Let me put some shorts on after I send this. So.. I have shorts on.
  17. Tell the Wife she's correct. Now to confirms if the image is wheat or not. Reading this signature I have to laugh. School of Human Evolution.. oh man. He's confused though. Even if the Alien's did it, we were created.
  18. I believe she is very correct. No wonder you married her. Question is why did she.. never mind wrong topic for that discussion. I have TONES AND TONES of these Stromatolites. I can not avoid finding one if I tried. I can't help but step on them wherever I go. All this was Ocean floor and volcanic activity on the mountains. I'll how to show your wify the layers in the Wash. It's very cool and has lots of history in it. I took pictures of some good Stromatolites for her to see.
  19. I have an old school School Bus tempered glass mirror on my wall. Every time I look in it I see this big ugly kid.
  20. HX-V5-F6-Rocket-Launch.MOV Happy 4th of July and UK good luck on your vote for Reform today. With DEI quality video of the launch where our motto is, 'As Long We Get It'. Had a little trouble getting it all to fin in the hole. I put in only the tip at first then got snagged. Always happens. Light is good and it's all in the hole and I'm out of the way. First and second stage burn is here. We have first in fire hole. Stage two is lit. Stage 1 ejects. Stage 3 and 4 are lit. Stage 2 is in full trust. Stage 2 eject and 3 and 4 full thrust then ejections. Big ejection. Spectacular launch. The end and the end of my rocket supply. Lasted over 4 years.
  21. 4th of the July 2024 DYI DEI - HX Desert Rocket Program F6 (Fucked) Rocket Launch setup. Witness an almost flawless setup and launch of HX's F6 rocket launch desert approved. All safety and quality inspections provided by DEI approved standards. Special Thanks to Direct TV (TM) for their launching pad. HX-V1.MOV HX-V2.MOV HX-V3.MOV
  22. I still have fireworks from just over 4 years ago when I moving here picking some up in New Mexico not understand firing one off here could be devastating and land my ass in jail for a long time. hahahaha I'll dig out what I have left and maybe fire a few since we have had rain. I have slowly been firing them off making sure they're contained. I rigged a reverse bottlerocket launcher that holds the rocket in the launcher inverted till it blows up keeping it contained. It's like a little cannon. You can hear the blasts bounce off the mountains in a echo especially at night when it's super quite. Shit let me go fire one off... it's 1:06am so the 4th. It is so quite out now, this blast will echo all over. I'll video it. I'll tie three together and light all three. Neighbors a mile a way will hear it.
  23. What happed dude? Well RIP. At least you had one good song we can remember you by.
  24. It's only 4am... lets do some Dirthouse. Great way to wake up the neighbors.
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