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Everything posted by FLDMARSHAL

  1. well as for head sets m8 if u can be arsed charging batterys up all the time i would say get one with OUT cable cause out of the 10 sets i have from different companys like turtle beach corsair steelseries Orb x51 x40 x33 i could go on all cable head sets break u be lucky to get 3 months max if u get wireless go for it at least there is no cable that twist and twist at the end snap sorry about spelling and grammer well i will say this nothing wrong with the headsets its the DAM CABLE they need to in prove the cable i have all my headsets the corsair one i have memory foam ear pads so if any one can be bothered to fix the cables they are free to a good home
  2. yes i agree with u it kicks u quite quick aswell i loaded mine up last night then the game started then i put my headset on i get kicked as soon as my hands were of the mouse lmao
  3. i no what u mean i think it will take me 5 years to complete my witcher 3 blood and wine fantastic
  4. Microsoft.Windows.7.Ultimate..x64. no problems at all i played all the fall outs even that new one fall out shelter quite funny that one what do u mean about having problems have u downloaded the game and having trouble installing it or is it were u need to mount it cause if it is u will need daemon tools installed mount it with that and it will run if its a rar file put it in a folder and extract it in that folder and there will be an exe file to execute now if im on the wrong track im bad and if u having issues with running it smooth run game then press ctrl and alt and delete go to task manager under processes right click on the game and set priority to high and under processes u will see how many cores its unsing u can set it to use 2 instead of 4 duel or quad hope that helps sorry about grammar and spelling
  5. ok m8 im sorry i meant nothing by it i was just saying its a great way of trying games b4 u spend money on them thats all cause like me i have bought every game most of the time i buy games its cause some one said it was good then they no longer play them and im left with a game gathering dust like all the bf games so i can join friends and when they stop playing and i have no one left to play with well there it is £50 worth of games in bin and it goes on and on then to top it of they make a fool out of people by advertising hard line and have the cheek to call it bf please and how much was that and now the people who said its awesome have stopped playing it and now there is another game gathering dust not saying that game u have mentioned is not a good idea but i wish all the bf i payed for cost that cause thats a very good deal then they do it again bf1 uk £60 i mean wow we just seem to be throwing money at these games when does it end i have bad company vietnam still waiting for people to come back and play it now i loved that game and yes well worth a £5 and thats just an addon for bad company now that bf1 should just be the same for bf4 i think it should anyway sorry about my grammer and spelling
  6. hey come on man i was not saying anything about what ur talking about all i was hinting at was this is also a good way to try games b4 u pay for them come on man what with the hostility's and i was saying have a beta out for bf1 is also good cause at the moment they carnt even get the servers up without crashing
  7. well i like it a lot yes its the same skin as battlefront but they have done that for the crisp and clean look and easy to read and find ur friends and look for servers on and no it does not feel like world war one but for easy kills on a horse i killed a few with the sword awesome funny and for tanks easy kills so i think with the tanks we might find ourselves out matched with those tanks they are hard to blow up. what they should of done is use bad company Vietnam skin cause that sure does feel like the war in Vietnam or maybe its just the music they use in Vietnam that gives it that feel ? or if it was dark and dusky would give u that feel call of duty world at war look and use dogs as well as horses cause in world war 1 they used dogs thats my thoughts any way sorry about spelling ,grammar,
  8. right guys if u want to try it for free b4 u pay for it u can get it here http://oceanofgames.com/red-orchestra-2-rising-storm-free-download/ once u get it let me no whats its like sorry here it is that one is the new one playing it now here is the one he was talking about http://oceanofgames.com/red-orchestra-2-heroes-of-stalingrad-free-download/ just i like to try b4 i hand over cash like bf1 its great we get to try it b4 it released
  9. fantastic guy will be missed awesome in see no evil here no evil thats 2 good guys taken to early richard pryor and gene wilder RIP
  10. thank u for that aswer just what i was looking for yes i use and 8gig gpu m8 and i figured its down to refind tuning fastastic to play better than bf4 i still get problems with bf4 with lag and glitches and when i played bf1 what a difference smooth realy nice and the way it feels all round realy nice
  11. Ok thank u for that answer just what i need a childs responce any adults no the answer to my question
  12. is this normal 290fps in bf1 while playing cause i do not get this in bf4 whats going on with that any ideas
  13. oh no no no more world of warships bf1 beta here we go
  14. OH MY GOD SOME ONE ELSE WHO CART FUCKING READ I SAID LEAVE IT LIKE 2YEARS AGO AND PEOPLE ARE STILL GOING ON MY GOD I SAID SORRY AS WELL WHO GIVES A SHIT ABOUT SPELLING WHO GIVES A SHIT ABOUT GRAMMAR STOP THE FLAPPING OF THE LIPS AND CARRY ON AND YES U LOT KEEP COPPING AND PASTING WHAT I SAY NOT ONLY CART U READ U BLIND TO Sorry about the caps did not relies but yes gets me angry when u say leave it alone u get people who dont listen and carry on no need get a life or sorry u need a pulse in order to get a life that said i will repeat what i said for all to see for the blind fuckers I WILL NOT POST ANYTHING ANY MORE I SAID IM LEAVING FOR GOOD U WONT HERE ARE SEE ANYTHING FROM ME ANY MORE GET IT do i need to repeat my self again for those who cart read old news now very old THE END THE END THE END NO GOING BACK NO GOING FORWARD THE END MEANS END I feel sorry for people with learning problems who cart spell and want to be part of this with people like that who pick and pick at your spelling and grammar must be nice to be perfect something i never claim to be but when i get annoyed at folks i tend to take no notice of grammar, spelling and all that jaz so yes with that said let the good times roll so in affect in order to be part of ur club u need to spell and use propper grammar and Ur not allowed to put info on here unless its goes through the haters yes cool i get it i make sure to let people no b4 joining here as i have m8s who were interested but i will be sure to show them this b4 doing so 6 new members
  15. world of warships sounds good i will stream it
  16. guys this is getting old now i left it alone yet i see u lot are addicted to copy and pasting still now it looks more like the kinder garden section please and i thought i was the problem now its starting to look like bullying i allready said i will no longer POST ANYTHING CAUSE IT SEEMS ITS ONLY MY POST U LOT HAVE A PROBLEM WITH OK have a spelt that out for ur liking now leave it good buy and good look for the future
  17. yes and u forgot to mention my name is spelt wrong dont forget that and dont forget to mention the grafix on my cig is shit to anything else u want to put up here to wine about
  18. see what i have to deal with hxxtr and then to top if off he gets likes nice ea some one who carnt read fluoride has clouded his eyes now if he read my last post i did get it thats why i asked him if i was right about the responce he did not answer u no what never mind forget it im talking to a door stop who likes to jump on the band wagon and never gets of but hey nice one i like stopped putting stuff on here and they carry on
  19. nice attack jay but there is a problem with that i have never talked to u lmao ok guys this is to those who i have upset with my posts i will be sure to put the heading of my posts up abit more clear how does this sound NOT FOR THE FAINT HEARTED or WAKE UP AND SMELL THE COFFEE only joking i will only post info to hxxtr private in the future i m sorry for real
  20. just had a thought thats why we are been poisoned with fluoride so we dont get to use our full brain power and can only use %10 mayby less not sure on that % but it makes sense we back away when it comes to opening our minds to other possibilitys we run the flight response but if we can rid our bodys of all poisons like fluoride and aspartame and mercury and lead poison from all our under arm deodorants all people have to do is read labels and u can see the poison in ur things u use every day its not hard and look at the damage thats been done to ur selves and ur kids if u have any on a daily bases i mean if i never said about lead poison from ur under arm sprays or gels how many would be still using it lead poison mercury poison from filings i changed mine to white mercury enters ur blood stream and kills u slowly how many know about that flujab full of mercury i could go on now its been proven with lsd that our minds can be super boosted to enable time travel move things teleport objects and cross over into a paralel universe and see accross the vail i like reading stuff like underground science dark science i call it and its an eye opener like the Philadelphia experiment thats realy interesting the accounts from the survivers
  21. that guys credentials speak for them selves he is from royle blood line dont take my word for it listen to him my info come from classified sorces m8 cia docs and fbi docs u can get them all u have to do is ask for them they have to release them now and everything i have told u and all info i have put on here come from there m8 and if u watch those videos i put up u will have ur head blown wide open to info thats been kept from u if i were u i would take a drink and sit down and think are u going to take the blue pill are the red pill now that is the question on every ones mind but by all accounts u all have been drinking fluoride to long its a hard drug to kick so with that in mind i have plenty more red pills
  22. well thats why i asked u if i was right and u did not say anything if u made it up fine but the name u used rang a bell look it up ava braun is real and everything i said is true lol
  23. sitting u are on to the write track m8 just be careful not to look to hard was his wife called ava braun she was speaking out against weaponizing space and wanted to draw up a space treaty. and Barron 3000 u post wow coppy and paist much lmao oh and by the way the word conspiracy means its true FACT END OF STORY OFTEN when people here are see something they cart explain or dont want to understand u cause a feeling called fear so u ither run away from the truth are u attack it fight or flight response so i dont blame people for reacting the way u do so please accept my full apology im sorry
  24. rumors i here they get black budged funding for using back engineered tech or building back engineered tech im i close or different company silicone valley sort of stuff scyfi sort of thing going on in the back ground i read some were back in the 50s they weaponized wifi b4 it was used in public and it worked they also made a weapon just using sound that could explode a mans heart 50 feet away ultra sonic mega phone i reckon they still use that today why i say that cause the victim comes across like he died from a normal heart attack well alot of people who work for government are on a need to no same as any high level like there is 7 levels above the precedent its a pyramid scale so like i said black budget funding goes higher than the president so u can imagine what weapons have been created form back engineered alian tech for one thing look how fast tech has come from satellites to ur mobile to smart tvs its all back engineered alian tech dates back to Roswell from the first down ship CIA released classified docks on that not bs so yes thats what i believe oh and not to mention with population control been in affect for quite some time now u have a hand in control with monetizing the population so my guess is u will have to chip every one in order to keep the slave like population under surveillance what better way than the rfid i mean u already have every one under face recognition u have every one mobile details u listen to every one conversations and look at all there emails it says something when google knows when u get home u no what people were eating the night b4 man come on the government is not called big brother for nothing stay safe
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