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Everything posted by Ph4nt0m

  1. Just a heads up, Sorry for the unexplained forum lock the last few hours, we have migrated the server over to a Hyper-V server with more power/memory to try to combat the "Out Of Memory" problems, I had to close the forums down so that we didnt get too much data loss and didn't randomly lose posts etc, but the speed in which i needed to close it I just didnt get chance to make a explanation post, We seem to be running at full speed again anyway, you can tell this simply by how fast the post preview box appears wen you hover over a topic in the recent posts box, it's pretty much instant so up to know everything does seem to have gone well, If anyone does come across any problems or little quirks anywhere, then please make a post in the Website Bugs Forum and we can try to deal with it as soon as possible, Thanks Ph4nt0m
  2. I have to say i'm really sorry to see you go Zoe, Brot was one of my recruits so I feel a little to blame for having brought you here, I do however understand why your moving on and wish both of you nothing but the best for the future, take care and maybe hit me up on Xfire one day for a chat, Keep in touch Ph4nt0m
  3. Might as well just give me the award for it now, save all your troubles
  4. Just a few of my favourite vocal trance tunes, hope you trance heads enjoy
  5. This should be fixed now, I have no idea how but there were some redundant records in the database for your pm's
  6. LOL Kinda makes you wonder what he was searching for when he found his sig picture ?
  7. What happened to the third guy ? .. Did he get lost in the forrest ?
  8. Yeah I might have a crack at this one, only if we get to pick the name though, I quite like the idea of being Ph4nt0ms Rent Boy
  9. Some of this may be down to me, i'm working on a new feature for the site and while it's in testing stages it seems to be eating up the server memory, if you do get this error then just leave it for a minute of so and it should clear itself
  10. Thats not entirely true, I use the same keycode on 2 different machines for myself and my son and we can play together in the same punkbuster enabled server at the same time with no problem
  11. Bump again, Still searching
  12. CLASSIC PWNAGE !!!!!!! Man i dont think am gonna sleep tonight, thats gonna keep me laughing for a good few hours hahahahahahahahaha
  13. Ph4nt0m


    Moved to the signatures forum
  14. I use a software called Cool Edit Pro, it's perfect for what you need, it's a paid software but there are versions out there on the torrents, The feature your looking for is called "Mix Paste", it lets you paste a new track straight on the end of an existing one,
  15. Bumping for our US brothers and sisters
  16. Love that tune, it was on the sound track to snatch too,
  17. Thanks again guys, I didnt want to try the freezing method because even though it could work, there is a posibility that this could introduce moisture to the platters which will totally screw it beyond recovery, Thanks for the offer grey but am pretty sure that the controller board for SATA and IDE differ quite a lot, for a board swap to work it has to be the exact same model and firmware numbers, i have heard a few people that have managed to do this and get it to work for long enough to recover files from damaged drives so dont really want to try anything else until I can find an exact match for the drive that might screw it beyond recovery, Ray, thanks for the software links but as far as i'm aware, for any software to work the hdd has to be mounted in the OS and recognizable as a hdd, which it doesnt, it simply clicks when it's powered up which after a lot of research i've figured out is the head controller on the board more often than not, BUT !!! the link to the Seagate 160gb you posted looks very interesting, it's exactly the same appearance on the outside so I think i'll have a bid on that and see what the board looks like when it arrives, Thanks again to all for the offers, sugestions and advice, lets hope that this seagate one could be a good donor
  18. Thanks for the offers guys but i'm pretty sure it has to be exactly the same make and model for it to work, the sata controller board is quite a bit different than the IDE one, also the drive size has to be the same or the head positioner will be incorrect, but again, thank you guys for the offers
  19. Hey thanks Wolftis, but i'm pretty sure it has to be the exact same size/model number for a board swap to work, I've heard of people that have managed to do it successfully with Seagate and Maxtor because there actually the same company but am 100% sure it has to be the same size disk drive because of the head positioner on the board, but thank you all the same
  20. Ok guys and gals, It's time to start digging through all your old HDD's, I have a old Maxtor Diamondmax 20 160gb IDE hard disk that has taken a dump on me, am getting the old click of death from the heads so am looking to source a similar HDD so i can replace the board and just maybe recover all the files that I was storing on there, This is quite a big deal for me at the moment because this drive was used to store all the family pictures from when my 3 children were babies up until a few years ago so it's somewhere in the reagion of 12 years worth of family pics that are lost, I'd be hugely gratefull if anyone like me that just keeps there old HDD's could take a look and see if you have any matching HDD's that you no longer use ?? Details of the drive follow Model: Maxtor Diamondmax 20 Size: 160gb * PATA S/N : 5LS5KRDR STM3160812A P/N : 9DN032-326 Firmware: 3.AAK If anyone does have a similar drive they no longer use then i'd be eternally gratefull if you could part with it so I can just maybe get my files back, *** Crosses Fingers *** Thanks all P.S. Will add pictures later if needed
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