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Posts posted by BANNPIRE

  1. Am I they only one thats can see this is bullshit? Yeah some mysterious hacker group infected all our computers to loose connection on monday for no reason at all. Some how the FBI found out and shut them down and know everylittle detail about it. Then they want you to give them access to your rigs. Yeah this sounds highly likely. Sounds like fear mongering for stupid people then you beg the fbi to snoop on your pc. What a croc of shit. I mean give me a break.

  2. Sorry guys I fixed it after I made the post. HeHe ...It's been so long I forgot what I was doing. Like Rockape said .."goodthing I'm an idiot" lol. Thanks for the help guys. Yeah it is the >XI< tag if its not on you automaticly get redirected even if the server isn't full. I tried on every server and it redirected me ass soon as I joind with 5 people in the server....Weird.

  3. Lay off anti depressants and TAP WATER. Maybe smoke some really good chron...{seriously}

    Find out what excites you and do it and keep doing things that excite you.. Find a way to make a living by doing what excites you. Your reality is a mirror image of you. If you smile in a mirror your reflection is forced to smile back. If you go down a negative path,thought cycle, or vibration

    You will experiance negativity. This is you creating your own problem. Things can't change unless you change. Remeber Your reflection can't smile without you unless you make it smile by doing it yourself. The same thing with life. If you think possitive and do possitive your life with follow suite because it has no choice to. It has to follow you. You are the one who gets to choose and has the power of choice.

  4. Right on xtreme. Since I baught my first soundblaster tactical 3d alphas I was hooked. I now upgrades to the tactical 3d sigma to the Omega. FLAWLESS!! You coun't beat 3d suround sound. I hear every little movement. Best headphones Ever! Ive tried them all.

  5. It's prime example of fearmongering and disinformation to cause public stupidity. 31 yr old Rudy Ugene suspected high on bathsalts and they admitedly link bathsalts with LSD but...if you actually go look up bathsalts wich really isn't bathsalt its just called that so they can sell it and made by 3 possible hillucinogen and synthetic stimulants. 1 Methylone 2 Mephedrome 3 Methylenidioxiprovalerone mixed with other stimulants.None of wich are lsd. Two were invented in the 60s one in the 1920s. Looking into who owns the patents can be linked to a big pharma corp. The video is BS all i seen are 2 men laying naked next to each other and not even facing the same way with no blood around.

  6. Yeah I read up on this and found.... How do they know so much about this??? If you guessed it is an inside job your correct. Google who is openly working with the D.O.H.S. Is infecting certain pc users they have flagged to make it look as if the internet is more unsafe than it aready is. This is an attempt to empliment one of their many internet survalence acts. Ever heard of the google redirect virus? Similar to this and if your good enough you can track it. Most people will believe it is terrorism and pay for an alternative web that they are planning to roll out with. Don't be fooled it is hopped up with spyware out the ass. Thiss is what we call propoganda leading into a false flag.Yup just like the nazi used to do but we put them to shame.

  7. It's BANNPIRE if you haven't noticed Haven't been gaming this month. My Gaming rig took a fall..well plunge while plugged in my fucking huskie spilled my beer on/in it and poof ......my masterpiece was dead. Until I get the funds to rebuild I wil be back gaming shortly..I hope. So don't forget me I am not gone forever.


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