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Dark Asylumn

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Everything posted by Dark Asylumn

  1. always the Clydesdale commercials
  2. what did you have to edit dosman
  3. well if denver plays their cards exactly as they have been they will get another record. first team to be shutout in the superbowl

  4. not bc the broncos lost but that was the worst ever. i want to see a good competitive game. the hawks had no competition on the field. if the score had of been the other way around I would say the same was it a blowout yes was it a good game. no blowouts usually suck as far as watching the game
  5. no everybody wants to see you make a fool of yourself BB get it right
  6. now if you want lady can record me telling the broncos to just walk off the field they have embarrassed themselves enough
  7. Payton isnt happy unless he makes atleast 1 mistake a game. they were just getting it out of the way
  8. i saw him looking up like WTF is this shit
  9. how come we still have the xi fest 12 on the homepage but not the 13 fest
  10. that was a beautiful rendition never heard it from an opera standpoint
  11. wont happen i dont cry over sport losses hahahahahahahaha
  12. we know youll be cryin but we just dont wanna see it. wait maybe we do. record that shit
  13. Dawgy we dont wanna see you cryin when the broncos win
  14. any wagers on how many times we hear omaha today lmao
  15. and dont forget the team record of over 600 points in a season Here are the top six teams with the most points in a season: Denver Broncos (603 and counting in 2013); New England Patriots (589 in 2007); Green Bay Packers (560 in 2011); Patriots (557 in 2012); Minnesota Vikings (556 in 1998); New Orleans Saints (547 in 2011).
  16. i bet you run out of them 100 dollar ear plugs. best value here
  17. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=595561577203512&set=vb.100002490262676&type=2&theater this is RIPXI new car
  18. i love ya dawgy but broncos are gonna win it
  19. glad to see thewy finally worked you in be careful and heal up mate
  20. well, just had a fire. lost our boat and camper. thankfully it didnt get the shed or our house.

    1. Scoarch


      sorry to here that. but am glad your family is safe

  21. well we played around 3-4 cst and then again today today i didnt encounter lag and the map in wuestion didnt rotate through, will write it down next time is ha;;ens
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