Ah the fear of the later thought of you know he did look good for a man of his age. AKA latent sexuality. Today closet gay. In the USA looka like the president just saying got this from truth social don't shoot the messanger. I'm ok with the 51 state thing but I need 5 million dollors cash . Not trump bucks seen them they look gay. Message me at labob@weownthe usa.CA remember cash only friggen crazy americans I do not need 500 fucking cows. Cash I'll give you quebec ( man you will love this deal LOL ) Once you walk st denis st in the summer the women will make you french, The women on st laurent will make you appreciate our health care system Trust me. mississaga you wil love great east indian food more truck drivers than loads of shit they help so much with infestructure improvements. Just last year we had to raise 7 underpasses because there trucks would not fit. 40,000,000 times 5,000 000 equals 200,000,000,000,000 ya need this number in cash we have a deal. I'll be honest i'M SMART BUT i DO NOT KNOW THAT NUMBERS VALUE. Can I eat beef again ??