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BiG CheesE

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Everything posted by BiG CheesE

  1. How dare you defame our lovely English roses so! Sorry about Friday, mate! that was until i saw this picture of um...lovelyness
  2. i know but still we got a game against those french bastards let us try to make the best of it, and tonight we will see germany kick denmarks ass
  3. or at least half a day
  4. Dont bring a knife to a sword-fight
  5. imho sweden outplayed england 70% off the match, however it is still the goals that counts
  6. im still fucking upset by the poor performance by the swedish team against ukraine. disgusting
  7. Are you sure sure your chair didnt shift a couple of inches to the right hand side?
  8. Lame?? its called waking up and smelling the roses...england dont have a hope..netherlands will take it this year no matter how you put it, it is still lame, if sweden play porly (as they often do) i still wouldnt turn and start to cheer for Denmark or some other team, it is called pride my friend bah pride for england (in football) i support england when comes to rugby though IF they win..good on them but i wont be screaming at the Tv if they do :3 plus how can you call it pride when most of the players on the england squad play for big named clubs and perform really well but cant peferm mearly as good for the country team? Pfft pride my rectum wow kudos to you! it takes a real man to turn their back on their contry, or was it a real whore? cant remember......yeah yeah fuck it im now officially tierd of this post/thread
  9. Lame?? its called waking up and smelling the roses...england dont have a hope..netherlands will take it this year no matter how you put it, it is still lame, if sweden play porly (as they often do) i still wouldnt turn and start to cheer for Denmark or some other team, it is called pride my friend
  10. why would anyone cheer for another contrys team? Lame as hell
  11. nah we are idiots 24/7 all year long we are just extra idiots when it is football time
  12. Denmark did it good they played well, all props to them
  13. This man was a comedy genius http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sHKUcXNq_xk&feature=endscreen&NR=1
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