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Everything posted by Ruggerxi

  1. You can download all COD5 maps here and add them to your usermaps folder. Thanks @Labob Map pack 1 https://drive.google.com/open?id=1INN8frNwX9958BTsIseqqsLbxEUett-b map pack 2 https://drive.google.com/open?id=1w2fkDZSHVsTGzwPIxqvCjngonH6adXrA map pack 3 https://drive.google.com/open?id=1CJ_BQcmhCS0gCejI8zmvksqE6bB1-qwf Map pack 4 https://drive.google.com/open?id=1x24cnjXfL7ysRY6I4T1O8Q2T4hwarZnf Map pack 5 https://drive.google.com/open?id=1t4J9Nf3RsAwXYPE9RNOkJwuB-Cp5p6-A Map pack 6 https://drive.google.com/open?id=1NjLmHTB_T7Q5HOneCel1krczwNWgkKGk Map pack 7 https://drive.google.com/open?id=1ceM88TOFMT8P6MRxsFYnVdaWGWmhnwvP Map pack 8 https://drive.google.com/open?id=1FA1fHFzo-lrPj6JLyhh_xh-5ly4A_YVH Map pack 9 https://drive.google.com/open?id=1U0Eh1S8GXNBp9b5Rnwz2yxImP-mtHCvT Map pack 10 https://drive.google.com/open?id=1ct-8XF5clh6AEfKNzBsH-oYIQZBms-D1
  2. Hans thank you for trying to get our servers going by sitting in there. Server needs at least one to get started. Gracious Senor
  3. We had to move the server again but the 64 man server is now up and running again. Search for XtremeIdiots again and add it to your favorites.
  4. By popular demand the server has been changed to Close Quarters maps only and gametypes Conquest Domination, Gun Master and TDM Conquest. Here is the rotation SCRAP METAL Conquest Domination ZIBA TOWER Conquest Domination DONYA FORTRESS TDM CQ OPERATION 925 TDM CQ SCRAP METAL Gun Master DONYA FORTRESS Conquest Domination OPERATION 925 Conquest Domination ZIBA TOWER TDM CQ SCRAP METAL TDM CQ DONYA FORTRESS Gun Master Lets fill up this server!
  5. People who have been in the clan for a couple years or more probably knew this was coming sooner or later well the time has come. Please welcome Bama to the SR Admin group, he has been a very loyal and active member of >XI< for a long time and has showed he has the skills to hold this position. He is liked by everyone(for the most part lol) and has a level headed of thinking that will be great for handling issues that come up. From this time forward Bama will be able to handle all situations that come up for all games and personal issues, so please hit him up with what you have so we can get him broken in. He will be very easy to find because he is now on the top of the >XI< Clan Xfire list. Thanks Bama for helping us out and good luck to you
  6. Just wanna make sure I have you correct. Only close quarters maps with Conquest Domination, Gun Master and throw in TDM or all maps with Conquest Domination, Gun Master and throw in TDM?
  7. To help with high pings from oversea players we have moved the 64 man server to the New York data center. You will need to updated your favorites, search for XTREMEIDIOTS Conquest 64 | Map Voting | High Tickets
  8. Since people don't wanna redirect and startup the other server, I'm gonna try to up the slots and see how high we can go before we start lagging. I will need feedback so please post here. I will start with upping it to 32
  9. anyone else like to add anything? Right now we have,leave it the way it is or Conquest Domination. I will leave it up for another day for comments and then if these are the only two responses I guess I'll flip a coin to see what one we go with.
  10. We are getting rid of one of the 32 player servers so we can concentrate on just two servers. This is what I need from you, I need you to tell me what you want on the 32 person server so you will want to play on it. The server will be hardcore, I need to know what gametype/types you want on it and do we only want the old maps, only new maps, or a combination. Whatever gets the most support is what we will do. So spread the word and tell people to get on this post and voice their opinions. Thank you
  11. We moved the TDM server since there was so many CI's on the old one. Hope this will fix the problems. Admins all the login info is updated on the quick login. Here is the new IP address >XI< TDM
  12. The rambo mod isn't quite ready yet so in the mean time we will try this Alien mod out. Give it a try and let me know of any problems >XI< Aliens Mod
  13. I will work on this mod today and work out some of the bugs. To use the jetpack you hold down the fire button in the opposite direction that you wanna go, if you wanna go in the air, hold down the fire button and aim towards the ground.
  14. This is a total test of a new mod I came across. This will replace the deathrun server. The rambo mod randomly chooses a player to be Rambo, that player is then granted more health, more perks and more guns. Once that person is killed another Rambo is chosen, this goes on and on till the timer runs out. There are a couple new perks in there too, including a jet pack. Let me know what you think. >XI< Rambo Server
  15. I will get something new on that server tonight
  16. I will be more specific we are taking out the large mixed rotation, one that has gun game, conquest domination, etc etc and are just putting in 3 gametypes. Sorry for the confusion
  17. If this doesn't work in a couple days then we will try something different. Thanks for leaving your opinions they do help
  18. The mixed gametype is not working, the server has been dead for 2 weeks now with zero traffic. I'm changing this back to the Rush/CNQ/TDM and lets see if we can get some traffic back in there. If we can't then we will just drop the server.
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