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Everything posted by LtLaszlo

  1. This looks more like a toy for her!!
  2. The original disks ($40.00) wouldn't play when I went to Windows 10, so had to pay $20.00 for the Steam version. But that $60.00 has gotten me 100s times the return in hours of fun with this game with you guys (and gals)! So for $7.00, even if you don't like it, at least it's almost free! LOL.
  3. Well I hope you're happy with your illegitimate president and the current status of the country!
  4. MP4 not working. ?? Ok, found it elsewhere. So you can edit, but not delete posts?
  5. Hah, bet you thought you'd see a picture of Trump!! LOL! Maybe next time!!
  6. I mean no offense to anyone here. I just wanted to provide some facts I had seen, and continue to see, since it seems like this jab is taken so lightly. I am passionate about my opinion, and apparently so are you all. That's fine. And it's not so few that feel this way either. Just please don't ask me to "vax", because I won't. You've heard my opinion, so I am done in this thread/topic. Good debates!
  7. Ya got me on a roll now!! LOL I'm with this guy! And this is why this shit will STOP! push back fuckers!.mp4
  8. Everything about the "virus" and this thread is political! https://rumble.com/vnpvnl-booooooom.html This is recent. Sounds like a LOT OF HEADS are going to explode! And this movement and opinion is growing daily!
  9. If you mean Trump, no worries. Sure, that's why protestors still carry Trump flags in France, Australia, etc. And Biden is will go down as a total laughing disgrace, as he should! Americans will take Trump any day. Many in voter regret right now, though they cheated anyway (but yes, a whole separate topic I'm not fighting about with any of you -wait). Your countries are suffering now because he is NOT our president. The global corruption continues until this is fixed. He'll be back sooner than later! WATCH! More good info found today: Kirsch to FDA.pdf
  10. That's right, my body and choice. And no I won't because the mandates are coming to an end here in the US soon, WATCH! They're not entirely even started here, not vax anyway. I can retire anytime, so no job mandate here and we're less than 100 people anway! I sure hope you don't vax the kids. You've got a strange definition of "Freedom" in Canada! Oh, that's right, you're basically socialist now. And I guess your media is blocking LARGE world wide protests, like our MSM. Fucking corruption is rampant - the swamp is deep! But it will be drained! Watch! It's happening here in the US! "They won't be able to walk down the streets!" cunt.MP4 Not only the college sports!! LOL! These two have ZERO respect left!
  11. NO, let's allow the therapeutics that DO fucking work, unlike what our and your lying media are saying and fully open the fucking world (Like India is doing). Did any of you watch anything I posted or you just wrote them off as BS? OMG! There is something else in play here, so quit being mindless sheep just to get on a fucking plane or go to a bar! Oh wait, vaxxed pilots are dying in-flight and the rest are walking. Hmmm? Fortunately, Southwest wised up and said screw the mandate from useless, asshole Obiden. Our country is in the toilette from this corrupt, braindead "president". Why are hundreds of medical professionals walking away from careers they've invested years and money in?! Better wake the fuck up before it's too late! Or don't. Go get your third, then fourth jab, whatever! Done! This is one of the best vidoes of the truth, from one of the best. Not a basement dweller! If you didn't watch any others, at least watch this one: https://rumble.com/vnhjq1-winning-the-war-against-therapeutic-nihilism-dr.-peter-mccullough.html And BTW Icequeen, thank you. And how many of those deaths were reported to VAERS?! Or were they just considered "old"?! This is the lie! You'll die of heart issues, cancer, etc, but they won't say it's the vax! Pete, I did understand your numbers. But you can't use that number of shots as ratio to deaths. Pain, they'll need to hold me down to jab me! Never! For the "betterment of humanity"? Your sure of this?! I don't want my DNA to be modified, forever, not to mention the poisons and spike proteins in it! No Way! You who did, God be with you!
  12. You could work for CNN Pete. Or doctors don't know math?! LOL There are only 360 ish million people in the States. If 50-60% are vaxxed, call it 200 million. If Vaers documents 1-10%, let's say 10% (80,000 deaths!), that's 0.04%. That's about the same as the survival rate of Covd for most age groups! And this doesn't even consider the other long term adverse issues people have or will have in the future. I'll take my chances surviving Covid, if I even get it, at 62 years old. They stopped the Sars Virus Vax at 50 something deaths, so....again, do your own research and decide for yourself! That's all I'm saying on this subject.
  13. CTV, say no more! Put them with BBC, CNN, owned by big money! Yes, th ePCR works, but only if using the correct thresholds/numbers. We know they changed the number so Anything has COVID! Wake up before its too late!
  14. This one is not up to date, but VAERS is the States Adverse reporting site. And it's actually one of a few sites. Here's the deaths only as of an older date. Lower than my previous post, but even if 10% reported, that's 80k!: The problem is, many aren't reporting as a "Vax" adverse affect, like my nephews case. If cancer, heart attack, etc. Sorry, but that's what the "vax" does. Looks like something else. It erodes your immune system over time. Let's see what happens when flu season comes! Here's another interesting story. An ACTAUL local news story in Detroit that backfired on our lying media. They wanted to know about COVID sickness stories, but got this instead! https://www.brighteon.com/ab1e4674-8bfa-4c6f-8de9-cce9591271f1 We ARE being lied to and if you don't think so, "Willful Ignorance"!
  15. Want to dispute VAERS data? And estimates are 1 - 10% reported! You want it, go ahead! And BTW, WHY doesn't MSM report this?! HMMM, I wonder!
  16. Pete, thanks for the feedback. There's been almost 200 views since I posted, and silence except for a few (so I'm just full of shit, I guess). I mean no disrespect, as you certainly know much more about the human body than I. And I have no doubt what you are telling me is true. However, I do take exception with a couple of your first comments. One, you mentions the "sites". It's not the site that is important, but who they are interviewing. And two, you mention this is not your particular line of expertise. These are people involved immunology, virology, former Pfizer employees involved in "vaccines", etc. Many are not anti-vax at all! But this is not your typical vaccine! But even aside from these peoples "opinion", do none of the Red Flags concern any of you? Not one person commented on that. I've been an engineer all my life, a person who thinks logically and right now, something doesn't add up, in my opinion something stinks! I truly believe there is something more at play here. Control? NWO? Again, I'm not here to convince anyone. of anything, just putting it out there. I've been following a lot of things, many "rabbit holes" and of course, I just know I will NOT be getting this experiment - ever! Some rabbit holes are actually quite fascinating!! Aliens, Illuminati, Flat Earth, etc. Election Fraud (Trump will be our president again, BTW) LOL! Do your own research - there's a lot out there (and yes, some crap info)! Happy hunting!
  17. So, for the past 8 months I have kept silent on this topic. I tried to give warnings here in XI about the vaccine (that actually an Experimental Gene Therapy (EGT), but as on FakeBook, my own family and friends just laugh and I'm, of course, labeled a "Conspiracy Theorist". So here in XI, I stopped and FB blocks most all content on the issue. I have a brother, who after some Instant Messages on the EGT, actually told me to stop sending him this "crap". His brother-in-law is a doctor and said nothing to worry about. Wow, put your faith in one man, like many have in criminal Fauci. So I stopped. He and his family got the jab, and I now a have nephew in the hospital (26 yrs old). He had a tumor removed from his brain, and following that was told them he has blood clots (one of the horrible side adverse affects) and additional tumors. I pray he makes it. We are seeing this throughout the world, just not on MSM (WHY?!). So, following this post, as an XI PSA, I am going to list several doctors who are trying to get this word out. We're all being scared into thinking our government knows what is best for us. Why on earth are people lining up for the EGT for a virus that is 98-99% recoverable, even for older fucks like me?! 99% plus for kids. Why?! Does not any of the below raise a red flag for any of you? If you're religious, should our faith in God, that He gave us an immune system cause pause? If you'r enot, maybe you should be. But don't shove the vax down the throat of those that don't. If you got it, your safe, right?! I'm for choice, so if you need to feel "safe", by all means go ahead. These things don't make you wonder at all?: 1. The PCR test are NOT reliable! I will be posting the name of the inventor of the PCR test and what they did to spread this fear in the entire world! 2. They lied about the COVID stats. If you had COVID, but had pneumonia or a heart attack, they listed as COVID. If you got shot by a gun and died and had it, it was a C19 death! WHY? For both big money per deaths and to keep the fear levels up. 3. Why were HCQ and Ivermectin both squashed by the "experts", who praised it years earlier, like dumbass Fauci himself did in 2015 (he should hang first, for crimes against humanity, along with Bill Gates!). And it continues to be squashed, though Joe Rogen just used it and recovered in three days. Of course, the media claimed he used a "horse prescription". He took the human version, which won a Nobel Peace Prize (though MSM, like USA Today and some other claim otherwise. Bullshit lies). Did you know that the largest state in India has vaccinated only 5% of its 230 million people. Instead, they issued all citizens a $3.00 "med pack" of Ivermectin, Zinc, Vitamin C, etc. and have almost eradicated Covid! 4. Why is there such a push for this EGT?! Free stuff, donuts, lotteries? Really? Never has the been a push for this stuff. Never! Remember, 98-99% survival! 5. Did you know Pfizer and Moderna have had lawsuits in the past for failures? 6. Did you know more vaxxed people are getting it and are hospitalized for C19 than non-vaxxed? Then what's the point of such a risk?! 7. Have you seen ANY of the nurses and doctors that are now whistleblowers, exposing the real story of what is happening (like to my nephew)? See my next post! 8. Do you not wonder why hundreds, thousands are leaving their jobs in the medical field, law enforcement and military? 400 are set to walk out of Henry Ford hospital, where my nephew is currently. So, before you want to call me dumbass and STFU, at least do me the favor of watching some before you spew your opinions. There are lots on conspiracies on why, from, of course, money/big pharma to bioweapon/genocide. I sincerely hope they're wrong, I really do. But the more I see, the more I am afraid for all of you and I will NEVER comply to a this "clotshot". So please, if you're on the fence about it, check some of this info out. Very little I post of the subject gets through on Fakebook, so go to my personal profile, where all of the things I've been trying to warn about are there. Some "Fact Checked" by the group FB pays to check (wrong - FU FB!). Since Google and Youtube block most, go to Rumble and/or BitChute and search Covid Vaccines. Search for Stew Peters, X22 report, podcasters who are interviewing actual experts in the field. Or better yet, get on Telegram, where you get the truth MSM is blocking/suppressing. You may be shocked. You should be shocked! After the list and links post, I will say no more about it, unless someone wants further information. I've done all I can to spread the truth, but you decide for yourself. I've followed many of them for over a year and a half, so I've condensed a lot of time for you all. Your welcome. I'm tired of trying, so pay the consequences if these people are right! What if, just what if this is a bioweapon?! 1.5 - 2 billion people may die way before they should!! Have you read about the elites and the NWO? The want to reduce the population! They have no God (Satan, maybe), so they don't care about you!
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