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Everything posted by FLDMARSHAL

  1. Aki fantastic setup awsome need i say more i was joking about hacking i no ur not we all no u kick but i was asking about specs cause i stream games and i find that some servers are crap for streaming and some are fantstic to stream so maybe ur having the same isues when u record nice setup u got there
  2. interesting medal of honor looks the same the game i used to play years ago fantastic then i moved on to cod world at war then bad company 2 vietnam but i would be going backward if i got that game so i would be better in spending my money on the new bf1 world war 2 game
  3. how can any one play this game and not expect to be cheaters on come on people wake up and smell the coffee the cave men made those hacks im shocked u put up with it this long respect to those who have stuck to it this long there is hacks for free for cod fans every were were u think they test the hacks first if they work good for cod they move on to other games like bf3 and bf4 and so on they are making them now for the new bf1 just check out utube they testing hacks now so please dont come on here and wine about people not dying when u shoot them with a noob tube we all no u carnt kill a hacker its well known and glitching is well known were they can be seen floating one side of the map to the other side in seconds like i said i would go on crouch only servers that way its more tactical
  4. right guys why dont u do a crouch only server and if any body runs bunny hops and they will be kicked i loved that game mode crouch only server makes it more tactical thats my thoughts anyway i would love to play that again and there will be no problems then try that and i bet there will be more players wanting to play that mode as its a popular choice for the old game lol fantastic on the map called the rock how about the rc with a nut buster flame thrower on it
  5. Im shocked u have not put down your system specs m8 cause people would think u were hacking lmao thoses one shot kills unreal video is a bit jumpy on the last one dont no why when the others were good unless ur using a lag switch lol the i would understand the one shot kills be honest tell us what hack ur using and share greedy get naaaa only joking nice vids man but please put up your system specs and what fps are u getting and what u using to do the video,s
  6. oh and u carnt go on stats like i had a realy crap grafix card and my stats were verry poor but since i got my new 8gig ati card wow what a difference in my game play and stats so yes and i must say i enjoy bf4 more now
  7. http://www.disclose.tv/news/marines_encounter_redhaired_giant_in_afghanistan_cave_during_recon_mission/133633 Interesting read and watch
  8. right like i said before guys there are tank hacks and aimbotters these hacks are given out for free and the reason for this is to stick it to us good bf4 players and there is nothing u can do about it except wine and complain they are undetected and some are they come in the server and if they are not banned straight away they will stay and exploit the fact they are hacking unless ur like me i was in a server called trc hanger21 last night and there was a guy using a chopper hack and i exposed him and all he did was laugh and said u carnt stop me and i have loads of friends who like hacking and carnt get caught hows that for gloating i was pissed off at this point so i came back to the xi server and played there so like i said good look in catching them film them all u like record all u like u will just get what i got the middle finger
  9. im here run a hotel kitchen for 10 years what u need m8 but live in the uk so i dont think i can help pluss been out of the game awhile but stil if there is anything i can help u with i wil
  10. barron3000 u are verry rude im just given info why dont u do some research instead ov given me a hard time that what i do i research and lern i use ip mask so when im on line for anything like streaming and i dont by anything on line i have 2 websites where i get all my games and software i need and as for tracking my ip is hidden through ipmask it gets bounced from place to place ok like i said if u want help see me on ts and i will help u no need to be rude i have also put up info to keep people safe from big brother ok would be better if u just said thank u m8 for spending time giving us info that we did not no about no not u anyway i thank the others for taking the time to look and read up on what i have said like mobile phones are bad aswell they are bad like they can use ur phone turn it on use ur mike and camera i have info on that to GCHQ can turn mobile phones on and off, claims Edward Snowden British spies have the ability to turn people's mobile phones off and on and switch on the handset microphone on to listen to what is happening around them, US whistleblower Edward Snowden has claimed. The former National Security Agency analyst, a fugitive in Russia since he revealed many of the NSA's secrets, said that Government Security Headquarters (GCHQ) has a programme called "the Smurfs", after the popular Belgian cartoon characters. Its existence has also previously been reported on by Amnesty International. As well as turning a phone on and listening in, it also allows agents to track a subject's movements with greater than usual accuracy, Mr Snowden said in an interview with the BBC's Panorama. Mr Snowden, who now lives in Moscow, told the programme: "Dreamy Smurf is the power management tool which means turning your phone on and off without you knowing. "Nosey Smurf is the hot mic-ing tool, so, for example, if it's in your pocket they can turn the microphone on and listen to everything that's going on around you He said a third tool, called Tracker Smurf, allows the phone to be tracked closely, adding: "They want to own your phone instead of you." In the programme he describes GCHQ as "for most intents and purposes a subsidiary of the NSA", using its technology and following its guidance. In the programme, Mr Snowden denied claims by Mark Giuliano, the deputy director of the FBI, that he is a "traitor" and said he would be willing to return to the US and go to prison. Edward Snowden says GCHQ is "for most intents and purposes a subsidiary of the NSA" "The question is, if I was a traitor, who did I betray? I gave all of my information to American journalists and free society generally." The UK Government claimed in June that Britain had been forced to withdraw intelligence agents from operations because Russia and China had obtained access to secret information in files stolen by Mr Snowden He triggered a wave of controversy when he leaked tens of thousands of documents about surveillance programmes run by the NSA and foreign counterparts, including GCHQ, in 2013. He fled to Hong Kong where he met journalists to co-ordinate a series of articles that exposed mass surveillance programmes such as the NSA's Prism and GCHQ's Tempora, which involve "hoovering up" vast volumes of private communications. Once his identity was revealed he fled to Russia, and he remains wanted by US authorities. Asked if he would be prepared to do a deal with US prosecutors he said: "Of course, I've volunteered to go to prison with the government many times. What I won't do is I won't serve as a deterrent to people trying to do the right thing in difficult situations." He added: "I regret that I didn't come forward sooner because the longer you wait with programmes like this, the more deeply entrenched they become. "I have paid a price but I feel comfortable with the decisions I've made. If I'm gone tomorrow, I'm happy with what I had, I feel blessed." A GCHQ spokeswoman said: "It is long-standing policy that we do not comment on intelligence matters. "Furthermore, all of GCHQ's work is carried out in accordance with a strict legal and policy framework, which ensures that our activities are authorised, necessary and proportionate, and that there is rigorous oversight, including from the Secretary of State, the Interception and Intelligence Services Commissioners and the Parliamentary Intelligence and Security Committee ( via msn.com ). "All our operational processes rigorously support this position. In addition, the UK's interception regime is entirely compatible with the European Convention on Human Rights like i said barron3000 i like to do research
  11. i have told u allready start up startpage and if u need help its all there its as plane as the nose on ur face if u need me to tell u what i use then im sorry ur allready in deep do do u might find that some one is shopping at ur expence and using ur id and address to order stuff from cataloges or stole ur passwords from ur bank details lol or ddosing ur pc to a blue screan hell they might be allready on ur pc watching everything ur doing come on ts sometime i will help u out i have a nice website with free software i can set u up with malwarebytes for free
  12. the reason i said use start page is cause all the others dont hide ur ip address and ur mac address so yes i no what im talking about ur isp or helping the goverment by allowing ur ip and mac adress to be taken hxtr seems to no what im talking about thank u m8 nice to see some one is not brain washed dont touch windows 10 thats not for us gamers trust me do i need to spell it out windows 10 worst ever Microsoft's Windows 10 is spying on nearly everything its users do, and anyone who agreed to the operating system's new terms of service consented to the surveillance, whether knowingly or otherwise. Included in Microsoft's new 12,000-word service agreement, which goes into effect August 1, is the following excerpt from the privacy policy We will access, disclose and preserve personal data, including your content (such as the content of your emails, other private communications or files in private folders), when we have a good faith belief that doing so is necessary to And while Microsoft does allow Windows 10 users to opt out of all of the features that might be considered invasions of privacy, users are opted in by default. Rock, Paper, Shotgun explains the opt-out process step by step. Laptop Keyboard © Flickr/ andrew US-British Plan to Access Online Encryption Could Destroy the Internet as We Know It Windows 10 will sync settings and data by default with its servers. That includes browser history, favorites and currently open web pages, as well as saved app, website and mobile hotspot passwords and Wi-Fi network names and passwords. Activate Cortana, Microsoft's personal virtual assistant, and you are also turning on a host of data sharing, as Microsoft's new privacy statement points out: "To enable Cortana to provide personalized experiences and relevant suggestions, Microsoft collects and uses various types of data, such as your device location, data from your calendar, the apps you use, data from your emails and text messages, who you call, your contacts and how often you interact with them on your device. "Cortana also learns about you by collecting data about how you use your device and other Microsoft services, such as your music, alarm settings, whether the lock screen is on, what you view and purchase, your browse and Bing search history, and more." The updated terms also state that Microsoft will collect information "from you and your devices, including for example 'app use data for apps that run on Windows' and 'data about the networks you connect to.'" Windows 10 generates by default a unique advertising ID for each user on each device. That can be used by developers and advertising networks to profile you and serve commercial content ( via sputniknews.com ). so ur question do i no what im talking about the answer is YES Do u and thats why i stick to windows 7 64bit works fantastic with my new 8gig gpu never had a problem thats cause i built it
  13. there u go i was waiting for that well done u did not let me down like i said for the brain washed people so u come to the right place there is a read up on start page where it tells u its keeps people who use it safe from nsa ghcq and cia from stealing data from the people so learn to read and do research b4 u make stupid comments like tin foil hat
  14. loader m8 the reason why u are being tracked is cause ur browser is not safe the best browser to use to keep u from being tracked is startpage.com all other browsers belong to cia or https://www.gchq.gov.uk/ like they own twitter facebook and snapchat and watch and record everything u do and say google knows when u walk in ur house man they even no what u had to eat last night m8 trust me when i say this no one can hide any way apart from given u info do please look this up for the future and safty ov ur family m8 startpage.com ok be safe
  15. no not at all i seen sonovabitch comment so i thought i would give him a heads up on whats going on like i said its all over the web the info u cant ban them they are undetected i play every night on bf4 and i have seen admins be told were to go cause they carnt ban them like i said good luck what we need is something to ban the ip cause if not they go out and buy bf4 again pop back on the server with a new name and do it again and thank u for reading my post it was for sonovabitch realy
  16. Its Here The Age Where Kids Dont Look Up And Barely Go Outside Anymore The Simple Fact is That a Lot Of Kids Dont no how to even play outside anymore teenagers and even young children today are addicted to playing video and computer games that were in their infancy when most parents were growing up the draw of these games goes even beyond the pop culture entertainment that kept 20th century lids glued to the television and 21st century kids glued to the internet. wife and i spotted these August teens on a swing set at a local park. Not only were they too cool to actually play but they were to cool to even talk to each other. Instead ,all four were busy on their smart phones or similar digital devices. meme 1 kids fail at playing outside honestly,it wasn't all that shocking, since these types of disengaged people of all ages can be seen every day throughout society at shopping places driving in cars at public places in schools and offices everywhere its the kind of zombie apocalypse that already been warned about in this well circulated meme summary when we fail to look around at whats realy happening we become very vulnerable to manipulation from the centralized propaganda outlet that comprises the shadow government with arms in official government , corporation media advertising commerce the food industry and much more. meme 2 digital zombies predicted and programmed by computer scientists. what affect will technology have on society? well we have already seen many of the affects our human emotional bond disconnected and out of touch This Chevy Silverado truck ad made specific appeal to the emotional bond that a typical Dad could have with his video addicted son through a forced but ultimately enjoyable and fulfilling outdoors camping and wildness experience (all made possible by the rugged-esque GM truck, of course). Silverado: Convert A Father and His Son This subtle, situational niche marketing gives an idea of the kind of problems the digital generation is having connecting with their parents, or with other human beings at all In a world under threat of being overwhelmed by technology, the average human seems very comfortable to be removed from society, and kept company by a litany of play things from smart phones, to iPads, to laptops, to handheld video games and big screen TVs at home and in hundreds of shops. Humanity, it seems, has little issue with being economically displace and made useless and disposable.Just look out for the whiplash of historical irrelevance and the neck-strain of looking down at digital devices for too much time.
  17. u have web sites given hacks away for free and they are not picked up on any servers so good luck in banning them here is what they are using tank hacks cant be killed and the player will never use anything else and chopper hack cant be hit and the same thing the player will always stay in chopper and kicks off when some one else jumps in and there is aim bots as well guys the company who are given these hacks away for free are out to stick it to the bf4 players well known its not hard to find its all over the web and YouTube and google there is even a vid on how to use them just a heads up there is no longer anything that can stop them so dont waste ur money are time trying to stop them cause it wont work and they can turn these hacks on and off at will
  18. http://www.disclose.tv/news/dont_play_pokmon_go_it_is_the_latest_government_surveillance_psyop/133115 well info is here now who is laughing
  19. Well Guys And Gals I m going to start streaming Star Citizen To Show People How Far Its Got So Far if any one is interested i will be streaming it for a couple of days come and take a peek u wont be dissapointed here is were i will be so please come and check it out the site for the game https://robertsspaceindustries.com and here is my stream twitch.tv/fleldmarshal
  20. hi i have this card check it out wow i carnt fault it at all and its on a sale to radeon r9 390x triple fan oc 8192 mb gddr5 pci express its a must £299 oh and i must tell u psu must be 1kw in order to run these cards and u there is 2 8pin slots in this card so make sure ur power surply comes with the extra power plug 8 pin
  21. Any one play this game i have been on and playing i like it alot since i started to play agin and i have been streaming it could do with more lads on it any takers let me no im on ts get a team together here u can watch the stream twitch.tv/fleldmarshal i have a dreadnought key to give away aswell if ur interested im on ts tonight 7.30
  22. New Release DREADNOUGHT new Game Its A must Check It Out To Win A BETA key u need to go here and Watch one of these https://www.twitch.tv/directory/game/Dreadnought i wil be streaming the one i won if i get a spare key i will put it up My Stream Is twitch.tv/fleldmarshal or u can syne up here https://www.greybox.com/en/login/
  23. carnt wait to watch the scary thing about the movie they have dyg up giant bones that are the same size lmao i wonder if they looked the same now i no why i was mad on dawn of war and warcraft its those dam orgs
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