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Everything posted by ALanHim

  1. You sounded like you had inside knowledge. I would love to have seen a GM assembly plant. I bet that was an interesting job. Chemically treated... ok I was wonder how they kept contaminates out. Very cool... and super efficient with all that welding going on.
  2. Can it do retro stuff... Rom's and such? What are its limitations? Any modding available to expand usability? I have a little RG 350 by Anbernic and it's pretty cool but can only play older Roms.
  3. Carrots might've been used on Only Fans prior to the cake as well. One hot cake. Sorry... it's Friday. I'm in one of them crazy moods. Oh no.... is that where the butthole taste came from?
  4. To be honest, most of the ones here put Turmeric in so it is going to have that yellow look. Probably crap Turmeric.
  5. Which when you compare the crap candy here in the USA compared to candy in Europe and the UK, they're trying to kill us here at an early age clearly. EU and UK have standards the USA completely lacks in food quality. I did a little search because I know there are lots of video's that go into this but ran into this conversation that gets into that topic. If true I find it alarming a lot of UK candy is now USA candy companies. That's not good guys. Stay away from our candy companies. Not trying to be greedy I promise. Plenty of that crap here already. https://www.quora.com/Are-there-any-differences-between-American-candy-and-European-British-sweets
  6. The thought of water cooling welding cables is wild. That'd be an interesting system to understand. Do they have boilers to supply the water? How do they seal the system? Is there water flow with pumps? All kinds of questions on that one.
  7. HACKER!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hahhhahahahahahaha just joking @Switch-off I just couldn't help it. hahahahahahahaha been laughing at every keystroke.
  8. Doesn't look safe but sure @TBBwill still try and stick it up my butt.
  9. Distilled pure water doesn't conduct electricity. Water itself is not a conductor rather the contaminates in the water are.
  10. It was only a slip of the tongue most times kind of like a Freudian slip minus the speech.
  11. It sure didn't taste like a butthole.
  12. I'd rather eat a Raccoon not fat from eating McDonald's than to eat at McDonald's. The Office bit with Michal Scott calling Wendy's is so funny. I love this stupid show.
  13. From my experience tools are useful. I believe a shit stain is a more accurate description since it has a negative value at all levels.
  14. Hey Budamn... FU too. What a great way to start the day.
  15. I have a vivid imagination.. that was delicious. Now I need to go for a dog walk, dig a couple holes and move a bunch of rock to work it off.
  16. Good for you @Cookie. I lived the IT stress game starting in the Mid 90's and today I couldn't image going back. I'd rather be poor and sit on the edge of a mountain instead while being happy, free from stress and surrounded by cool critters. Doing IT you take on everyone else's problems around you and your life is constantly distracted thinking if solutions 24/7. I'd wake up in the middle of the night with an idea to fix a current problem constantly. I worked in the medical IT field for years and noticed Nursing and IT have many similar things in common, probably why you choose it. Not sure you'll escape the stress but maybe it's a different kind of stress. This verse is for you... good luck!
  17. YOU BASTARD!!!! You sent them to me TBB right over my damn cabin! Shame on you for whomever you called for this airstrike. https://rumble.com/v4jwoz9-i-was-playing-this-short-over-and-over-while-gazing-at-the-lies-in-the-sky..html
  18. Hey you two idiots... keep this thread on topic. BTW what's the topic now?
  19. Only when I'm the porn star you're watching.
  20. Oh crap... don't send a DEI (Dumb unEducated Idiot) built Bowing 737 Max my way. Damn thing will crash and mess up my slot machine. I prefer only qualified people to build planes and everything else.
  21. 2 Weeks the flatten the curve.... of wealth more like it. Funny how people eat up the lies like it was the last supper. I was watching this nut talk about the shot on YOUTUBE so it is already censored... these comments made me smile and glad so many agree.
  22. What a mess @MikeB . Very glad everyone is OK. Wish I could come help you rebuild. Praying your insurance takes care of it all for you. What a nightmare. As for Timmy, he's absolutely jealous of you. He only has shit stains to his name.
  23. @IcequeenI think I found your Muffin Man.... or Saudi Arabia molded an AI robot after @TBB
  24. Back in the 80's there was a debate on the Sumerian text as to the possibilities of it being possibly true. It was determined false because the thought of splicing anything with human DNA was considered impossible. We all know today it's not. Therefor what's writing in Sumerian text regarding the Anunnaki is absolutely plausible. Mix in all the evidence and you have yourself a fascinating understanding of our world and so many unanswered questions make sense. Where did we come from and how were we created from the Sumerian's prospective. The story of Babylon, the Great Flood, and many other Bible stories are in the Sumerian text.... but they tell a different story. Babylon was a spaceship station. They were building rockets to reach the heavens.... not building a stupid Tower to reach the heavens. There were nuclear wars and all kinds of technology. Or the fucking Sumerian's had one hell of an imagination. Zechariah Sitchin books translates their text and gives a deep understanding of what the text says. Jim Marrs's book called Our Occulted History, Occulted meaning Hidden History, not good not bad just hidden history takes top researchers information and connects dots. https://www.amazon.com/dp/0062130323?tag=bravesoftwa04-20&linkCode=osi&th=1&psc=1&language=en_US This review sums up Jim Marr's book. Here is a bit of Jim Marrs on the subject.
  25. I upgraded my coin slot and I now identify and as a bill reader. Just slip in any bill that'll fit. I prefer something of value so please avoid putting in any US Dollars.
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