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Everything posted by trolloc

  1. . I smoked for 30yrs and quit 8 months ago cold turkey. For me it was the money and nothing else. Here in Canada booze and smokes are heavily taxed....70 bucks a carton for mid grade smokes. I still want to smoke but the cravings are like once a week now not every hour. Drink lots and lots of water. Anytime you want to detoxify the body you need the water to flush your system. Tell your friends and loved ones that they need to be patient with you...if not you'll FUCKIN KILL THEM!!!!!! .
  2. SgtHarryWeezer Jaka you're not going to be banned because you're a good player. We don't operate that way here. I play Ace Mod and COD2DM exclusively. There is a large difference in the servers, i.e., few if any whiners at COD2 but lots of them at COD4. I've cautioned several to STFU and as you can see by these comments Jaka, we have a policy on complainers and they will be dealt with, regardless whether or not they're XI. That said, we have removed good players who did not break our primary rules. We did so because their presence on servers ruined game play for XI members who own and pay for these servers, and that was because they argued back with the complainers and created a problem, instead of just reporting the whiners to an admin. So keep your cool and don't let the whiners get to you. Your response should be limited to informing them that you will report them for accusing you of hacking, then say no more and report them. We'll handle it. The second paraghaph is the one that needs to be highlighted. We have banned our own members in good standing from servers because they were ruining the fun and are just too damn good...*cough cough* (dirk diggler). I don't give a rats ass if he's straight up or shady, if enough dues paying members are leaving a server because of a guest...who do you think will be gone in time...the guest or the 10 members?? There is more then oneway to get ride of someone if you want them gone bad enough. You just need to go about it the right way. SOLIDARITY BROTHERS AND SISTERS. Just my 2 cents like it or not. .
  3. . The stars are a classless hockey team that couldn't even let the top scoring American retire from the only pro team he's ever know...and for a mere million bucks. I hope he goes to the Hall as a Red Wing, that would show em. I guess the MIGHTY RED WINGS will have to do what they do best...make the post season (19yr in a row and counting) and give other teams hasbeens another stanley cup...did someone say Bert Hull, Larry Murphy and a slew of others. Before the salary cap the heaters would call them the best team money could buy...now I guess there just one of the best. Did someone say LIONS....that's right baby. 8 and 8 with a wild card victory and a first round win. Exit in the next round. Michigan is going to suck for another 3 years but Brando (new A.D.) will turf Rich-Rod after this season. Trash the speard cuz it sucks and find an Michigan Man to coach the Maze and Blue back to glory....as it should be. Tigers are just the most unluck bunch that have come down Michigan Ave. in a long while...who's going to get hurt next? Pistons will be down town in 4 years in a new arena cuz Mike Elich will buy them and turn them into the Red Wings of the hard court. SEAHAWKS SUCK DAWGY. .
  4. . Yes happy birthday all you mens .
  5. . My all time 5 are: - The Quite Man. "here's a stick sir to beat the lovely lady with" - Forest Gump. 1st date with my wife before we were married. - True Grit. "Fill your hands you son of a bitch" - Ten Commandments."The name of Moses shall be Stricken from every obelisk" - The Omega Man. "thank's alot, you cheating bastard" .
  6. . Just the normal DRAMA gorilla -bunny hasn't registered for the new site due to illness and what-nots -as you know those members that don't register are asked to remove tags. -Mal got drunk -over-reacted -made it about something that it wasn't -now it is a boobie slide show -all male >XI< are happy now. -BUNNY IS THE BEST "SQUEAK,SQUEAK,LEAVE ME ALONE"
  7. . Hey Mal, Would you happen to know if Bunny has X-fire?? and if she does, what her user name is.. .
  8. . Ya know Mal...half the time I've got no idea WTF you're talking about and the other half, well the other half I just shake my head. In this case I couldn't agree more...don't fuck with Bunny >XI< she's ace's in my book. I love the mystique that she has created by not talking...but she does communicate and well I may add. On our new stats she is NUMERO UNO for the medal LOUD MOUTH...whoda thunk it. . .
  9. . Right on brotha...happy to hear things are working out. .
  10. . Dawgy and normal are 2 words that don't go together...like Seattle and Football....zing. GO LIONS GO...... .
  11. . Great Job Mister James Sir...me like .
  12. . Unfortunatly NO....I can't remember fuck-all about the good ol'days. I was at my 25th High school reunion last November and people were saying "do you remember this or when we did that" apparently I was a popular guy...whoda thunk it. .
  13. . New medal for millionaires....BAAAAAHHHHHHHH.
  14. . LMFAO All opinions are welcome here, unless of course you don't agree with me... then you can fuck-off. God I love this place. .
  15. . 79 dollars....79 fuckin dollars. You got to be outside your fuckin mind. I'm worth at least 90 bucks mister. Looks great keep it up. .
  16. . the avatar is ok but I love the new sig. yum yum. .
  17. . Zoe, Zoe , Zoe...I'm not offended one bit. Police are police no matter where you live. If you think that you know more about people and human nature...that's fine with me. I live in Canada just for the record, I don't think our Police have guns LOL, J/K, and I think the only one who is taking this personally and being offended is you! My whole post was because you said that police brutality does not happen in your fine, fine Country... I proved that it does. Now you're saying that you meant that your Police don't beat handcuffed people...more over, Women. I think now I understand wear your outrage is coming from. Ok then We must agree to disagree. Once again sorry to ruffle your feathers and I meant no offence. .
  18. . that was cool watching the cop punch the little guy in the face over and over again. .
  19. . Yes Zoe...we are talking about police brutality. Maybe Germany does have the best police in the whole wide world...I don't know I don't live there. What I do know is that people are the same all over the world. There are good people and bad people...sometimes bad people wear a badge...even in your country. So lets just take the Bundespolizei...they have 30,000 officers. You mean to tell me that nobody...not one of these officers, has ever laid his hands in anger on anyone in there custody. WOW. I don't even want to get into the GSG 9 counter terrorism group. I bet that group is all puppy dogs and rainbows 24/7. I'm sorry if I offended you when I called you naive...it wasn't meant as an insult. .
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