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Everything posted by trolloc

  1. . I don't think anybody,anywhere has ever even though that a woman was short on anything to say. Every conversation I've ever had with my wife has always started with "well..1st the earth cooled..." 4 hours later I now how her day was. Congrats but what took you so long.
  2. . I just PM'ed Dawgy about that...there are 2 maps with close to the same name. Eye of the Death is what we have and it sucks...it's nothing but a spawn rape. Eye of the Dead is the one we want. Nobody's giving you shit my brotha...just tryin to help out.
  3. a couple maps I like are: Box fight (shotguns only) Proving ground Eye of the Dead Pillbox Delta Force Docks Salvage Yard MTL Purgatory If I could only get 1 it would be purgatory
  4. could someone post a link to all the CoD2 maps out there. I like certain maps but would like to put down the right names... un-like HXTR that post's "the sand one open with crap all over" could you be a little more specific you fuckin tard. LMAO. You know I luv HXTR....just mess wit cha.
  5. . We were all laughing our asses off on that map because of the spawns. That map has to go bye bye. Dawgy...credible my ass. You look like your hiding in a glitch. No good bitch-ass, glitch-hiding rat bastard. .
  6. . For those who are alittle uncomfortable calling me God...Trolloc will do Or FUCKO...that works too. LMAO
  7. . Crap....that sucks. Hope she has a wonderful time anyway. With family and friends that care this much for her she's a winner already. .
  8. . I vote everyday. When I was on the mall site I created a desktop icon and stuck it right in the middle of my desktop...can't miss it.
  9. . Done, done and done. I'll vote everyday til the 11th too. .
  10. . "The Sword of Truth" was the first series I ever read and loved it. If you like that genre Shadow, there is a great stand alone book called "The Deed of Paksenarrion" It's about athousand pages long and the main character is a woman...it is one of the best books I've ever read. also "The Belgariad" is really good too. .
  11. . One of my favorite book series is the "Wheel of Time" by Robert Jordan. A Trolloc, pronounced TRAHL-lohk, is a creature of the Dark One, created during the War of the Shadow. Huge of stature, they are a twisted blend of animal and human stock. Vicious by nature, they kill for the pure pleasure of killing. Deceitful in the extreme, they cannot be trusted unless coerced by fear. .
  12. . Just wait til your wives go through menopause...I go in the garage to warm up and it's minus 8. My last gas bill was 51$.... 51$ for Dec. I sleep fully clothed with my robe and a toque on. The fuckin dragon saves me a fortune in the winter but the AC runs from May- Octobre, and I give it all back. .
  13. . This is what I do for the servers I play: -rt click CoD multiplayer icon - click create short cut - rt click new short cut and go to properties - in target box after exe" hit space +connect space and then put in server address eg: CoD2 DM server target box would be "C:\Program Files\Activision\Call of Duty 2\CoD2MP_s.exe" +connect do this for all the servers you play and if the server is up a running when you double click the icon, it will take there. This way you don't have any unneeded program running in the back ground suckin your ping. No good rat bastard ping suckin programs.lmao
  14. . Nope...rt click/delete doesn't work. anyother sugestions. .
  15. . I can't seem to delete my sig. I put my old sig back and deleted to new one, I clicked the delete/edit image icon and deleted the file, saved change. Now the sig is gone but the box remains with and "X" in it...what did I do wrong?
  16. . This my other Favorite video. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ydF9rHC02Hg
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