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Labob last won the day on February 4

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About Labob

  • Birthday 01/30/1959

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    The furture developement of string theroy

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    He's a hack hacker and cheater

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  1. its a quintillion. I'm sure its pocket change to trumpy. Tell him he has 30 days to pay up.
  2. HEY HEY HEY you brain dead waste of skin how dare you forget me. I might be and I'm sorry here for saying the name but the hxtr of the north. I can make Rugger go WTF did Labob say or do now I have said this when I was just introduced into this world country Canada country Quebec . I had nothing to do with any of it so for 5 million you have my share. I tried teh math I do not know the number 5 million times 40 million eaquals 20000000000000000000 This is how much we cost. I have no idea what that number is.
  3. the gulf of mexico never freezes over the gulf of america is a fictional place created by a mindless dude with delusions of gradure. In the gulf of america you can find many cold shoulders, Many lost souls, And a bunch of people pointing and laughing.
  4. Ah the fear of the later thought of you know he did look good for a man of his age. AKA latent sexuality. Today closet gay. In the USA looka like the president just saying got this from truth social don't shoot the messanger. I'm ok with the 51 state thing but I need 5 million dollors cash . Not trump bucks seen them they look gay. Message me at labob@weownthe usa.CA remember cash only friggen crazy americans I do not need 500 fucking cows. Cash I'll give you quebec ( man you will love this deal LOL ) Once you walk st denis st in the summer the women will make you french, The women on st laurent will make you appreciate our health care system Trust me. mississaga you wil love great east indian food more truck drivers than loads of shit they help so much with infestructure improvements. Just last year we had to raise 7 underpasses because there trucks would not fit. 40,000,000 times 5,000 000 equals 200,000,000,000,000 ya need this number in cash we have a deal. I'll be honest i'M SMART BUT i DO NOT KNOW THAT NUMBERS VALUE. Can I eat beef again ??
  5. NP the oldest daughter has a 36 foot fith wheel. My use of it is opening and winterizing.
  6. Just a little bit not much I have a tent
  7. I'm so happy you had the chance to be part of it. More important you were there. Awful well yea but thats life at its most powerful and we all know its coming. People its hard but its not a moment to be sad its a moment to rejoice in a persons life. You did great mrs stromcrow wish i had a name.
  8. Always wanted to be in a parde but I'm worred in will be in assless chaps
  9. Glam camping. Washer dryer showers indoor plumbing large flat screen couple of lazy boys. Nice where are teh maids quarters
  10. My plan is to hook China on teh black tar. Then were golden
  11. Pour billions into our economy ?? They buy from Canada they get stuff for thier money. Its not free cash. If you remove energy from the equation Canada spends more I mean gives The Excited states of america more money . So stop buying our oil and electricity simple answer. Its not like were pinning you down and ramming it down your throats. While your building more energy plants and drilling for more oil would you mind doing something about your border. We have guns from america crossing over in unbeievible numbers more american guns that we have people are sneaking into Canada across your border. Plus cocane heroin so many drugs crossing your border its shameful. Its like all your gaurds are getting paid to let this happen. WOW I sounded just like trump for a minute. Like the american border gaurd hires more blind people than the braille company.
  12. was with her last night and she is hallucinating and saw my Dad who passed 3 years ago this month Not an holucination but a fond memory of her life. We do this when we get old and have nothing to say but fond memories of our past. Listen and answer respectfuly they are her last thoughts. They are also your last memories of her life. Be strong they are also her last views on how well she has done in life by your responce to these times. Make her smile one more time be strong. Just an old mans mews. Its a time of joy to be able to watch one persons journey end. Her soul rest in your memories let them be great.
  13. Sure anybody here making all the promised money from digital currencies ?? Any dips ? How about dreamers any of them ? A coin is only 97,000.00 . I'm sure Tron has a few.
  14. I do not believe the world can take 4 years of that man. Is his idea of how to run a political bussness worth the death of thousands of inocent people ? My guess is some cartel is going to kill him not with a gun because guns do not kill people, people kill people. Then this foolishness will turn very bloddy very fast. China's right here. Your borders are your concern. If the states cannot protect there borders what makes you think the people wanting to enter the states will stop it. Canada is going to spend a few billion to stop 50 pounds of fentenal from crossing teh border. That few billion would be better used getting us to 2% of GDP on our NATO commitmernt which Trump is right on. Same as allow dairy products fair play in Canada Trump has reasons for being hard nosed but a trade war is not how you do this. Banks I think sure if they follow our laws (which they do not want to do were to strict)
  15. How about we start by not electing convicted felons. What is it you thnk Canada has done to the the excited states of america where one loonie can declare war on a country that has been a staunch allie for over 200 years ? And do not convince yourself that he has not declared war its called a trade war. It might not be bloody but remember teh cold war same thing . WAR is WAR Go hug your trump doll.
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