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Everything posted by 2_MANY_BEERS

  1. Now that piece of ship is a real cool ship. Love the movie Jaws in it. All the personal rooms are great. I catch anyone in my bar breaking bottles or tearing it up I will blow you up with a nade. Labob and rick has put alot of hours in this map. Good job guys. BTW your pictures don't do the maps justice. Peeps will have to come and look for themselves. Beers
  2. Sonovabich And thanks for your opinion for the 3rd time too Zoe, always nice to hear from you. Post Whore
  3. Sonovabich I think it's ok as it is, click on community button click on forums, if it's a ftag thread it should be on cod4 forum click on that and read thread, nobody's had a problem until now! Post Whore
  4. Sonovabich Cavey you dont have to subscribe to a forum to enter it and read posts! just click on the actual forum you want to read dont click on subscribe to forum and you won't, i'm sure Phantom explained all of this in a previous post, quite simple really again takes a couple of seconds. This guy ought to know what he is talking about, the post whore. LOL
  5. Woo Hoo again. At @ 4:30 - 5:00 there will be 20 some more maps in rotation to be checked out on the DM server. Make sure you pm me if anything happens. Dogs lag or map locks up server. Thanks in advance for your help. Eat me Duke. LOL
  6. Please dive Slow Fry his pot smoking medal. LOL Probably could use a few others too. LOL
  7. dollardogg fuck u At least I can type when I'm drunk!!!!! LOL And actually make a little sense. Nade ya later.
  8. Ain't seen shit. You must of killed it before I got to see it.
  9. Just to let everyone know, there are 20 some different maps at the begining of the map rotation for the COD 5 death match server. I had checked as many as I could before putting them on but Chilly Stiff One was rushing me to get new maps there. Here's the plan. I got the names of all the maps off of the redirect and split them into about 8 rotations. That gave me about 24 maps per rotation. We have 58 maps in rotation so every week I'm going to add 24 maps at top of rotation and take bottom 24 out. This way each map will stay on server for 2 1/2 weeks about. We will play all maps on redirect in about 2 months. Get in there and start playing the maps you use to play. If there are any problems please PM me. I can take dogs and maps out if any are giving problems. If Chilly gives you problems I can take him out too. (with a nade) LOL Thanks Beers
  10. a pis buk? Wonder what he used for soap?
  11. Found it on e-bay for $12.00, LOL It better be good when I spend that much on a game. LOL
  12. Cheese the woman has a serious sore throat xD That's a woman in there? Wonder why it is sore? LOL
  13. Got Wendy tatooed on my dick. When I have hard on it says "welcome to Jamacia have a nice day'".
  14. WolfTiS He is just a kid, still wet behind the ears... We don't go around bragging on ourselves here. If your good you know it and so does everyone else without breaking your arm patting yourself on the back. We play for the fun and the companionship. We are not just a clan we are also family. I'll pat him on the back with a rifle nade. You know that!!!!! Beers
  15. Oh he/she is a camper? I'll bring some fire wood the next time he/she is on. I might have a nade to open camper door also. beers
  16. It might be easy if GNRL played you nightmare. LOL Winner gets to join. But we'd rather you play on some of the servers get a mic and talk to us if you are coordinated to do it at the same time then you might get to join. Send us a post and tell us about you. What games you play, what beers you drink, and stuff like that. Beers
  17. WolfTiS Happy Birthday Shadow and all the other July babies. Hope you all have many more to come. Yeah what Post Whore said.
  18. WolfTiS As long as you don't try to suck start it Beers... You know you just became a member and you have 255 post to my 216 or some thing like that. I have only 1 thing to say to that.Post whore
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