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2_MANY_BEERS last won the day on December 22 2021

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  • Birthday 06/30/1954

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  1. Sitting on a boat in a lake fishing. lol
  2. Had those on the Coast Guard cutter Steadfast out of St. Pete Fla. Went to damage control school in Norfolk. Did helicopter fire fighting training. Man those silver suits were hot.
  3. I actually did do a project though. 20,000 gallon pool was getting too hot this summer 88 degrees, so I bought 2 fountains. Put one in like it was suppose to be put in but water only shot up 2 feet. Took forever to cool the pool. Took the other fountain and took spray bar off and capped it. Put it in the other pump inlet hole then turned the flow control pipe towards shut and the spray came up a lot higher on the other fountain. Cooled the pool down to 82 degrees in 2 days.
  4. Did what you said. LOL
  5. There is 3 dm servers Dean. You just have to check to see where people are. Ace Mod you start with 50 % life so it is really hard to knife in there.
  6. Never mind I figured it out. I had override to reference mode checked marked, and this was causing the problem .
  7. Weird I didn't have brightness control in cod4 until I re loaded the drivers for video card. Then brightness control started working again. Now it has quit working again. Thinking that I may have to re load cod4 to get it to work again, I decided to try cod5 waw. Same problem no brightness control. WTF.
  8. I think that is as good as it's going to get with what I have to work with. Thanks for everyone's help.
  9. Everything looks better after redoing the drivers for the graphics. Now what about the monitor. Device manager says it is a generic driver. Wouldn't it be better to get the driver from who made the monitor?
  10. Did the video above but got to where you load the driver back in and I have 2 choices and of course I'll choose the wrong one. It says GeForce RTX 3060 or GeForce RTX Ti. Which one?
  11. depth of field off didn't do anything Going to look at video.
  12. this is what my graphics looks like and this is what Budmans graphics look like. How do you test a video card to make sure it is good?
  13. ok got it. As good as its going to get. Just going blind I guess. lol
  14. I use steam to cook oysters shrimp and lobsters. That's all it's good for. lol
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