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About Sleepy

  • Birthday 08/05/1972

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  1. Today I went to Subway. I decided to get the BMT which is $6.50 instead of one of the $5.00 footlongs. I know somepeople would say I paid too much, but hey its not too much for me. Just sayin.
  2. Well, check out Weezer's avatar, maybe THATs what he thinks about? I'm just sayin!
  3. I can access the site through my blackberry. It does load slow with all the graphics, avatars, sigs and such. A faster version without all the bling that slows load times would be cool.
  4. It looks like an Espresso machine.
  5. No that one is fine.
  6. I don't seen any thingys below Clan Member... maybe you should be paranoid.
  7. Reload, you should have your membership revoked for posting that badger video!
  8. No, Shadow, I think you are thinking of "Twitterpated" in Bambi-land.
  9. >XI< is on Facebook and Twitter?!?!
  10. I tried it. It doesn't work!
  11. Ace mod is cool, I just wish it wasn't only deathmatch.
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