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Everything posted by trolloc

  1. . ya!! i totally share your opinion! i'm glad that such things don't happen in germany... Zoe...are you that naive to think that you don't have police brutality in Germany??? If so then I have some nice Louisiana water front property to sell you. What do you tell a person with 2 black eyes??? Nothing...they"ve already been told twice. .
  2. . Sup Knight...long time. Watch out Bro...we've got some top notch players in here. You can get your ass handed to you real quick like. .
  3. . WELCOME WELCOME WELCOME. Get your ass in the CoD 2 DM server Larsin...I still have a few lessons to teach you. lol.
  4. . Hey Larsin...long time Bro. Sorry to hear that mayhem crammed it in your ass...again. Without so much as a reach-around either...what a raw deal that was. I was on the site the other day and read the post. Too bad for them Bro, your a fantastic player. Load up the CoD 2 for some old time fun like the old days. .
  5. . Dawgy ma man...you do a great job on the CoD 2 server's and I truly respect your map making ability...I wish I had the talent and patience to make maps. Having said that....dawgy map has to go. It's a heartfelt touch that you added the bell tolling for killa and it just goes to show that you have a big heart but that map SUCKS ASS. .
  6. . Church with the wife,Mom and Pop. Then we went out for Chinese food. Now I'm waiting for my Father's Day gift...I hope it's a BJ. (that's not a suprised emoticon...in this case)
  7. . that's a great sig shadowlady....great job. .
  8. . She's pissed at me cause I won't play catch with her...she's always throwing nades at me but I won't catch them. .
  9. . me no like CTF...I'll have to pass. .
  10. . NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO...oh well. Good luck my friend, but remember what they say... "Not all men are stupid...some are single." .
  11. Zaubermaus76 I was a German Woman and live in a little Town the Name is Bartrup Hey Zaubermaus 76...It's just the translation from German to English right "was" means "used to be", past tense.... are you still a Woman ???
  12. . Windsor Ontario, Canada. Right across the ditch (detroit river) from Detroit...GO TIGERS .
  13. . OH...I just got it LMAO. Dusted off not of.
  14. trolloc

    Hey All

    . easy target my fuckin ass...fuckin hack. LMAO.
  15. . This is a much better version....
  16. . Hey Gorilla...let me know when you get this one. I want to try...those frickin bunnys are dead. .
  17. . Does anyone know of a site like this that isn't subscription oriented?? (FREE Free not just half free). You see I'm looking for someone but I'm trying to find there place of work not where they live.. I know where they live. .
  18. . OK...I've only read the first page...I never noticed that it was 4 pages, way too much for me... my brain hurts already. I just read "Teds Story". That's some funny shit Ted...I just peed my pants. Hey Noears...don't be fuckin with the Northern Boarder Bro. Take a wild guess where B.C. Bud comes from...I'll give you a hint. The first initial in each word is B and C. . .
  19. . I would be interested in playing in that. Sunday afternoon is best for me. We would have to work out what server to play in because the 2 mods are different...area 51 is way easier then the DM mod. .
  20. . Spawn trippin is a big no no in my book as well as spawn camping...I hate those no good mother fuckin spawn campin son's-o-bitches but if we banned all the spawn campers from the CoD DM server the >XI< ranks would drop by 1/3 and we would have no money to run the server. LMFAO... This topic of spawn trippin/campin comes up from time to time so maybe it's time to amend our rules because as it stands it's not against the rules to spawn trip/camp. We should make it a fuckin stoning offence. We should boil those no good mother fuckin cock suckers in oil and kill all there loved ones...pets too. NO GOOD RAT BASTARDS.... FUCK I NEED A SMOKE>>>BEEN 2 MONTHS NOW WITHOUT A SMOKEAND SOMEONE NEEDS TO DIE. .
  21. . Michigan weather...Windsor weather...it's all the same cuz we are neighbors. The wife wants me to put the A.C. on ... I laughed but see was serious...frickin menopause.
  22. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RzToNo7A-94
  23. . http://downloads.cbn.com/cbnnewsplayer/cbnPlayer.swf?aid=11991 .
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