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Everything posted by JoeCamel

  1. At Cedar Point and found a relative ;-)
  2. I really don't have any other words to say that haven't already been said. Corps was one of those players you often looked forward to gaming with. Never, in my experience an unkind word outside of jest. I loved that it was always his birthday and he never complained about that old joke. He gamed socially and enjoyed the comradery and never took it seriously which is a lesson for all of us to follow. I will miss you Corps... Happy Birthday my friend... RIP
  3. Fantastic, Awesome, Stupendous, Outstanding, Wonderbar (yeah its spelled right), merveilleux, meraviglioso, Subarashī, maravilloso!!!! No matter what adjective you use in any language it probably doesn't describe the feelings of joy you have.
  4. Happy Birthday RobMc and Iceman you @#$!$@# idiots! Have a great day!
  5. Congratulations josh! It will change everything for you and for the better. You will look at the world in whole different way. Make sure you cherish every moment because they grow too fast and next thing you now they are telling off while at the same time borrowing your car...LOL.
  6. Happy Birthday Brother

  7. Dang wish I knew that a few weeks ago...Went to Write Pat with pal of mine... For sure next time I'll give you PM
  8. I usually do not post much but believe this was important for me to say. It's been a rough year for the world and I'm sure it's been equally tough for many at XI. However, my year has brought my family and I many challenges beyond the obvious and I wanted to thank XI and all the members I encounter for giving me a respite. On any given day I can turn on this old PC start that old game CoD4 and connect with people in a way I can't anywhere else. I talk to people from all over the world and enjoy their company virtually which allows me to forget about everything else for just an hour or two. Though we physically never met, have different views and opinions I feel like I can call you friend. I'm sure there are many of you who feel the same way. Thank you XI members, guests and everyone who keeps the games running and this clan viable.
  9. Welcome Sarsar...not sure we can handle someone worse than Shiny...JK!
  10. Congratulations, She's beautiful. Hope all are doing fine. What a great date to be born on...my birthday!
  11. Congrats Dirty...Thank you for your long service.
  12. Welcome....Nice you finally introduced yourself so I know who keeps freezing me up on the servers.
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